Spring and the macro lens

Pussy Willow
Pussy Willow
Forget Me Nots
Forget Me Nots

It was warm and not too windy – so I took the camera out to the Asylum garden.

I was sitting on the ground using my knees as a tripod – a resident came by and wanted to know if she should go get a nurse to help me up. I assured her I could get up myself. I was told that I was not allowed to get up myself. I had to be helped up by a nurse and “checked out”. The lady did not believe that I didn’t fall, but actually got down on the ground on purpose. Life in the Asylum.

I got the report program finished today. I will celebrate by taking tomorrow off. Might hit the Zoo or the National Cathedral or Hillwood House for a little photo trip.

Spring? Maybe…

Tulips from the walk home. With the plastic lens.
Tulips from the walk home. With the plastic lens.

Still working on the report. Maybe they’ll fire me for taking too long. Most of the things I do, I can do from home. But the SQL generator only runs on PC’s. Not on Macs and not on the server.

Cool and sunny today. No complaints about the weather. And, I got home too late for lunch – the not too late for the salad bar. And, on the salad bar they had a huge pile of nice crispy grilled asparagus. Guess who got a big box of takeout asparagus? No complaints about the dining service either.

Interesting post from 4 years ago: The Stainless Steel Tree.

Tuesday … Is it spring yet?


Went on a little walk around the asylum looking for signs of spring.


Working on a report at work. I am a little concerned that it is taking me so long. But, then again it isn’t like they are going to fire me. Or get someone else in the office to do it. I wrote my first lines of code over 50 years ago. Who would have guessed that I would still doing it. First hacked code for the Bendix G-15. In assembly language and a strange language called “Intercom”. I remember nothing about either. Now, I am just trying to hack an SQL report out of an octopus of a database. Maybe it will help stave off dementia.

Think I need to go visit The Grace Hopper Rock down in Pentagon City.



The Art Studio
The Art Studio

The Asylum Art Studio is stuffed with interesting items. I am not an art studio type person. Maybe when I get really old…

Good day at work. And, it was sunny and warmish today. Still really windy. I suspect that the wind is more geography and less weather… The asylum is a tall building on top of a small hill. That attracts wind.

I don’t think this is art. I think it is a paper towel that was used for clean up. But, who knows?


SW – 6

The OBC and SW-6
The OBC and SW-6

The Old Bat Cave is up at the top of the image in the red box. SW-6 is in the foreground. And what you might ask is SW-6? One of 40 boundary stones that define The District of Columbia. (And, the boundary between Arlington – where I used to live and where the Asylum parking lot is located – and the oh so very suburban Fairfax where I live now and where the Asylum front door is located.)

Like most of the residents of the Asylum SW-6 has seen better days. It was even hit by a car.
Like most Asylum residents, SW-6 has seen better days. It was even hit by a car. Which isn’t real surprising since it is in the middle of a street.

Since 1915 the DAR has “looked after” the boundary stones. More or less. The put green fences around them in 1917. And surprisingly 39 of them still exist. (Two are in storage.) Marking off the original 100 square mile federal district in one mile chunks.


There is a “Boundary Stone Bar” – and once a year it tries to do a bike tour of all the stones. Hunting them down – and some are on private property is a wonky inside the beltway game.

I can see SW 6 from my window. Before the trees get all leafed out.

How is that for getting to like my new neighborhood? I am trying. Resisted the urge to hop on a bus back to my old area this morning and wandered around this area. The average per capita income is most likely 100K less in my new locale. Tapas Bars have been replaced by bodegas. Yoga studios by check cashing establishments. And a trip to my nearest Starbucks is like a mini-vacation in Kabul.

The fireworks were called off last night – it was too cold. And, I was wrong about the Cherry Blossom Parade. It is actually next weekend. SO – I might still take in the parade. Or not. And, I might see the fireworks. Or not. If they are rescheduled.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my Worse Day Ever. No, not the day I came home from work to find Carlton peacefully dead. But, the day that Carlton called me at work and said “I have Merkle Cell Carcinoma”. And, I Googled it. Of course there is a blog entry.

It has been a long journey. Six months we travel the road together. The last 18 months, I have been going it alone. Nobody is promised tomorrow.

Turning The Home into My Home

It is NOT a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
It is NOT a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

Had about an hour of “conversational” snow this morning. I decided to bypass the Cherry Blossom Parade. The Cherry Blossom fireworks are tonight. I could see them from my old digs. Don’t think I’ll be able to see them from here. But, I’ll check.

Today, I cooked. Yes, real food. I turned on the stove. And cooked food using the stove. I should be ashamed to admit that in six months I haven’t even boiled water. But, I am not.

I sort of decided that I need to do feed myself from time to time. And not just eat in the dining room, get takeout, or call room service. Carlton and I lived a lot a places with the Park Service. But, the first thing I always did was make a meal for us. And, when we would return home, I would always make food for us – first thing. When we we got to our hotel room in Kona – my first stop would be KTA for food. Remember – Carlton didn’t eat “out”. So, even when we would be driving across country, I had to scour up something for us to eat in our room.

I am glad to have food available 13 hours a day. Food that is just a phone call or elevator ride away. Food that I pay for if I eat it or not.

But, making food helps make the Old Bat Cave home.

See - the stove is ON
See – the stove is ON

This would be butternut squash, chopped up tomato, onions and peppers and garlic, various herbs and spices. Carlton loved this. We had some variation of it at least twice a month. When it was done – I put in a bunch of spinach and divided it up into 4 containers. 3 went in the freezer. 1 in the fridge for tomorrow’s dinner. It is one of those dishes that is better after it lounges in the fridge overnight.  I’ll nuke it, and top with a little parmesan and sour cream.

Note to Carlton: In your honor, I put The Masters on the rabbit-eared TV just now. It is like you are here! Your favorite dinner in the fridge and golf on the tele. But it is all good, Carlton. I am glad you were able to take the express train out, cheating cancer out of the long death. And, that you left me with a plan to follow. I took a few detours. Maybe a shortcut or two. Did some things you wouldn’t have done. Still I am where you wanted me to be “after”… and it is becoming Home.



It’s Aloha Friday…

This doesn't look too good.
This doesn’t look too good.

When I came back to the Old Bat Cave after an early dinner yesterday I see what must be a fire over in Maryland.

Still cold today. And, it will be colder tomorrow. But, the possibility of snow seems to have vanished from the forecast.

Today I went to Trader Joe and brought a backpack full of real food home. I consider this a huge step forward. The asylum is home. Not a hotel. Making food makes me happy. Today, I made my own cheese sandwich. And I didn’t go back to my old neighborhood Traders. I walked the mile to my new neighborhood Traders. This was a step towards accepting the asylum not as “a home” but rather as “my home”.

I got butternut squash, onions, peppers and tomatoes. This makes one of Carlton’s favorite meals. I am pretty fond of it too. I will have to pick up some bay leaves, basil and oregano. And maybe some parmesan to grate on top. There will be leftovers. Future healthy meals. Will be cooking tomorrow.

And on the other hand…

This is looking pretty good.
This is looking pretty good.

Just before I went to dinner last night – there was a great rainbow out the window of the OBC.

Last night’s talent show was as expected. But, years of listening to the Hulihe’e Palace Band conditioned my ears. I clapped and cheered. And, said I was already looking forward to next year’s show.

Happy Hour and dinner in the “Formal Dining Room” with an assortment of new friends.

Need a little kona …

kailua bay - feb 21
kailua bay – feb 21

Watching the home opener on the rabbit-eared tv. but from where I am sitting in the Old Bat Cave – I think I see rain rolling by. It was seriously stormy this morning. The boss brought me home. Completely unnecessary – but greatly appreciated. I didn’t even mind doing the treadmill to log some miles. It is raining at the ballpark now. Rain and wind. Not fun.

Note to Carlton: The sports update – you would still recognize all the leading tennis players. At least I remember the names from when you watched. And you would remember the golfers. Gray Player at 80+ made a hole-in-one during a practice round at at Augusta the other day. They just stopped play – score tied in the 2nd. The Nats are 2 and 0 this season. You were never a fan of basketball – but the NCAA championship game was great. (Not as great as 50 years ago, when my college won). And, on to our favorite sport – politics. You would recognize Hillary. But none of the other contenders. Actually you would recognize The Donald. But, you wouldn’t believe that he is making a “serious” run for the Republican nomination.

The other day, a lady got on the elevator with a HUGE load of luggage. I make some smartass comment along the lines of “Are you making a run for it”. Well, it seems that the lady was heading off for a month in Kenya. She will be speaking about Quakerism. I wondered aloud if there was much demand for that. Apparently 40% of the Quakers on the planet live in East Africa. Who knew? This isn’t my mother’s old folks home.

The much anticipated (???) annual asylum talent show is tonight. I wasn’t planning on attending but decided that I should. And, who knows. It might be better than I anticipate. We have our share of “famous” residents. But none that I know of are “famous” entertainers. And, the musical tastes of the inmates would have made my parents happy.

The more colorful version.
The more colorful version.

Perfect Kona. Got the ocean, the dogs, the keiki, the swimmers, the paddlers … And palm trees.


possession of burglarious tools

good flower for old bleeding heart liberal!
good flower for old bleeding heart liberal!

Several miscreants were arrested the other day for, among other things “possession of burglarious tools” Burglarious? really?

2006 Code of Virginia § 18.2-94 – Possession of burglarious tools, etc

18.2-94. Possession of burglarious tools, etc.

If any person have in his possession any tools, implements or outfit, with intent to commit burglary, robbery or larceny, upon conviction thereof he shall be guilty of a Class 5 felony. The possession of such burglarious tools, implements or outfit by any person other than a licensed dealer, shall be prima facie evidence of an intent to commit burglary, robbery or larceny.

(Code 1950, 18.1-87; 1960, c. 358; 1970, c. 587; 1975, cc. 14, 15.)

Yes, Virginia, you can not possess burglarious tools… at least if you intend to use them.

Today was “National Walking Day”. According to the Fitbit – I logged 6.4 miles going about my normal life. I did not feel compelled to go on the hospital organized noon time walkabout. I napped instead. Wonder when National Napping Day is? Oops, I missed it. National Napping Day was March 16.

cold. very cold.

Remains of the Flower Show
Remains of the Flower Show

Today is yoga class day. I didn’t get home until almost 3PM. And I found the remains of a flower show. A daffodil show to be exact. I wandered around, taking pictures with Shamu the Phone…All these wonderful arrangements were left for us old people. I picked out a great little arrangement.

Now, on to food. It was 3PM – too late for lunch. Too early for dinner. Off to the Bistro. This week’s Special Sandwich – I got it. Great, genius, marvelous sandwich. Bagel, a little cream cheese, a little avocado, a slice of tomato, some perfectly fried bacon, a pile of excellent lox (yes lox and bacon), and a lettuce leaf. I was going to eat 1/2 and save the rest for “later”. Well, “later” was about 5 minutes after I finished the first half.

Went off to the weekly “newcomers” meeting. Taking one yoga class a week was one of my New Year’s resolutions. Checked that one off. And, doing at least one activity at the asylum every week was another. Going to the “newcomers” meeting checks off the asylum activity.

And finally, more cold is on tap for tomorrow.

Monday Monday

Apple Blossom TIme
Apple Blossom TIme

The Bad News: It is going to be in the low 30’s tomorrow when I go to the bus stop.

The Good News: Just got an email announcing the dinner special “Grilled Swordfish with blueberry salsa.” And if I wait too late for dinner and they run out – this week’s “special sandwich” is “Salmon BLT” which sounds yummy too.

The First Bee of  2016
The First Bee of 2016

Shot apple blossoms and a few bees this afternoon. The bee shot isn’t a keeper. But, it is the first one of the year.

lazy cold windy day

sunday sunrise from the old bat cave
sunday sunrise from the old bat cave – click for bigger view

According to my weather app there were 60 mph winds last night. It sure sounded like it here in the old bat cave. The bathroom and stove vents were howling. And the water in the john was rocking and rolling. And it was 42 degrees this morning.

A good day to stay indoors. Even in the apartment. I had breakfast downstairs and did my laundry. That was the extend of my wanderings. Sunday is a strange day at the asylum. Children come to visit the inmates. There are a variety of church services. And, one of the dining venues is closed at dinner. This just causes confusion. So, my Sunday plan is eat breakfast and do laundry. Skip the noon and evening meals. And if I really want to eat what they are serving – order up room service.

I am happier with my rearranged lamps. The only problem is I need a remote on/off switch for one of the lamps – it is on order from Amazon. I was going to manufacture one – but, I figured that at my age – it might be safer to order one vice make one out of spare electrical parts. But, since I had my “electrical stuff” box out – I decided to hook my external monitor/TV up to the inhouse “Senior TV” cable system. Trust me “free” Senior TV is worth what it costs. I get more channels with my rabbit ears. And, I get them in HD.

After rearranging the 4 lamps – 3 of the pictures needed shuffling. Guess this is all a part of “getting settled”.

You all know I want a robot cat. What is so hard about making a robot cat? Well, I have an addition technology wish. I want a great VR reading room/library. I want all my ebooks on shelves. I want to be able to wander around and pick them up and look at them like they were real books. And, I want my audio books and some eMagazines in there too. When it gets really good – I think I should be able to read  books with my VR setup. In a nice cozy chair by the fire or on the beach. But, I realize that will be harder. I could listen to my audiobooks. I know this wouldn’t be a fun as a total global warfare game for the developer. But, I would like it. So, get cracking and develop a VR system for granny!