SW – 6

The OBC and SW-6
The OBC and SW-6

The Old Bat Cave is up at the top of the image in the red box. SW-6 is in the foreground. And what you might ask is SW-6? One of 40 boundary stones that define The District of Columbia. (And, the boundary between Arlington – where I used to live and where the Asylum parking lot is located – and the oh so very suburban Fairfax where I live now and where the Asylum front door is located.)

Like most of the residents of the Asylum SW-6 has seen better days. It was even hit by a car.
Like most Asylum residents, SW-6 has seen better days. It was even hit by a car. Which isn’t real surprising since it is in the middle of a street.

Since 1915 the DAR has “looked after” the boundary stones. More or less. The put green fences around them in 1917. And surprisingly 39 of them still exist. (Two are in storage.) Marking off the original 100 square mile federal district in one mile chunks.


There is a “Boundary Stone Bar” – and once a year it tries to do a bike tour of all the stones. Hunting them down – and some are on private property is a wonky inside the beltway game.

I can see SW 6 from my window. Before the trees get all leafed out.

How is that for getting to like my new neighborhood? I am trying. Resisted the urge to hop on a bus back to my old area this morning and wandered around this area. The average per capita income is most likely 100K less in my new locale. Tapas Bars have been replaced by bodegas. Yoga studios by check cashing establishments. And a trip to my nearest Starbucks is like a mini-vacation in Kabul.

The fireworks were called off last night – it was too cold. And, I was wrong about the Cherry Blossom Parade. It is actually next weekend. SO – I might still take in the parade. Or not. And, I might see the fireworks. Or not. If they are rescheduled.

Today is the 2nd anniversary of my Worse Day Ever. No, not the day I came home from work to find Carlton peacefully dead. But, the day that Carlton called me at work and said “I have Merkle Cell Carcinoma”. And, I Googled it. Of course there is a blog entry.

It has been a long journey. Six months we travel the road together. The last 18 months, I have been going it alone. Nobody is promised tomorrow.

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