lazy cold windy day

sunday sunrise from the old bat cave
sunday sunrise from the old bat cave – click for bigger view

According to my weather app there were 60 mph winds last night. It sure sounded like it here in the old bat cave. The bathroom and stove vents were howling. And the water in the john was rocking and rolling. And it was 42 degrees this morning.

A good day to stay indoors. Even in the apartment. I had breakfast downstairs and did my laundry. That was the extend of my wanderings. Sunday is a strange day at the asylum. Children come to visit the inmates. There are a variety of church services. And, one of the dining venues is closed at dinner. This just causes confusion. So, my Sunday plan is eat breakfast and do laundry. Skip the noon and evening meals. And if I really want to eat what they are serving – order up room service.

I am happier with my rearranged lamps. The only problem is I need a remote on/off switch for one of the lamps – it is on order from Amazon. I was going to manufacture one – but, I figured that at my age – it might be safer to order one vice make one out of spare electrical parts. But, since I had my “electrical stuff” box out – I decided to hook my external monitor/TV up to the inhouse “Senior TV” cable system. Trust me “free” Senior TV is worth what it costs. I get more channels with my rabbit ears. And, I get them in HD.

After rearranging the 4 lamps – 3 of the pictures needed shuffling. Guess this is all a part of “getting settled”.

You all know I want a robot cat. What is so hard about making a robot cat? Well, I have an addition technology wish. I want a great VR reading room/library. I want all my ebooks on shelves. I want to be able to wander around and pick them up and look at them like they were real books. And, I want my audio books and some eMagazines in there too. When it gets really good – I think I should be able to read  books with my VR setup. In a nice cozy chair by the fire or on the beach. But, I realize that will be harder. I could listen to my audiobooks. I know this wouldn’t be a fun as a total global warfare game for the developer. But, I would like it. So, get cracking and develop a VR system for granny!

six months

Today's flower from the asylum lawn.
Today’s flower from the asylum lawn.

Well, I have been at the asylum for 6 months now. Of course, I was in Hawai’i for 4 of them. So, I am not sure I deserve at “six month chip”. I sure don’t have six months of continuous asylum. I think that tomorrow, I’ll have 3 weeks of continuous asylum.

I continue to be unhappy with the lighting in the Old Bat Cave. So, today I repositioned all four lamps. The old apartment had window walls. And here I have 3 little windows. I’ll keep fiddling around until I am happy or too old to care. I have two really expensive LED bulbs. They promise to last 22 years. I plan on leaving them to someone in my will!

Living in the asylum is sort of like an “out of body” experience. I am here. Looking around. Doing things. But I am just watching. And the real me – is asking – WTF am I doing with all these old people. Then I look in a mirror and realize that I am where I belong. But, when did I get old? How did this happen? Where is Carlton? Why didn’t he get old?

Note to Carlton: I see people walking around holding hands – even here in the asylum. And, I think – we should have held hands more. But, neither of us liked walking and holding hands. I was half way down to breakfast this morning when I realized I didn’t have your ring on. I came back and got it. I don’t feel right without it. I noticed that most of the widows here don’t wear wedding rings.


Sunny Aloha Friday.


Nice warm sunny day today. Took the macro lens out for a little stroll around the grounds of the asylum. Not many flowers. But, you don’t need too many.

I seem to be mending well from yesterday’s tooth extraction. The Asylum had a nice eggplant and garbanzo ragout on the dinner menu. It was easy to eat. Maybe, tomorrow  I can eat anything I want.

In addition to dinner – I went to Happy Hour.  This will be my 3rd week in a row to have drinks and then dinner with the same group of young old women. A 99 year old woman joined us for Happy Hour. She had a couple of martinis – straight up. Virginia, the 99 year old woman, lives on the “Nursing Home Floor” – but one of the young old woman sprung Virginia for the evening. Note to self: If you live long – be sure to have young old friends. They will spring you out of the nursing unit for happy hour martinis.


Boy Dentist 1 – Old Woman 0

Last Saturday - Clarendon
Last Saturday – Clarendon

Went to get my teeth cleaned this afternoon. Lenor the hygienist says Number One doesn’t look very good. Does it hurt? she asks. Nope. Says I. (Nevermind that it hurt like hell the other night. What Lenor doesn’t know will not hurt me.)

Shortly, the Boy Dentist comes in and says Number One has got to go. Lenor and Boy Dentist confer. “Hey this is your lucky day, we can take that bad boy out this very afternoon.”

So, as soon as Lenor is finished torturing me – or cleaning my teeth as she calls it. I find myself waiting to get my tooth pulled. It didn’t take very long. And, thanks to large amounts of Novacaine – it didn’t hurt (yet).

But, if I had known it was going to happen – I would have had lunch and a triple shot of espresso before stepping foot in the dental office.

Now I am facing several hours of “keep biting on a wad of cotton” followed by “don’t really eat or drink anything until tomorrow” and then “be careful”.

Wonder what the jello du jour is? I have yogurt in the fridge. Maybe I can have some by 8 or 9 tonight. Or maybe I am on a zero calorie diet. Maybe I should stop whining. It is over. And I didn’t have to worry about it for long – 45 minutes max.

I am a wimp.


Soon it will be a dogwood

When I make pictures, I really want the horizon  level – unless it is a lens issue. And I want the right thing tack sharp in focus. I was checking the focus on these dogwoods –

a tiny insect
a tiny insect

and found a tiny insect. Passes my focus test!

My tooth is much better today – but – I am seeing the dentist tomorrow. Think I’ll continue to ignore the tooth unless the boy dentist or the hygienist or the xrays find something wrong. After all, I might get hit by a bus. No reason to rush into pulling teeth.

They had a lecture about memory loss this afternoon here at the asylum. I remembered the meeting and went down. The room was very crowded with people all ready to take notes. I left. Figured that if I remembered the memory loss meeting, its time and location – well, I didn’t need to go. At least not this year!

I walked home from work today. According to Google it is 3 miles. About 1/2 of it is nice. But the last half is just walking on the sidewalk on a busy uninteresting street. And, there is really only one route to take. But, I figured I would rather knock off my exercise walking home rather than bussing home and then spending an hour treadmilling. Keeping the old body functioning is a full time job. Or at least an all consuming hobby.

Tomorrow – after the dentist – it will be Uber Time.



I adore camellias.
I adore camellias.

I adore camellias. And all I had was Shamu the Phone. You shoot with what you have.

Guess what? Middle School hasn’t changed. I accidently got on a “school bus” this afternoon. Oh, it looked like the regular 75 bus. But then, it stopped at the middle school. It was immediately stuffed with kids. At least 4 times the bus driver refused to move the bus until the young miscreants stopped some behaviour or the other.

For years my various kid dentists have said “We need to watch that tooth.” Well, I think it is time to stop watching that old wisdom tooth and take it out. It is starting to hurt and seems a little wiggly. I just don’t like the idea of having a tooth pulled.

Well Carlton, if I hadn’t bought out the lease and moved out early – I would be leaving VA Square next month – or continuing to rent month to month. But, by the end of February – I was ahead since I am paying way less here at the asylum. I am still not real happy with the new location. But, I am really glad to have completed the downsizing and moving. And, I when I have my tooth taken out I have access to all the Jello, soup and ice cream I can eat. I can even get it delivered. “Hello, Room Service: Please send up a serving of the Jello du jour. And a side of bananas.”

Speaking of eating, I dined in tonight. And I enjoyed my own company very much.

A last holiday picture from the Asylum

Adult Bunnie. Notice the wine is rosé. No real wine was harmed in the production of this tableau.

After my much needed nap, I went out to finish off the FitBit miles and to take some spring flower pictures. Well, it was windy enough to blow my ears off – so – I came back inside and stomped around the halls for a bit. Where I discovered this Easter decoration.

Crazy person shooting inside the US Capitol just now. I fear that I have become completely jaded about killings and bombings. Which, I admit, is nothing to be proud of. But, these inhumane acts are so common – be it caused by terrorists, crazy people, or just plain old fashioned thugs – that they have become the “new normal”.

Easter @ Asylum

The Easter Brunch Buffet - Lined Up For Action Before Breakfast.
The Easter Brunch Buffet – Lined Up For Action Before Breakfast.
Rabbits Everywhere.
Rabbits Everywhere. Well this is a faith based asylum!
And, what is Easter without decorated eggs?
And, what is Easter without decorated eggs?

Easter was freaking scary. About 500 old people live here. Most of the old people have family who either spring the inmates or come and visit and eat with the inmates.

The Asylum makes a HUGE deal out of their “Easter Buffet Brunch” in the Jefferson Dining Room. All of the reservations were taken days ago. There are two sittings. “Appropriate Attire” is required. Of course, I don’t have a reservation. I planned on ignoring the whole thing.

I was doing my laundry this morning, when a man who has lived here many years told me the secret. He said to go down to the “Bistro” right at 1130 when they will start to serve a limited version of the buffet. Ask for a take out box. Fill it up and come back upstairs and enjoy a nice peaceful lunch whenever. And, be sure to get enough to have leftovers for dinner.

My Lunch/Dinner
My Lunch/Dinner

I was still going to ignore the whole thing. But, I went downstairs at 11:30 figuring it wouldn’t be busy. Well, I was wrong. The entire first floor was stuffed with people. All dressed up. Except for me. I am wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. People of all ages. Our population of 500 has expanded to include children, grandkids and great grandkids.

I notice that the Bistro has a modest buffet line setup. And, no customers. Everyone is in lines for the first sitting in THE FORMAL DINING ROOM, PROPER ATTIRE REQUIRED. So, as I was instructed, I get a box of food, from the Bistro.  And retreat to the tranquility of my apartment.

I go back downstairs at 2PM – and the lobby is still stuffed with people waiting to get at the buffet lines.

Thank you, man in the laundry room. This shall be my plan for each and every formal holiday meal at the asylum. Take Out. And, since Carlton and I never actually celebrated the traditional holidays… I don’t get all sentimental about them. I am perfectly happy to eat, drink and read. Alone.

Being happy in the asylum requires patience, flexibility, and being nice to everyone no matter what. But, if this was Easter, it is frightening to think of what Xmas must be like. Well, it will be a few years before I have to find out what Xmas @ Asylum is like. (Hopefully).


What? You expected flowers or bunnies…

It's a LaSalle - 1939 maybe?
It’s a LaSalle – 1939 maybe?
Complete with original interior.
Complete with original interior.
For this photo ... I missed my bus.
For this photo … I missed my bus.
The original bullet boob hood ornament.
The original bullet boob hood ornament.

I was hoping that the owner would show up. But, he/she didn’t. It was a lovely, perfectly restored machine. Parked at the curb by Revolution Cycles across from Whole Foods in Clarendon. (My old neighborhood. I bussed back “home” today.)

Seems that I have gained weight after one week on the train and three weeks back home in the asylum. At the current rate – I be 50 pounds fatter by this time next year. The alarm has been sounded.

The problem is the unlimited access to food that “I have already paid for”. That is Carlton-thinking at its finest. Well, there is the other problem – I just love to eat. I have to think up some sort of control mechanism. If that fails – I’ll just have to stop eating the asylum food – never mind that it is “already paid for” – and revert to cooking for myself. Will power. Or may “won’t power”. I won’t have dessert. I won’t have wine. I won’t have soft ice cream. I won’t have seafood imperial or lobster newburg.

Note to Carlton – I found your DD214 – the one I made you get years ago. So, I can stick you in the columbarium at Arlington if I am so disposed. Or I can take you back to Hawai’i and put you in the foundation plantings and flower beds at Hulihe’e like you wanted. Or I can tell Georgetown to put you in Mt Olivet. You really are dead and it really will not matter. Hulihe’e or Arlington means that someone – my lawyer I suppose – might feel like I will need to join you at one of those venues. If you are at Mt Olivet, I could “join” you. Georgetown could just leave what is left of me there too. I am pretty sure you don’t care what happens to you – just “Don’t put me in the ocean – I get seasick!” (I am thinking that Georgetown will be finished with you within the next couple of months. Or not.) And that is my Easter message.

I am hungry. Time to go downstairs and try “restraint” and “moderation”.

It’s Aloha Friday…

Tulips – Ballston

Interesting day at the office. I started and finished a project. All in one 4 hour day.  And, here at the Asylum – Happy Hour with new friends. This is the second week in a row. So, a new “tradition”. A good way to end the week.

Feeling more settled in here in the Old Bat Cave. Wonder what I’ll do this weekend? It might be time for another weekend technology timeout.


More Spring Today

Got white
Got yellow
Got pink. And blue sky.

Well, I have figured out how to to get to and from work with a minimum of hassle. And, I am getting to know my way around the bus system in my new neighborhood. This is making me happier with my new digs.

Walked around the new neighborhood after work. It isn’t anywhere near as fun as the old neighborhood was for walking. (Or shopping.) But, I am dealing with it.

Think I go make an origami bunny. Then go down to dinner. Crab Cakes are the special. They make great crab cakes here.

Spring today.

Neighborhood Cherry Tree
A Neighborhood Cherry Tree

Lovely spring day. Lots of walking. The FitBit is happy. The body is feeling a little over exercised. And, my feet are wondering why did I think it would be a great idea to walk 5 miles the first time I wore my new shoes.

One of my friends reports on the critters he sees on his daily bike commute to work. Well, here is mine: 1 rabbit. 1 chipmunk. And one unfriendly dog.

Took a few photos along the way home.

There has to be a great caption for this – but it hasn’t come to me yet.

The inmates here at the asylum keep talking about “writing a book” or doing an autobiography or memoir. They asked me to join their writing club. Well, it occurs to me that I am actually writing my memoirs. One blog post at a time. Not to mention – no one would care about my life. Heck, I am not very interested in my life. And, as soon as I am not around to pay for web hosting and domain registration – well – this will vanish. Impermanence. Very Buddhist.