It is still raining…

Bat from American Samoa
Bat from American Samoa

I loved those bats!

Made a SERIOUS mistake this rainy Sunday morning. I decided to read all the “news” parts of the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Washington Posts. (In the dead tree paper – not on line.) There wasn’t a single cheerful, optimistic or even neutral article, column or op-ed piece. The cheeriest part of the papers were the obits – where I happily noted that people younger than me die all the time from various cancers that you get just because you have bad luck.

So, there is hope that I’ll not live to see how this mess of radicalized selfish weapons packing bomb tossing humanity plays out over the next 30 years. I guess things were this bad in the 1930s. But, the 1930s didn’t end so very good.

I am not afraid from my physical safety. We live in a dangerous time. (Aren’t all times dangerous? Plague, famine, smallpox, polio, enslavement, debtor’s prison, electroshock treatment, lynchings, nuclear bombs… the list goes on and on.) I can deal with the physical dangers – it is the total fraying of civil society that distresses me.

And, there is nothing at all that I can see that a little old lady can do to slow this march to madness.

Maybe we need to be invaded by aliens.

Oh, on a lighter note – in one of the “not news” sections of the paper a question was asked: “How long will cannabis infused butter last in the fridge?” – now that question is as silly as asking how to use up leftover dark chocolate truffles. Somethings just aren’t going to happen.

It rained.

My World View
My World View.
A closer look.
A closer look.

Rain. Not great torrents of rain. No lightening. Nothing exciting. Just wet. And more wet. Seattle without legal weed, great coffee and assisted suicide.

Note to Carlton: I am happy to report that you would absolutely hate the green beans that they served at the asylum today. Nice and crunchy. Just like you hated them!

There was a memorial service this afternoon at the asylum for a departed resident. The dearly departed lady was Resident #1 when the asylum opened 39 years ago. For the last couple of years she was in poor health. She was in her early 60’s when she moved in.

Having drinks yesterday one of my 90 something neighbors stopped by to share a glass of wine… When she was in her late 70’s she went around the world on a several freighters (alone). She encouraged me to do likewise before I hit the 79 year old mark – because after 80 one is declare too old to travel by freighter.

A lot of interesting and adventurous old ladies live here.

I, however, was neither interesting nor adventurous today.
I, however, was neither interesting nor adventurous today. I was old.



yellow rose of the asylum
yellow rose of the asylum

Finally. The Employee Health Computer system is back. At 1300 today – the IT department threw in the towel and rolled the network back 7 days. And by 1301 – it was all good again.

Finally. I got out of the office before 1400 hours.

Finally. When I got home – it was warm and sunny.

Finally. It’s Aloha Friday.

Note to Carlton: I saw Lelia yesterday – she still works at the hospital. She is over 80. And she is still as happy and perky as ever.

It is supposed to be cold and rainy tomorrow. But, that is then. Nobody is promised tomorrow – so I should welcome tomorrow – rain and all.

some sort of a wasp.
some sort of a wasp

Glad I got some photos today. Don’t think there will be any tomorrow.

Eat More Cheese.

The Asylum birds eat very well - nothing but the best thistle and sunflower seeds.
The Asylum birds eat very well – nothing but the best thistle and sunflower seeds.

Still chilly and cloudy. But, I didn’t deploy the umbrella today. I had it with me.

Reading the WJS – big article about the US Cheese glut. All of the cheese warehouses are stuffed. So, we are all called on to eat an addition 3 pounds of cheese this year. I can do that. And apparently it is all kinds of cheese – so – eat up boys and girls.

peony – not too very fond of this image after all.

The Rain – IT’S BACK.

“LIVE” Health? As opposed to “DEAD” Health, maybe?

No bees today. The rain is back. And, I spent the afternoon “prettifying” a flyer for work.

So, it is chilly and rainy. In honor of Mr C – it is time for a little gratitude list.

  1. Uber – got me home this afternoon. 3 minutes after firing up the app, I was in the car. And 11 minutes later, I was walking in the door at the asylum. ($8.32 Carlton – deal with it!)
  2. The wonderful spinach and tomato soup the asylum had on tap for me when I came in for a late lunch.
  3. Cara Cara oranges – season is almost over.

Three is good. Let’s not overdo this gratitude business.

This is just wrong!
This is just wrong. A dog has a better life than most people.

I like signs almost as much as bees. And, I got these two on Sunday.

This fine event was this afternoon:

Our fashion show and shopping event with Taylor Marie’s Apparel is taking place on Tuesday, May 17. Watch the Atrium and Rotunda transform into a clothing boutique featuring racks of fashionable women’s clothing and accessories from respected, high quality brands! The store will feature the latest spring styles in petite, missy, and women’s sizes. 

Unfortunately, I missed it. Was planning on checking it out to see “What Not To Wear”. I think I know.

Where is my Robot Cat?

Colors and Bees

The day got off to a colorful start
The day got off to a colorful start – Sunrise from the OBC

Glorious sunny day. A little chilly. They had snow not so very far from here. And, we’ll be back in the rain tomorrow. But, today was grand.

Pink. Lots of Pink.

And, everyone knows I love bees… I was able to sneak up on a couple in the OBC garden this afternoon.

“honey bee”
"bumble bee"
“bumble bee”

Settling into the OBC. I thought it would be like moving into a new apartment. Done that lots of times. But, moving into the OBC is more like moving to a new universe. It is OK. Just different. I am more than a “renter”. And, it really isn’t like being in boarding school. Because, you don’t “graduate” from the Asylum. (Nobody gets out alive.) So, it is more permanent. And for those of us who are mentally and physically with it – we can leave anytime we want to. (Never mind that it will cost a lot of money to leave.)  So, it isn’t like being a lifer in prison.

For me, this is a good place to be. It is home – Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. (Robert Frost) But, it is still strange.

The Hōkūleʻa

The Hōkūleʻa in Alexandria
The Hōkūleʻa in Alexandria

It is almost impossible to overstate the importance of the Hōkūleʻa to Hawai’i and the Hawaiian renaissance. In 1976, the Hōkūleʻa sailed – using no modern/western navigational aides – from Hawai’i to Tahiti. When she arrived in Tahiti half the population showed up to welcome the Hōkūleʻa and her crew. So, it was only fitting that every Hawaiian, Samoan and Maori in the area showed up to welcome canoe and crew. She will hang around until next weekend. Then she sails north to NYC.

Lots of Maile Lei
I was honored to be allowed on board.
The fireboat is the “John Glenn” – sort of sweet. 

The excellent Hōkūleʻa adventure took a couple of busses, two metro rides and some walking and most of the day. Also did my normal Sunday laundry chores. And, I applied for the “Global Entry Program”. Time to get my traveling boots on.

It’s the Weekend!

Asylum Rose
Asylum Rose

Lazy rainy day off from work yesterday. Then happy hour, dinner and a chick flick with the “Bar Belles”. One of our group has a major DVD collection. She says DVDs are cheaper than a therapist and get one through bad times. I think for me it is audiobooks.

The sun was actually out this morning. So, I was out too. Took a little walk to a “gourmet grocery”. Which – since I have no one to cook for and I live in a place that feeds me seem a little silly. But, I love grocery stores. Even if I couldn’t cook anything – I would still love grocery stores.

I did not come away empty handed.
I did not come away empty handed.
Turned the fresh stuff into lunch
Turned the fresh stuff into lunch.

And a pretty fine lunch it was. Healthier than the asylum fare too. It is fun to make food from the great ingredients. Especially when you are cooking because you want to. Not because you have people that require feeding.

Note to Carlton: Your old VA Tech classmate – Irv Peddrew received an honorary degree from VA Tech the other day. I know that will make you happy. His picture was in the Post. He was looking good.

Cloudy with chance of bunnies and peonies.

Asylum Bunny
Asylum Bunny

OK, another damp and cloudy day. And tomorrow is supposed to be more rainy than cloudy. So, I am taking a “rain day” off from the job. I don’t really have much to do right now anyhow. No reason to just hang out at the office. Gotta learn to have a life.

For 2 years, every hour of every day was devoted to keeping Carlton alive and “well”. The next year was devoted to doing “The Widow Peg’s Paperwork” and to finding a place to live and downsizing into that place to live. Not to mention moving.

Now, Carlton is back from med school. He is waiting to go back home to Hawai’i.

Now, I have to get myself on a the way forward. Whatever it is.

Asylum Peony
Asylum Peony


rain … 15 days and counting

when it is raining you shoot  rain
when it is raining shoot rain

This is getting boring. 15 days in a row of rain. Will it rain tomorrow?

This Blog is about 15 years old. And, 15 years ago today – I was getting us ready to go to Skagway for the summer. 11 May 2001. 

My life isn’t as interesting this May 11th. But, that isn’t anyone’s fault but mine. Oh, I have a lot to be grateful about. But, it is just a little boring. Or maybe it is the rain. Or maybe I need a vacation.

But wait. What was I doing a year ago? Not my very best day. I was having much angst. trying to decide if I should move to Goodwin House – AKA – the asylum. That was an interesting time. Not necessarily a good interesting.

Guess I am just settling into the “new normal”.

Tired and Cloudy

Outdoor Art – Georgetown University Medical School

Well, it is still cloudy, cool and damp. It has rained 13 days in a row. (Sunday was mostly sunny, however.)

For some reason, today’s yoga left me completely exhausted. So, I spent the afternoon napping. I “deal with” stuff – by going into Energizer Bunny mode. Sometimes, I don’t notice that I am in EB mode.  I may have slipped into EB mode over Carlton’s final service. Carlton would recognize EB mode and force me to slow down. Now, I have to be my own governor. My own sea anchor.

One from the bus.

Isn’t she just grand?

… to dust


And, this is what is left. 8 pounds of dust.
And, this is what is left. 8 pounds of dust.

Ok, I got this one done. It wasn’t bad. It was the basically the Mass of Christian Burial. There was a little speech by the dean of the medical school, the resident rabbi read the Kaddish, and one of the students had words of thanks. Then Father Sol took over and it was the regular memorial mass – except at the end – where the dead is commended to the angels, God, etc… was replaced by the students giving roses to the families.

About 100 students and maybe 200 friends and family were in attendance.

After it was over – we had a little lunch. Note to Carlton: They had brownies.

And then I went up to the chapel and picked up Carlton.


And then Carlton’s AA buddy – who was supposed to visit him on his last day – brought me home. So, I didn’t end up riding the buses with Carlton on my lap.

It is all good and all done. Except for getting home to Kona.

Another note to Carlton: Transit of Mercury occurred today. And I picked up a penny. It was rainy too – consider it a blessing.