It is still raining…

Bat from American Samoa
Bat from American Samoa

I loved those bats!

Made a SERIOUS mistake this rainy Sunday morning. I decided to read all the “news” parts of the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Washington Posts. (In the dead tree paper – not on line.) There wasn’t a single cheerful, optimistic or even neutral article, column or op-ed piece. The cheeriest part of the papers were the obits – where I happily noted that people younger than me die all the time from various cancers that you get just because you have bad luck.

So, there is hope that I’ll not live to see how this mess of radicalized selfish weapons packing bomb tossing humanity plays out over the next 30 years. I guess things were this bad in the 1930s. But, the 1930s didn’t end so very good.

I am not afraid from my physical safety. We live in a dangerous time. (Aren’t all times dangerous? Plague, famine, smallpox, polio, enslavement, debtor’s prison, electroshock treatment, lynchings, nuclear bombs… the list goes on and on.) I can deal with the physical dangers – it is the total fraying of civil society that distresses me.

And, there is nothing at all that I can see that a little old lady can do to slow this march to madness.

Maybe we need to be invaded by aliens.

Oh, on a lighter note – in one of the “not news” sections of the paper a question was asked: “How long will cannabis infused butter last in the fridge?” – now that question is as silly as asking how to use up leftover dark chocolate truffles. Somethings just aren’t going to happen.

3 Replies to “It is still raining…”

  1. Hi Peg!
    The last note,on the lighter side, was the Monday Morning chuckle for me. In my minds eye I see a person hanging onto the frig door while reaching for the chocolate, and enhanced butter. Thanks Zee

    1. Yes, are either of those things likely to stay around long enough to go bad??? I only have to approve you once.

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