Not My Very Favorite Day

b/w wind
b/w wind

Photography is about capturing light. This afternoon, I tried to capture wind. Because that is all there was today.

Not liking the way things are working out. Is it any wonder that our grown grandchildren still dress up as comic book characters? (Nevermind that Carlton was madly in lust with with Wonder Woman. Too bad he died before I discovered Wonder Woman undies in my size!) had an article about parallel universes a couple of months ago. See: Parallel Universe Theories. This morning, I was ready to try out another universe RIGHT NOW.

My son-in-law, suggested maybe this is all a simulation. And, referred me to this year’s graduation address at MIT by Matt Damon. You can watch it yourself.

“….I’ll tell you one that’s been on my mind: Simulation Theory.

Maybe you’ve heard of it. Maybe you took a class with Max Tegmark.

Well, for the uninitiated, there’s a philosopher named Nick Bostrom at Oxford, and he’s postulated that if there’s a truly advanced form of intelligence out there in the universe, then it’s probably advanced enough to run simulations of entire worlds — maybe trillions of them — maybe even our own.

The basic idea, as I understand it, is that we could be living in a massive simulation run by a far smarter civilization, a giant computer game, and we don’t even know it.

And here’s the thing: a lot of physicists, cosmologists, won’t rule it out. I watched a discussion that was moderated by Neil deGrasse Tyson, of the Hayden Planetarium, and by and large, the panel couldn’t give a definitive answer. Tyson himself put the odds at 50-50.

I’m not sure how scientific that is, but it had numbers in it, so I was impressed.

Well, it got me to thinking: What if this—all of this—is a simulation? I mean, it’s a crazy idea, but what if it is?

And if there are multiple simulations, how come we’re in the one where Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee?

Can we, like, transfer to a different one?

Professor Tegmark has an excellent take on all this. “My advice,” he said recently, “is to go out and do really interesting things… so the simulators don’t shut you down.”

But then again: what if it isn’t a simulation? Well, either way, my answer is the same…”

So, I went outside to took pictures of wind.

wind in color
wind in color

Hope that amused the superior beings enough to keep me in the game for another few rounds.


Clarendon Cup 2016
Clarendon Cup 2016

No bees today. Went back to the old neighborhood for the annual bike races. It is an interesting urban circuit race.

Clarendon Cup 2016
Clarendon Cup 2016
Clarendon Cup 2016
Clarendon Cup 2016

This guy went on a wild and crazy oneman breakaway and lapped the field. But, to no avail. Because bike racing is the ultimate team sport.

When I got home, (thank you Uber), I had 801 images and it was 95 degrees. Nothing to do but have a beer and a nice long nap.

Note to Carlton: Yes, I could have ridden the bus home and saved $6.75, But, I didn’t. Deal with it.

jello 08
jello 08



It’s Aloha Friday – AT LONG LAST

bee of the day
bee of the day

Another long day at the office. That makes 6 days in a row. There will be less work and more play next week. (I hope).

No jello today. Well, at least by 3PM when I got home and stopped off for a late lunch – there was no sign of jello. And, it hadn’t reappeared by dinner time.

asylum rose
asylum rose

So, today, a rose in lieu of jello.

Happy Thursday

thursday bee
thursday bee

Still too windy for practicing macro bee photography. But, that didn’t stop me from trying.

I am feeling pretty boring. Just going to work everyday. Come home. Take bee and jello pictures. Dinner with friends. Off to bed. Rinse and repeat.

But, the last two year’s of Carlton’s life and the first year after were action packed. Maybe it is time to slow down. Take stock. Calibrate for the last act.

jello 07
jello 07

Dark red jello with junk again today. I am starting to think they make jello every other day. Or maybe Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Guess that jello lasts pretty good.

Cool windy early summer day

the daily bee
the daily bee

Trying to do a couple of bug shots every day. I need practice. It is always windy here at the asylum. Part is geography – we are at the top of a tiny hill. And part is architecture, we are a tall building. Today – geography and architecture are not the problem. It is just plain windy. And wind is not a friend of close-up photography.

Can The Donald get any worse? I fear he can. Hillary might not be the most inspirational candidate ever – but, we must keep eyes on the prize… in this case – the prize is a Donald-Free White House.

jello 06

Today’s jello – red with added junk.

Garden #3

sun piercer.
sun piercer – this morning

Off to a great start to the day with the Washington Monument piercing the sun.

garden day 3
garden week 3.

The little garden box is happy.

jello 05
jello 05

Today’s “black” jello has red undertones. I still haven’t tried any of the jellos.

simple bee
simple bee

It was too windy for much good insect work. But, the wind is bringing in a nice cold front. Or maybe cool front is a better term.

But now, after much beer/wine/shrimp, icecream good conversation – it is time for a bath and bed.

Photo Day…

Monday AM
Monday AM

A lovely sunrise – well before 6AM today.

jello 04
jello 04

Then, at lunch today – the jello was back. The black jello looks blue today. Blueberry, I guess.

the ever popular magnolia
the ever popular magnolia

Snapped a picture of the fine magnolia while walking to work this morning. This magnolia tree is a old friend of mine. It has flowers that are low enough for easy photography.

tiny fly-like critter
tiny fly-like critter

Working with my newest macro lens. Trying to improve my technique.

ladybug nymph - saturday
ladybug nymph – saturday
becoming a ladybug - monday
becoming a ladybug – monday

And finally, ladybug… I went back to find the ladybug nymphs that I had photographed on Saturday – I wanted to do a better job. Well, the ladybug nymphs were busy transforming themselves into ladybugs.

back online

saturday rose and bee
saturday rose and bee

Yes, we have no jello. No jello yesterday or today. Maybe the chef de jello gets the weekends off.

Had a nice 47 internet free hours. I sort of “cheated”. I went to work this morning. But, I decided that since I do what I do for me – if I want to go in on Sunday – that is OK. Took Uber to the hospital. And walked home. There are 3 hills between the hospital and home.

Did some thinking during my downtime. I have been trying too hard to be a part of the asylum community. I am not a “community type” person. I am not going to stop being a member of the community. But, I am going to stop trying to immerse myself in the community. If I wouldn’t do a thing if I didn’t live here – why should I do it because I live here?

This does not mean that I don’t treasure my new friendships. I will continue to do things with asylum people. But, it does mean that I don’t have to go to the asylum exercise classes, or to the movies, or go on trips on the asylum bus. Maybe later. BUT NOT NOW.

And, it I want to eat my own cooking in my own apartment – I can do that too.


Jello 03
Jello 03

Today’s jello – black. Very scary.

Almost as scary as the upcoming presidential election.

Feeling a little mentally out of it. So, it is time for a technology holiday. Time to power down and get back in sync with the real world. I’ll try to stay off line until 8PM Sunday. That will be 48 hours. I can do this.


Jellow 02
Jello 02

Today’s jello looks a lot like yesterday’s jello. I may get bored with the Jello Series real soon now. Maybe it comes in different colors? Maybe the inmates like bright orange? Stay tuned.

Thynnid Wasp
Thynnid Wasp – today’s asylum insect

Photographing wasps has that little element of adventure for me. I am not much concerned that bees will sting me – but wasps – I am not so sure.

Knocked out a couple of report programs this morning at the hospital. Who would have thought that after 50 years, I’ll still be slinging a little code from time to time. (Don’t worry, no one’s life depends on my coding skills. Just little reports. Not life support.)

Note to Carlton: I found 26 cents yesterday and 11 cents today. One of my widow friends says when she finds a toothpick on the floor she assumes it is just her hubby checking in to see how she is doing. I figure that sidewalk coins are you checking up on me. And for 26 cents – you must have been damn interested. I am doing fine. Thank you very much.

Dinner with new old friends here at the asylum this evening. Which is a good thing, because that way, I missed the evening news and the latest The Donald outrages. (Dinner was chicken, pretty good cornbread – the sweet northern variety, and lemon meringue pie.)


Garden #2

11 sq feet of dirt - after one week
11 square feet of dirt – after one week

I have done my part with the herb/butterfly garden. Now, it is all up to Momma Nature. And we all know that she is a bitch. Note to Mother Nature: I will add water from time to time.

Here in the Old Bat Cave we have Jello. Vats and more vats of the jiggly stuff.

The Jello Series 01
The Jello Series 01

I think I’ll do a little series on Jello. Wonder where it will go. Everyday – for a month or until it isn’t fun anymore – I’ll take a picture of the Jello. With Shamu the Phone. I have never actually eaten any of the Jello. My plate is a Jello Free Zone.

Sunrise at the OBC
Today’s Sunrise at the OBC

Now on to something more serious. I am having increasing bad feelings about the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. Maybe Hillary and Bernie could take one for the country and and between them figure out who – Hillary, Bernie or SOMEONE ELSE – would have the best chance of beating The Donald. And get that person to nominated.

Around the Asylum

Purple Lounge - Ethopian Cusine
Purple Lounge – Ethiopian Cuisine

Trying to explore the neighborhood. Mostly, I have been trying to escape the neighborhood. But, over the weekend – I started poking around. Figure I need find out what is within a two mile radius. That is within my round trip walking range. Went to the closest farm market on Sunday. It is a perfectly fine market. I bought some plants for my 11 square feet of dirt, some soap, and a jar of honey. I did not patronize any of the bakers. Or the ice cream maker.