Calmness is trust in action.

Iris quest - today's candidate
Iris quest – today’s candidate.
Every year I try to get an iris photo that I like. This is today best effort. Nothing to hang on the wall.

Had a fine day downsizing-wise. Found good homes for Carlton’s 15 pound dictionary, his cobbler’s last, and my matched set of pretty darn good point and shoot cameras. The dictionary and cobbler’s last are being picked up. I don’t mind pitching lots of stuff or giving stuff to Goodwill – but some of the better stuff – it makes me happy to send them to “good homes”. Sort of getting into this extreme downsizing. I am going to be runing light.

Readers who were amongst Carlton’s AA friends… You all know about Carlton’s Little Book. I still have it and most days I look at “today”. Well, today, last year. Carlton underlined “Calmness is trust in action”. And he wrote his radiologist’s name in the margin. I don’t know who was calm – Carlton or the doctor. But, it is an interesting concept.

It was an AA day around here. Two of Carlton’s AA friends called to check on me and they had to hear all about my thoughts about moving to the asylum. No good deed goes unpunished!

Now, you can read my ramblings. Or just want and see what I decide. If anyone anyone at all has any input on this – chime in.

Moving – now or later.

Here is the deal. I am on the waiting list for almost every unit at the asylum. I only excluded the biggest ones. Because they are just bigger than I would ever feel comfy in. They also cost more than I feel good about. This is a popular place to live.  There are two establishments.  The sister asylum is not within an easy stroll of a grocery store. It isn’t within an easy stroll of anything except another old folks asylum. So, I am pretty much homed in on the asylum in a really tacky commercial area. The neighborhood could always improve. I shouldn’t say “improve” – it could always become “gentrified”. Which isn’t always an improvement. So, the building is decided on.

Very surprisingly – I went from #7 to number #1 on the waitlist for studios in less than 30 days. (I am #21 or more on the lists for more desirable units.) Being a resident gets you ahead of all the non-residents on the waitlists. In fact, I have 2 studios to choose from.

Studio #1 – becomes available June 1. It is currently unoccupied. But, someone is a faux-resident. Paying the fees to get a better position on the waitlists for more desirable units. Her selected unit will be available June 1. This is a really undesirable unit. It is handicap accessible. And the accessible nature of the unit sacrifices a lot of storage space. I could drag out occupancy on this thing until well into August.

Studio #2 – is available now. It’s owner “transitioned”.  It is better as far as studios go. On the 7th floor. No view. Inadequate fenestration. I could occupy this thing between now and mid-July. 

Actually, I don’t have to occupy either of them. Just pay for them. But, that would leave me paying rent here on the apartment, on the empty studio and in Hawai’i this winter. I was Carlton’s wife for way too long to do that. He would find a way to come back and kill my ass!

My lease here runs to the end of April 2016. I would have to pay 6 weeks rent penalty to bail early. My rent and uts are pretty high – and 4 months at the asylum make the early move a wash. 

Tuesday is decision day. Here are the options as I see them.

Do nothing. Just say thanks, I’ll pass. Call me next time. I don’t have to go to the end of the line. I just have to wait.

Pro: It is what Carlton would do. “Let time be your friend” That is what he would say. Carlton loved our apartment maybe more than I do. He had a tennis court across one street and an AA meeting across another street. Another 4th of July. Another summer around the pool. (the asylum pool is indoors. not the same. not even close.)
Con: It is just kicking the can down the road. And mentally, I am out of here already. 

Take Studio #2. Move in and settle in for the long haul. Just take what fits nicely in the studio. Timing depends on terms and conditions for bailing out of my lease.

Pro: This option will save money. It gets me an improved position for a better unit sooner.
Con: I might have to really haul ass with the downsizing. And moving company scheduling might be really difficult.

Take Studio #1 and use it for a storage unit. Delay moving as long a possible. Then move everything I might want in a larger unit. Keep most of my clothes, kitchen stuff etc in boxes. Keep the rug rolled. Make the bed accessible. The kitchen usable. The bathroom functional. But don’t waste any time of effort making it “nice”. It is just a storage unit. Well, a storage unit with maid service and a meal plan! Once I get “settled” – I could go to Hawai’i early. Circumnavigate the planet. Take a train trip. 

Pro: I will not waste any time or money making the unit “nice”. It is just a storage unit. And I can just travel around until it is time to settle into a more suitable unit. You all know that I have jack rabbits in my boots.
Con: Biggest downside is that I might get impatient living in a storage unit and will be tempted to jump on the first available one bedroom. Just like I am thinking about jumping on the first available unit.


3 Replies to “Calmness is trust in action.”

  1. My opinion…how long do they estimate the wait could be for a larger unit? I say wait. You are happy where you are and number one on the list and in fantastic shape so it could be eons before you need to live there.

    1. Time is your friend where this decision is concerned. At this point, if it were my decision,I would see what best satisfied my needs, was economically feasible, and gave me the most peace of mind.

  2. You don’t know me from Adam. I started to follow you from Amazon groups when Carlton became ill and your blog inspired me. Maybe objectivity would be helpful here. I think the last option sounds like the best choice with caveats. I can read the excitement and happiness in your voice in the last option. Stay as long as you can where you are while taking the option on Studio 1. Two rents for a short time. Before returning to Hawaii move physically to the asylum and drop the place you are enjoying now. On return from Hawaii move to asylum hopefully to a unit you love. Or my favorite option ignore the asylum all together until you are ready and happy about the move! Take care and thank you for sharing your stage of life so freely.

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