Bird #3

Pacific Golden Plover  with Ruddy Turnstone in back.
Pacific Golden Plover with Ruddy Turnstone in back.

The Pacific Golden Plover is known as kolea here in Hawai’i. They nest in Alaska and Siberia and spend the fall and winter in Hawai’i. But some go as far as Australia and New Zealand. They seem to return to the same location every year and people await the annual return of “their” kolea. The kolea mate for life and live about 15 years.

Kolea are able to land on water and take off again, but scientists don’t know if they rest on the water during their long trip, or if they fly non-stop. If they do not stop to rest, it would take them two days and nights to fly to Alaska from Hawaii. Birds migrating to and from southern New Zealand must fly over 8,000 miles. That could be more than eight full days in flight!

Gecko on the mirror.
Gecko on the mirror.

I found a gecko on my mirror this morning. It was a little pale looking – I think it was having a hard time with it’s color adjusting circuits.

I will not complain about it being cold today, since it seems to be VERY cold back home today.  Let’s just say that after my swim – I needed a big cup of hot tea and a hot shower. Too bad our hotel doesn’t have a hot tub. Heck, we are lucky to have hot water!

I had a very active day today. 75 minutes of yoga class, 30 minutes of ocean swimming and 5.25 miles walking. I amazed myself. Think I was able to do all this because it was cool. Anyhow, tomorrow is my “day off”. So, I plan to take it easy.

I started reading a new book this afternoon. It is the first “non-chicK-lit” book that I have attempted since my brain started working. It isn’t great literature. I found it on my Kindle and I must have gotten it for Carlton. The Pearl Harbor Murders by Max Collins. Not recommending it – it is just a mini-milestone for me.

I haven’t made any resolutions this year. I decided to check last year’s resolutions. From my January 1, 2014 post.

Resolved for 2014

  1. Stop saying/thinking “when I get old…” Face it: I am old.
  2. Do Yoga 6 times a week
  3. Read 60 minutes a day. This is uninterrupted. I have become scattered. I hope this will sort of get me re-focused. No more wandering over to Twitter mid-sentence. That is the plan.
  4.  15 minutes decluttering everyday – my eternal battle with stuff.
  5.  Cook more. Using “real” ingredients. Not frozen, boxed, canned, jarred or picked up at the deli.
  6.  Get 10 pounds off. This is not a vanity thing. My knees and hips are starting creak. I imagine that having less Peg to haul around should help.
  7. Keep walking.

I am stuck that I seem to have noticed that I couldn’t read any more. I’ll think about these resolutions and see what I “should” work on in 2015.

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