Hello 2014

Here it is: the long awaited 2014. There were fireworks last night. I was awake to see them. Carlton missed them.

Reflecting on 2013. The year wasn’t all bad. Carlton is still alive. And doing pretty well. Our relationship changed over the year. We are closer the bond is stronger. Little Carlton-isms just don’t bother me anymore.

Being old is hard. Having a partner makes it easier. We are explorers in a fearful wilderness. Nobody gets out alive. It is good to have someone to snuggle up next to when you get scared.

Other than keeping Mr C alive – my best action of 2013 was moving my IRA monies to a professional manager. It wasn’t easy – but it was a step towards accepting the time when I’ll not be able to safely manage my money. I like doing these things early. The money guy knows he is being taken for a “test drive”. Speaking of driving, I stopped driving when I was 65. There is absolutely no reason I can not drive. I just wanted to get that “giving up the car” thing over. Over while I am still able to figure out how to live car-free. The final piece of this exit planning will be moving to an old folks asylum.

Resolved for 2014

  1. Stop saying/thinking “when I get old…” Face it: I am old.
  2. Do Yoga 6 times a week
  3. Read 60 minutes a day. This is uninteruppted. I have become scattered. I hope this will sort of get me re-focused. No more wandering over to Twitter mid-sentence. That is the plan.
  4.  15 minutes decluttering everyday – my eternal battle with stuff.
  5.  Cook more. Using “real” ingredients. Not frozen, boxed, canned, jarred or picked up at the deli.
  6.  Get 10 pounds off. This is not a vanity thing. My knees and hips are starting creak. I imagine that having less Peg to haul around should help.
  7. Keep walking.

Think it is time to put the reindeer theme back in the barn for another year.

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