
Crashing on the seawall
Crashing on the seawall

This lady is usually more together than this. “Sleeping” on the seawall in not recommended. Four feet down on one side is a sidewalk. Eight to twelve feet down on the other side and you run into rocks and sea urchins.

Been thinking about Carlton. I want him back in Arlington. NOW. I want to know how bad things really are. But, this isn’t about me. It is about Carlton. Whatever gives him peace and comfort. That is what I should want. I will work on wanting that.

Red Sky in the Morning

Red Sky in the Morning - Sailors Take Warning
Red Sky in the Morning – Sailors Take Warning

We rarely have worthy sunrises here. But, every once in a while we get a great one. Today was one of those days.

Went for a nice long swim this morning, everything seems better when you are in the ocean.



A Little Whale Sighting
A Little Whale Sighting

We had a couple of nice whale sightings from our balcony today. A couple of whales played around for a while. They were pretty far out. I just happened to be on the balcony putting on skin lotion when I saw them. Late this afternoon – Mr C discovered a mother and calf hauling ass north much closer in. No photos of them. A good day of whaling.

I went out to the old airport seeking more whales this morning. Didn’t find any. But, I did find a slow pitch softball tournament.

@ The Old Airport

I am worried to death about Mr C. I thought I could get him home by mid February. But, I am not sure anymore. And I am not sure it will make any difference anyhow. He has a broken tooth that is “under repairs”, the new crown is scheduled to arrive Feb 5. Dentist Peg thinks he has an abscessed tooth. I have ordered him to go to the dentist tomorrow and have it checked out. And, he still has this bleeding skin cancer action going on. And, he has something very wrong with his shoulder. It is a mechanical something – not a fatal thing. But, it will make playing tennis impossible. This is a very bad thing.

Strength to handle what comes next, please.

Hula 4 hours, Good Photos None

Little Girls Practice for the - Hula ʻauana Competition.
Little Girls Practice for the – Hula ʻauana Competition.

You would think that after watching 4 hours of hula, I would have one worthy photo. And, if you thought that you would be wrong. But, I had a great time.

Why we should use a tripod.

Compare this shot taken with the camera balanced on the balcony rail with the one in yesterday’s post which was hand held.

Friday Extra Ship Day.

Surprise - a ship at anchor this morning.
Surprise – a ship at anchor this morning. 
Turns out to be the Carnival Splendor. Everyone except me expected it.

Sort of a lazy last couple of days. I have been making a photo book from my Great American Train Trip. I don’t know why it takes me so long to get the pictures in books and printed.

We are going to lease our unit in Arlington for another year. If we re-up by February 1st, we’ll get a $600 rebate.


Figured out the pokey internet problem?

In Honolulu, as in our village, there is a large homeless population. Unlike our village, Honolulu has elevated freeways. Homeless people live under the freeways. The fiber optic cable for Internet, phone, TV whatever is run more or less exposed under the freeways. You can fill in the rest of the story for yourself.

Actually, there is more to tell. Most likely who ever cut the cable yesterday thought it was copper. But, last week, a homeless man caught the fiber optic cable on fire. Now, you gotta believe he was pissed about something or the other.

Went on a whale hunt this AM

Java Temple BIrds and young Saffron Finch
Java Temple BIrds and young Saffron Finch

This was a shore based whale search. I don’t really approve of whale watch boats. I didn’t find any whales. I did find some birds.

Mr C is supposed to get his new tooth 2 weeks from today. I figure he’ll want to hang around for a while to be sure it is OK. I am going to try to get him out of here mid February. That is only 2 weeks early.

During the local news here – one of the major advertising groups are old folks homes. Everyone of them touts their “healthy nutritious” meals. I so don’t want “healthy nutritious” food in my old lady’s home. I want butter and chocolate and cream and fries.

Days of Grace

@ The Tikis
@ The Tikis – this one to TOO blue!
@ Hale Halawai
@ Hale Halawai
@ Honl's
@ Honl’s

I visited all the surf sights within walking range south of the pier this morning. No great shots. Just a good morning. The sound track from The Descendants on the iPod. A feeling be being in suspended reality. A period of grace before returning to Arlington and facing the future.

Surf again today

Hale Halawai
Hale Halawai

I spent the morning watching the surf. I love watching the waves. The waves were good for watching – not so good for surfing. But, that didn’t stop people trying.

This afternoon, the wind came up. I tried to go to the beach, but got sand blasted. Next, I tried to go to the pool, but chairs kept getting blown in the pool. Decided to come up to the room and read a book.

Hale Halawai
Hale Halawai