Lights Out

Monumental Lights
Monumental Lights

Nobody is Promised Tomorrow. And, no monument is covered in light forever. And, I should have taken more photos of the Washington Monument while the lights were on. The monument was lighted just after July 4th and last night was the last time they were turned on.  They were great while they lasted.

Today’s Good Thing: A cup of steaming hot coffee after a brisk walk home from volunteer work.


A little eclipse this morning…


Partial Annular Eclipse - ZS15
Partial Annular Eclipse – ZS15

Today’s Good Thing: The Partial Solar Eclipse.

I was completely unprepared for the eclipse. I was sure it was going to be clouded out – but, it made a temporary appearance. I had to resort to the trusty pinhole projector to see it. But, as the eclipse was slipping behind the clouds – I was able to fire off a quick photo. From inside. The pointy cat ear things at the bottom are reflections from the double pane glass.

I gotta make something good out of this Radiation Time Out. I can lounge around munching cookies, drinking beer and do online shopping. This would not be a good plan. I will end up fat and surrounded by “stuff” that I don’t need. Heck, if I drank enough beer, I could end up having to go to AA meetings.


OK, Restarting…

Looking down on our little  park.
Looking down on our little park.

Restarting the old theme. The blog theme was easy enough to change. I need to work on changing my personal “theme”. For the last 11 months I have been worried and concerned about Mr C’s health. Well except for a couple of golden weeks between the hernia operation and the recurrence of the “whack-a-mole” cancer. And, there is much more to come. I fear he will have problems with the lymphadenectomy site. And, like the recurrent cancer – he will be partly responsible – because he was not a very responsible  post surgical patient. Then, there is the non-trivial radiation. And, of course, the whack-a-mole cancer can pop up anywhere at anytime.

I am not the good wife. When the going gets tough – I cut and run. So, I am trying to come up with a survival plan for ME. To hell with Mr. C. He has the Little Cancer Doc, the Big Cancer Doc, and Dr Nuke-em.

But, enough whining. since Hawai’i is off the table for now – I have lots of stuff to do. Things to cancel. Things to schedule. Things to rearrange. I’ll have them all done by Wednesday. I sure hated canceling those lovely 1st class tickets to Kona. Well, I almost did 1st class!

Stopped off at the Apple Store this morning to check out the new iPads. And, as an investor, to check out the crowds. I saw plenty of people buying them. They new ones are sweet. But, I still have a hard time figuring out what I would do with one. I may rethink this after the new iPad Mini’s come out.

Today’s Good Thing: It was a lovely warm fall day. Focus on the good.

Día de Muertos

might as well enjoy the view
might as well enjoy the view

Back into the healthcare vortex again today.

First, we stop of to visit the lymphedema specialist. She very nicely very seriously scolded Mr C for not following orders about what to do and not do with his “bad” arm. The arm that is missing 15 lymph nodes. She scared him. Too bad he didn’t see her earlier.

Next, we went to see the radiation oncologist. First, we waited around. And, waited around. And, waited some more. Doc Nuke’em recommended a 6 week course of radiation. He said that the first 2 weeks will be “no biggie” the next 2 weeks Carlton will be feeling fairly crappy and he said that the last two weeks will be “worse”. Just how worse he wouldn’t say. And, that it would take another 6 weeks to recover. Carlton is sort of with the program. He has an appointment for a pre-Nuke’em CAT scan next Friday with treatment starting as soon as his surgery is completely healed.

care package from the care giver from trader joe
care package from the care giver from trader joe

Hawai’i isn’t happening. Maybe in January. I keep thinking that the goddess is PUNISHING me for buying those 1st class tickets! (1st class non-refundable tickets I might add).

I am a little concerned about our sanity. Maybe just MY sanity. When he was really sick with the infection back in April and I was worried that he would die – well, I could deal with that. But a 6 week run of radiation – knowing that he will be getting sicker every day for 6 weeks… And, Carlton being a really bad patient. I am just plain worried. How will I manage? And, it will be winter. I hate winter. I’d say, screw it – I’ll just spend Xmas week in Paris – but that is when he’ll be the sickest.

I’ll just lay in a big stash of beer.

I think I’ll keep this theme for another day – might as well finish off the Day of the Dead.

A final few from the parade

Howard Homecoming Parade - 2013. The mascot looks rather lascivious.
Howard Homecoming Parade – 2013. The mascot looks rather lascivious.
Howard Homecoming Parade - 2013 Academy Award-nominated actress Taraji P. Henson (B.A. '95) and actor Lance Gross (B.F.A. '04)  team up as grand marshals of Homecoming
Howard Homecoming Parade – 2013 Academy Award-nominated actress Taraji P. Henson (B.A. ’95) and actor Lance Gross (B.F.A. ’04) team up as grand marshals of Homecoming
Howard Homecoming Parade - 2013 comedian Marlon Wayans is grand ambassador
Howard Homecoming Parade – 2013 comedian Marlon Wayans is grand ambassador

Well, well, well … an update to the Word Press update has everything working again.

One thing is for sure – Howard U always has darn good looking parade marshals.

Carlton gots no sense. Today, he decided that he needed a new battery. Car battery that is. So, the silly man decided to install the new battery himself. He did. And now, his hands are all cut and bruised. But, would he PAY to have the battery installed – NOOOOOOoooooo. Guess he is still saving his money for a “rainy day”. Well, from where I am sitting  – it is a F-ing monsoon.

flying drum majors

Howard Homecoming Parade - 2013
Howard Homecoming Parade – 2013

A nice warm fall day. I spent several hours on my terrace. Reading trashy novel.

Mr C went to his volunteer job – where he did not push wheel chairs. He answered the phone. He started having a lot of pain around his surgical site – so he went to see his doctor. Doc said it was just a part of the “normal” healing process. Doc also admitted that he hadn’t a clue about Mr C’s future treatment. There is very little data on metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. In the absence of data, I guess the Carlton will just have to decide on radiation or not radiation. Maybe Doctor Nuke’em will have some insight. Or maybe, he’ll just see Carlton as a revenue source. Cynical, yes…

It was a good day for tubas

Howard Homecoming Parade - 2013
Howard Homecoming Parade – 2013

One of my co-workers brought me some of her extra clothes. And, I got a pair of leggings and a pair of tights at Macy’s today. SO – I am good to go for winter clothes. If it gets really cold, I’ll just stay inside.

I am still assuming that Mr C will agree to go through with radiation and we’ll be here until late December. Today, he is starting to make F-it noises. If he doesn’t get the radiation, and we go to Hawai’i as planned – I fear I might have to bring him back to Arlington before our 4 months in Hawai’i is up. So, one way or the other, I’ll be seeing more winter than I want to see.

But, I don’t want winter clothes. Well, maybe some killer boots.

(Happy Halloween – this theme is problematic too.)

Sunny Sunday

Howard Homecoming Parade - 2013
Howard Homecoming Parade – 2013

Today’s Carlton Quote is from his all time hero – Theodore Roosevelt:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

I like the short ones better. Just decided to see if the new WordPress works better with Safari – it doesn’t. Gotta believe it is my theme – but I am not changing it. Except maybe for Halloween.

Random observation: If you don’t have a car, going for groceries can be a darn good workout. At least if you are an old woman.

Misc. Gmail hint: Gmail doesn’t exactly admit that this is a “shortcut”. But, if you have keyboard shortcuts enabled Shift 3 (AKA #) moves the current message to trash.

Random observation: When some folk find out you have cancer – they immediately start telling you about all manner of alternative treatments. That didn’t work out so very good for Steve Jobs. Don’t suppose it would for Mr C either. Besides, it is a little late in the game for him to start living the pure organic vegan hear-see-do no evil life!

Great Idea: Hey, Dan Synder – change the name of the football team to the Panda’s. The Washington Pandas. Think about all the wonderful merchandise, Mr Synder. And, everyone LOVES pandas.

Just messing around…

VA Square Metro
VA Square Metro-this morning

I went into the city today to check out the Howard University Home Coming Parade. It was either that or the “anti NSA” protest. Goodness knows that I love a protest almost as much as I love a parade. The Parade won. I am too old to do both in one day.

As for pictures… Well, I took the camera that costs as much as a car – but, I failed to notice that it was set for manual focus – but I thought that it was on auto focus. Fortunately, it was set on the hyperfocal length and I was shooting in “F8 and don’t be late” mode. So, the images are not as tack sharp as I would like, but they are in no way a total loss.

Mr C seems to be having more pain in the armpit area. Guess the nerve cells finally realized what happened and they are yelling WTF????

Nightly Carlton Report #13

St Michelmass Daisy
st michaelmas daisy

The newest version wordpress seems to have a few issues. Fortunately I can sort of deal with it.

We went to see the Big Cancer Doc this morning. As expected, he wants Mr C to go see the Radiation Doc. He also allowed as how there is no real evidence that radiation actually works against metastatic squamous cell cancer. Scheduled to see the Radiation Doc NEXT Friday.

I am not as optimistic as I was earlier this week. I think the protective cloak of denial is slipping. Life is uncertain. We play the hand we are dealt. But, hey, I am counting on a few more good days, weeks, months, maybe even years.

Nightly Carlton Report #12

Our House
Our House

I am sure glad that this is “our house”. Because, it is very nice to not have to worry about raking all these very very very fine leaves.

I rather like red leaves.
I rather like red leaves.

Carlton went to see his “oral surgeon” today. I view this as a good sign vis-a-vis his mental state. One doesn’t go see an oral surgeon if one is planning on dying any time soon. Tomorrow we go off to see the “big cancer doc”. We should have a better handle on options after that visit.

BTW: We were invited to a memorial service for a cat this evening. Cat – felis domesticus – house cat. Here kitty kitty.