Nuked – Day 2 of ???

Got Sun Today
Got Sun Today

Day 2 of radiation was uneventful… at least for me! Mr C didn’t complain about anything. He is supposed to have the weekends off – but he is going to get a “bonus” treatment on Sunday afternoon. Lucky Guy.

“They” say we might see a snowflake or two on Sunday. Not a happy thought. It is supposed to be really cold on Sunday as well. I plan to stay inside. My regular Sunday trip to the grocery will be moved up to Saturday.

The new iPad is still somewhere in China – but the charge for it come thru on my plastic… so maybe it will be getting on a plane soon.

Nuked – Day 1 of ???

He looks heaps better today!
He looks heaps better today!

Mr C had his first actual nuking today. Yesterday was sort of a test run. They were shooting blanks.

Nuking aside, he looks lots better. And, since THE BIKE WAS NOT HURT – he went out for a bike ride today.

Nothing dumber than a smart cover without an iPad.
Nothing dumber than a smart cover without an iPad.

The iPad is still somewhere in China.


If it isn’t one thing it is two things…

Home at Last
Home at Last

Well, today was the first day of radiation. Playing the good wife I went down to be with Mr C in Radiation Oncology. I found him, covered in blood. From head to toe. Seems he had a bike wreck. So, he got himself back home – the bike is undamaged – and got in the car and drove over to get nuked.

The radiation folks didn’t let a little blood stop them. They did their thing. Then I forced Mr C over to the Emergency Department – where they cat-scanned his head, and xrayed his hand and sewed up his face. Then we came home.

You should see the other guy!
You should see the other guy! And this is after he was fixed up. He at home, reading his Kindle.
Showing off his bloody britches.
Showing off his bloody britches.

ps – radiation – piece of cake compared to the bike wreck.

No more excitement required today, please.


Gotta Love Apple…

Gotta love Apple. My iPod is still under construction somewhere in China – ETA sometime in December. But, they got the cover here today.

Radiation starts tomorrow. Still think we should just go to Japan and send Mr C to Fukushima.

Not much going on, for me at least, today. Listening to an old friend of ours on Haines Public Radio. That was the one radio station that we got when we were in Skagway. Reception is better over the internet. It was 8 degrees at 1PM. with 40knot winds and freezing spray. That is why we were out of Alaska by October 1.

Expecting a rocket launch from Wallops Island at about 7:30 – should be able to see it. We’ll be watching.

Been Wondering…

Mystery Tent(s)
Mystery Tent(s)

Been seeing this tent way in the distance on the other side of the river since we came back from Hawai’i last spring. Today, I hauled the spotting scope over to the other side of the room for a closer look. Surprise, the tent has a sign outside that says “Tanger”. So, I guess there is an outlet mall under the tent.

Today’s Good Thing: Lounging in the sun on the terrace. Wonderful warm sunny day. Gotta enjoy the good days.

Another foggy day

Foggy Sunday
Foggy Sunday

In my mode as frivolous and superficial old lady, I sprung for the iPad Mini this morning – all tricked out with cell service and a red cover. It is not scheduled to arrive for another couple of weeks – which is a good thing. This way, I will be all over any buyer’s remorse by the time it arrives. Late for CHanukkah – Early for Xmas.

Mr C starts radiation on Wednesday. We are dealing in our normal manner  – with inappropriate humor. Basically, he is hoping for one more “good” year. This last year hasn’t been so very good.

I shall try very hard to be very supportive. And I will keep his Kindle filled with books. Might even let him watch a movie on the little iPad. But, he likes his movies from DVDs on the TV. Then again – he used to like his reading material in dead tree books. Even a technology muggle can embrace the new ways.

Today’s Good Thing: Not having to worry about the cost of Carlton’s medical care. Thank You Lyndon Johnson.

In a fog – meteorological not mental today

my 3 fav kitchen gagets
my 3 fav kitchen gadgets – steamer, Mouli Grater, immersion blender

Tis a foggy cool day. I made up a big pot of leftover veggie soup. While I was cleaning up the kitchen – I realized that my 3 favorite – actually only – kitchen gadgets were on the counter top drying. No matter how small the kitchen – I’ll find a place for these guys.

Why I Love Science. Sugar melts at 366° – I put a spoon of sugar in my oven and left it there for 15 minutes at 350° – nothing happened to the sugar. Pushed the temp up to 375° and 15 minutes later – caramelized sugar. So, I guess my oven is pretty well calibrated. (An oven thermometer is not one of my gadgets).

iPad ramblings…

Why I am going to stay with IOS for a tablet, vice Amazon Fire or Google Nexus 7/10

  1. I can afford to. Cost really isn’t an object. No more saving for that rainy day. I am totally into frivolous and superficial these days.
  2. At this uncertain time – one less thing to worry about is good. I am sure that I can get androids and macs to play nice – but at any time  all of my little old lady brain power might be diverted to some health crisis or the other.


  1. would be better for at home use.
  2. I am at home more often than not.
  3. if it has a good cell plan – it will get around snail internet. Same as the mini – so no advantage here.
  4. It could pretend to be a computer more or less.
  5. I can have one TODAY.


  1. The airiness works fine at home. finer than an iPad in all honesty. The airiness doesn’t pretend to be a computer – it is a computer.
  2. I really like typing on a nice keyboard. The airiness has a nice keyboard. I am typing on it now
  3. A tablet is just a toy. Same con for mini iPad.


  1. The size is sweet. Better for apps than the iPod/iPhone for old eyes. But not too big for a purse.
  2. My iPod is getting a little tired. The home button is going…
  3. I might be able to teach Carlton to use it – or not. I was able to teach the most techno-phobic nurses how to use the mini at work. But, this would be the same for the maxi as well.


  1. It is just a big iPod.
  2. I love my kindle for reading.
  3. When traveling – would I take kindle, airiness and mini??? Don’t think I’d leave the kindle behind – battery life/works in sun. Could leave airiness behind. I did that on the Great North American Train Trip. But, I’d take all three to Hawai’i.

Might just order up a Mini –

Sort a Busy

Been sort of busy and sort of lazy around here. Hence, no blog updates.

Mr C is doing fine. He convinced himself that he really should not start playing tennis just yet. He still has lots of fluid where he had the lymph nodes removed. And, he is finally admitting that exercise does cause more fluid build up.

Been spending my spare time having techno-toy lust.

  • First – the “smart” phone question. iPhone or Nexus or just continue with the dumb phone/iPod option?
  • Second – to iPad or not to iPad?
  • A solution to my massive scanning problem.

These are definitely first class problems.

Nice Red Leaves…

We still have some nice red leaves...
We still have some nice red leaves…

Trying to find things to like about being here in November. We still have some nice red leaves to enjoy. But, it is still cold.

Mr C is fine. Enjoying a week without any visits to the doctor.

Sneaking up on a Mini iPad. Just because.

Also, trying to get back into my photo scanning project. I stopped it when Carlton’s cancer came back. But, no reason not to restart. It is just boring.

Today’s Good Thing: Nice Red Leaves.

I am seriously not liking this weather

It doesn't look so bad from inside...
It doesn’t look so bad from inside…

I doesn’t look too bad from inside – but

Screen Shot 2013-11-12 at 6.21.16 PMthis is way too cold for middle of the afternoon in early November.

Repeat: I am glad that we are here and Mr C is going to give radiation a try.  am glad that we are here and Mr C is going to give radiation a try.  am glad that we are here and Mr C is going to give radiation a try.  am glad that we are here and Mr C is going to give radiation a try.

Mr C went to volunteer at the hospital this afternoon. He isn’t really able to  push wheel chairs around – but he goes anyhow. It gives him something to do, and he can answer the phone.

As a result, I had the afternoon “off”. My Apple Store has the Retina iPad Minis in stock. (at least they had some earlier this afternoon) I almost went down to see them. And to decide if I wanted a mini or a maxi pad. But, that seemed like an idea that might lead to an expensive impulse purchase. So, I made myself a nice cup of tea and took a nap.

Today’s Good Thing: A nice nap.

Is it 2016 already?

politics never ends in our neighborhood
politics never ends in our neighborhood

I got over my frightful fatigue of yesterday. By bedtime, I was even a little dizzy. I am guessing it was caused by stress and mucked up sinuses. Anyhow, after as good a night’s sleep as an old woman ever gets and some almost illegal sudafeds – I am back to normal.

Didn’t have much work today. So, I came home early and went for a long walk. It was a nice crispy fall day. I popped into Whole Foods and got a fine chicken/pasta salad for our lunch. This ended up being a good day.

And, I knocked another thing off my 2do list.

Today’s Good Thing: I resisted all the wonderful shopping opportunities that I came upon during my walk.

I am not sure I am going to be able to resist getting a Retina iPad Mini… We’ll see. I am still thinking about an iPhone or Nexus 5. No rush. Since none of these items are actually available.


feeling (and looking) a little run hard and put away wet.
feeling (and looking) a little run hard and put away wet

The best laid plans… My Butt should be inserted in a nice 1st class seat, almost back in Kona right now. But, no. It’s not happening. Mr C insists that we’ll be heading Kona way by mid January.

I wasn’t going to say anything to him about not going to Kona this morning. Well, he fired up my spotting scope and watched the plane we were supposed to be on leave DCA. So much for my plan of ignoring the day.

Am feeling real tired today – for no apparent reason. Guess events have just sort of worn me down.

Today’s Good Thing: I got my mending done.

Other than his sore armpit – Mr C is doing fine. Well, he was pretty sad when he watched our plane leave this morning. But, he doesn’t stay down very long.