
Well… According to Mr C we have been home for 33 hours. He keeps up with stuff like that.

No doctor visits scheduled until late Tuesday afternoon. I have given up trying to speed that up. Don’t think it will make any difference. And, if the fever comes back – I will get him over to the Emergency Room.

Totally Frivolous: Yesterday I spent entirely too much time trying on all my skirts and pants. Noting the ones that at TOO BIG and are schedule for the thrift shop, the ones that need a little alteration, and the jeans. The jeans that – just out of the dryer – I can now zip. I hadn’t washed those jeans in a long time, knowing that they would not zip. But, those beloved jeans fit again.

Made some red lentil soup today. Red lentil soup is our family version if chicken soup. My new thinner self calculated the number of calories in the soup. I also went for a walk. Only 2 miles – but a walk. Someday soon, I may check out our building gym. I have never been in the gym. But, I know where it is! I am so not a fan of exercise.

Planning on working on my taxes tomorrow.


Made it home. Flight out of Chicago was cancelled but made it back home only two hours late.

Carlton is trying to get in to see a doctor. Sooner not later. But, he isn’t having much luck.

At least I can worry in my own home. I do not have a single molecule of optimism left.


The patient made it to Portland. The caregiver did not chow down on junk food, yet. But, there is an egg mcmuffin with my name on it in Chicago.

Now, maybe I can get Mr C to see a doctor before his appointment on Tuesday afternoon.

BTW – love the cellular connection in the iPad. Beats scuzzy airport wifi.


So far, so good. Carlton’s fever is hovering around 99 degrees. He is very weak. And he doesn’t want to eat. He isn’t having any pain. If he stays like this we will make it home OK.

I am a basket case, but working real hard keeping it together. It will not help any thing if I lose it. Scared. Scared of the trip home. More scared of the prognosis.

Leaving the hotel at 9:45am tomorrow.

Started reading Fellowship of the Rings. That should last until home.

One too many…


Well, here it is 10am and we are at Urgent Care. Mr C has a raging fever. This morning he had chills that racked our kingsize bed. Doctor Peggy thinks he has some sort of septic infection. I wanted to take him to hospital but was out voted.

12:30pm now. Back at hotel. With a huge bottle of bactrim. I hope that it works. He has been dosed up with a hand full of Motrin and a double serving of bactrim. Plus a cup of coffee and a slice of pumpkin pie. The pie and coffee was his idea.

I can do this. I can get him back home.

Please let the bactrim work for at least 72 hours.

I did laundry, took boxes to the post office and Mr C wanted his Hawaiian stuff stored at the Place. (He said he wanted them to have the stuff if he can not come back). And, I made a couple of trips to the drug store. When everything is out of control it is good to have something to do that you can actually do.

Update: 4pm. He is holding at about 99 degrees. I got some more Motrin in him and half a sandwich.


These are the scary ladies of The Kaahumanu Society. They had their mojo going. It was cloudy. Which must have made the black outfits, circa 1820, more comfy.

Next two days, getting ready to go home.

3 more

This is Mitch, our resident one legged pigeon. He frequently watches me do yoga.

Today was not good for me. Fear and worry. But I did my 5 mile walk, and my yoga, and my swim. And, so far, I have stayed on my diet. Me eating a kitkat bar will not help Carlton. Nor will buying black ballet flats. I did get the kindle and audible versions of The Fellowship of the Rings.

Carlton is dealing better than I am. Enough already. I am grateful for the last two months. Very grateful.

Four – enjoy every musubi

When we arrived, Mr C announced that he wanted spam musubi for lunch everyday.

This would be rice, spam and seaweed. Not exactly heathy or diet food, but good local junk food.

Appointment with big cancer doc on March 25. That is soonest possible.

Five days … Celebrate everyday.

Still worried about Mr C. I guess that is all part of remission. He has developed a worrisome area on his chest. I am hoping that he is just having delayed radiation burn exacerbated by sun exposure. Or not.

We have enjoyed our two months of grace. No more about this until he sees one of his doctors.

We celebrated today with KTA donuts. IMHO they are the best donuts on the planet. Carlton had a couple. I had half a donut. I also got a new pencil skirt at the thrift shop. It doesn’t have much wiggle room. The skirt will be my diet monitor.

The VaVa II is still here. We found out today that it has TWO jets parked at the airport.

Six days

I had successfully ignored Carlton’s health for two months. This afternoon, little tendrils of fear began to creep back into my brain. Drat. Drat. Drat. Think positive.

Seven days. One week.


The VaVa II is still here. I am sort of thinking she will leave tomorrow when the trashy Pride of America arrives with 3,000 over sized passengers.

The VaVa is parked in plain view of what I call “the rich people’s houses”. It is a gated community of houses that are rented as vacation places at $1,000 plus per day. I suspect the only reason people rent them is to sit on their rented lanai and feel superior. And it is hard to feel superior when you are looking at a hundred million dollar boat, helicopter extra. And, this being Hawaii, people like me can and do walk right in front of the houses. Gated doesn’t get you much in Kona.

This has got to stop. Today I found myself looking at running shoes. I came right home and had a nice ice coffee from Starbucks. I am too old to turn into a jock.

Nine more days


The VaVa II is still parked in the bay. She has unleashed two snazzy zodiac, a 50 foot launch and the helicopter.

Nice sunny day. Much talk on our tv right now about Crimea, one thing about being in the tropics – one doesn’t really care about current affairs.

My blog host account is running out of space. Hopefully, it will hold up until I get back home. And either dump some things or get more space.

Most important thing when we get back is to start the quest for a suitable “rock and roll retirement” home for us. No 1950s Marriott decor in the lobby, no elevator music in the elevator, my dinner must not be at 5 PM, and no bingo.