
The Fly
The Fly

No bees today. It was really hot. I didn’t spend much time bee hunting. So, this rather common fly will have to do. For me, the fun part of bug photography is seeing what I manage to capture in the camera.

No news from the asylum re my acceptability. It is kind of like trying to get into an exclusive country club or to buy into a NYC coop apartment.

Addendum: Will it take an “Internet Pearl Harbor” for the US to secure our cyberspace? And, will we survive the initial massive attack?


The Old Bat…Pass or Fail???


Well, I spent an hour being tested for possible admission to the asylum. They wouldn’t tell me if I passed or failed. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing if I flunked??? But, then, would I want to live in an asylum that would have me… to paraphrase Groucho.

After the tests and interviews, I measured everything in the proposed bat cave. And I inspected it’s 4 square foot chicken wire storage cage. I don’t think I would store anything in it that I really cared about. Rather ordinary snips would get anyone into the cage, and it is in the basement with the proverbial “overhead sewer lines”. Wondering what I might store in it. But, all the cages seemed to be full of mostly junk. Well, I guess I can keep my sewing box and electronics box in the cage. And, maybe a box of kitchen stuff that I could later move to a bigger apartment. If I move to a bigger place, I’d get a different (but same size) storage cage. Don’t want to get involved moving junk from cage A to cage B.

Note to Carlton: the asylum a soft ice cream machine. I had a small cone before bussing back home. Dolce de leche.

The Old Bat Cave

No bees today - but a magnolia
No bees today – but a magnolia

Today, after my nap, I decided to call my new digs “the old bat cave”. My definition of an “old bat” is the British one: an old woman who you think is slightly crazy. I think old bat describes me rather nicely. And I always loved Batman.

The big mental exam for the old folks asylum is tomorrow at 1400 hours. That is my naptime. Hope I pass the test. Note to self: Take it seriously. Remember the trouble you got into years ago when you didn’t take your DIA polygraph seriously.

It depends on what you call it…

Bee Photography Season!
Bee Photography Season has begun!

What’s in a name? My 367 sq foot cell at the asylum. Possible names:

Micro Unit

I am thinking that what I call it is important. I am leaning towards “chamber” or “micro unit”. In late April, I did test layout.

There is a closet/bath/kitchen area as well.
There is a closet/bath/kitchen area as well.

On my last visit, I located the outlets etc. So, I revised the plan.

Screen Shot 2015-06-09 at 6.45.28 PM

After my mental exam on Thursday – hopefully, the “chamber” will be empty and I can get really accurate measurements. There is zero room for error. Absolutely everything has be measured. Also, I’ll add the bathroom, kitchen area, and closets. Maybe, I’ll call it a micro unit. (Carlton was always in charge of measuring and drawing layouts. He had an unused degree in architectural engineering.)

The Capital is undergoing massive renovations. (Too bad the occupants can not be renovated!)

Nation's Capital is looking a little funky these days.
Nation’s Capital is looking a little funky these days.

Note to self…

One from the film-time vault. Jack daniels distillery.
One from the film-time vault. Jack daniels distillery.

Note to self: look out the window before you get on the elevator. If there is lighting – reconsider boarding the elevator. Especially with a skittish, elderly german shepard. The elevator stopped about 5 times. Each time we got it going again. I finally wised up and got off. But, had I learned my lesson? NO. I was on a mission. Going to Starbucks for a fix. So, I continued down. Via the stairs. When I finally made it down, the lobby was filled with large dogs and their owners. No one wanted to get stuck in an elevator with someone else’s dog.

I went off to Starbucks. When I got back to the dog filled lobby – decided to walk home. Up all 17 floors.

Nothing much going on. Nothing wrong with that.


Back online after 36 hours

Starting a herd of elephants
Starting a herd of elephants

This 36 hour period was “easier” than the last 36 No Technology weekend. Last time I had to keep a pencil and paper log to keep myself sane. But, this time – I “needed” to work on my photo files. So, I allowed myself to use Lightroom. 2014 photos are all off the Airness. As are a bunch of audiobooks and the Airness has more space.

I read all the old newspapers and magazines. And researched the tax implications of moving to the asylum. The asylum promises to take care of my sorry ass – no matter what. It is really just very good long term care insurance. And, I am moving into the cheapest unit in a very expensive building. The result is – I have a tiny little unit. But, I am going to get a killer tax break. I knew there were tax consequences. I just didn’t know how good they are.

Getting sort of psyched about moving to the asylum. I still love it here. The view and the location. But, the asylum will cost 1/2 as much. And since I know I’ll be moving, I am getting short timer’s attitude about this place. Also, I have to be gone before the vacuum cleaner needs to have it’s bags, boxes, and filters replaced or cleaned or whatever one does to the vacuum. The asylum includes weekly maid and linen service. The vacuum ain’t making the move.

Tramping around DC yesterday – what should I find but a Paul’s. And another. And another. I finally gave in. Had a ham, cheese, in a baguette with butter. Exactly like in France. Who knew we had a Paul’s franchise in DC. Well, at least 3. I have to get out more.


Another 36 hours offline

out my window - with the antique FX01
out my window – with the antique FX01

Ok, it worked out well a month ago – 36 hours w/o technology. I am going to try it again. But, this time I am going to allow myself (maybe even force myself) to cull through November and December 2014 photos and get them off the Airness. But, no internet. No games. No surfing about looking for a cute shower curtain for my new digs down at the asylum. And no TV. Newspapers for news. Old school iPod for music. The theater for movies.

Speaking of the asylum. I am sort of with the program now. Actually almost looking forward to getting on stage for the last act of my life.

Also looking forward to 36 Drugger (is that their name – the christian family whose matriarch has a clown car uterus?) free hours!

Back on line at 1830hours Sunday.

Sunset - My Place in Kona - Nov 2014
Sunset – My Place in Kona – Nov 2014

Orchids and a new toy


Still damp and cool. But, summery weather is supposed to return tomorrow. And tomorrow, I will be going downtown to take more orchid pictures. At least that is the plan. Subject to change.

I converted Carlton’s Last Tax Refund into a Nexus 6. It is not an Apple. I might have been happier with one of the big-ass iPhones. But, I figured it was time for a little diversity. Also, the Nexus 6 is $150 off right now. So, Carlton’s tax refund covered it. NOW, I have to decide what cell service to use. Right now the Nexus is just a big Android-pod. I took it down to Starbucks and downloaded about 3 system updates. I am in no rush to pick out a cell service. (It seems to be a serious battery hog).

The new kid
The new kid – that is my iPad Mini under the Nexus 6.

OH, here is my first try at elephant origami.


additional fun with orchids – photos not so much

Yep, another orchid.
Yep, another orchid.

Another chilly damp day. By long pants were all washed and hanging in the back of the closet, waiting for fall. Out came the levis. And a sweater. Also wool sox.

After my required nap and reading period, I finished up the October 2014 photos. October 2014 wasn’t one of my favorite months. I was tempted to just archive October and move directly to November. But, I reviewed October. Started with a perfectly normal October 1 and 2. Then October 3. Finally landed in Kona on Halloween. And you know you were going to see this sooner or later, the picture I took when I came home and found Carlton dead. Very dead.

In case anyone is really freaked out – don’t scroll down the page.








Carlton - Takes one last nap.
Carlton – Takes one last nap.

Honestly – his arm off the bed is the only thing in the least abnormal. He frequently napped with his mouth open, snoring away. We should all go so quickly into the good night. Or afternoon in his case.

Now, I am going to figure out how to make an origami elephant. I think I can do it.


Even more fun with orchids

If you think you are having fun, you are having fun
If you think you are having fun, you are having fun

Cold and rainy here today. Wasn’t I just complaining about it being hot? Well, it happens every year. As soon as the pool opens. It gets cold.

We are so politically jaded here inside the beltway. Two short blocks from here, Lincoln Chaffee announced that he is running for President this afternoon. Do you think I could rouse myself enough to go down and cheer? Not me. And, I think that Lincoln Chaffee is one of the good guys. (Actually, I think that C-Span was the only news outlet that covered the “event”.)

Still plugging my way through my 2014 photos. Doing it one month at a time. I have made it through September. Sort of a bittersweet trip through my last year with Carlton. Gee, it is the 3rd of the month. Carlton died 9 months ago. Carlton didn’t like this picture – I asked me to take it to send to a friend. If I had known… I would had done a better job. I may still take it into photoshop and blur out the background some. (Carlton didn’t like the picture because it made him look “old”.)

Carlton - September 25
Carlton – September 25

Still More Fun With Orchids

Totally Loving Orchids
Totally Loving Orchids

Think that I’ll go down to the Conservatory this weekend and take more orchid photographs. I suspect that the Phalaenopsis orchids are the most fun. But I don’t know. I only discovered “fun with orchids” last week.

Just got a great electronic notice. My bank wants me to know that Carlton’s last tax refund was deposited by the IRS. I know that he could still get audited. But, at least “the IRS computer” is happy enough to send me a few bills.

Thank you, IRS. Thank you, Carlton. As soon as I finish this post I am going to make my dinner. Then I am going to go shopping for camera gear. I will make an except to my “NOTHING that can not be eaten is allowed to come in the door” for camera gear. Thinking maybe a better macro lens. All the better for photographing orchids!

Speaking of the weekend – airing out the east coast edition of the damn white dress for my annual Kamehameha Day event at the US Capital this Sunday. If the weather isn’t long white dress friendly, I’ll wear an Aloha shirt. (and pants)


More fun with orchids

Inside an orchid
Inside an orchid – thanks, Billy, for turning me on to orchids.

Stormy this afternoon. Maybe there will be some cooler weather behind the storms. I’d like to turn the A/C off for a while.

My wardrobe has gotten out of hand. I had 37 hangers of clothes. I got the count back down to 30 hangers. (Plus one winter jacket, one bathrobe, one raincoat and one wetsuit. I don’t count those four hangers.) These should fit nicely in the studio. Especially, if I replace my puffy old fashioned satin hangers with new modern velvet hangers.

Running out of space on the Airness – time to off load a bunch of images. So, I going through 2014 photos one last time. Tweaking the metadata, deleting some, adding keywords so I can find them if I want them back some day – not likely – but it has happened.

Carlton, watching TV, last July.
Carlton, watching TV, last July.

There is my old buddy, Mr C, in his chair, watching his TV. The remote at the ready. I was in my chair playing with my camera. Simple pleasures.