Back online after 36 hours

Starting a herd of elephants
Starting a herd of elephants

This 36 hour period was “easier” than the last 36 No Technology weekend. Last time I had to keep a pencil and paper log to keep myself sane. But, this time – I “needed” to work on my photo files. So, I allowed myself to use Lightroom. 2014 photos are all off the Airness. As are a bunch of audiobooks and the Airness has more space.

I read all the old newspapers and magazines. And researched the tax implications of moving to the asylum. The asylum promises to take care of my sorry ass – no matter what. It is really just very good long term care insurance. And, I am moving into the cheapest unit in a very expensive building. The result is – I have a tiny little unit. But, I am going to get a killer tax break. I knew there were tax consequences. I just didn’t know how good they are.

Getting sort of psyched about moving to the asylum. I still love it here. The view and the location. But, the asylum will cost 1/2 as much. And since I know I’ll be moving, I am getting short timer’s attitude about this place. Also, I have to be gone before the vacuum cleaner needs to have it’s bags, boxes, and filters replaced or cleaned or whatever one does to the vacuum. The asylum includes weekly maid and linen service. The vacuum ain’t making the move.

Tramping around DC yesterday – what should I find but a Paul’s. And another. And another. I finally gave in. Had a ham, cheese, in a baguette with butter. Exactly like in France. Who knew we had a Paul’s franchise in DC. Well, at least 3. I have to get out more.


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