A Fine Sunday

Our little drinking village with a fishing problem.
Our little drinking village with a fishing problem.

Started out the morning on the pier. Thinking about doing some street shooting. But, it is a fine morning and I see some surfers in the distance. So, edgy street photography loses out to surfers.

Young surfer from Hilo at Honls
Young surfer from Hilo at Honls

I got about 120 shots out of three waves this I caught this guy catching. And, to make it more fun for me – he came up and introduced himself and asked me to email him some pictures. No great shots – but some good ones. If you can not get too many surf shots – check out 50 more at:


After post processing the surfer – I took myself out for a nice long swim. The water was clear and dead calm.

More Lavender Tangs
More Lavender Tangs

And, I ran into a bunch of my current favorite fish – the Lavender Tang.

Cool, cloudy, chance of soup for dinner

Another flying gurnard – but the wings are still folded.
Lavender tangs – they frequently look like they are smiling
Bunch of lavender tangs
Lapakahi State Historical Park
Lapakahi State Historical Park
Moonset at the old airport
Moonset at the old airport

Yep, I am cleaning off the photos that have stacked up on my desktop. (Click on them for larger versions)

Cloudy and cool and breezy today. So, I think it will be soup for dinner.

Zika and Dengue Virus. When I was in Samoa they had big signs warning about the dangers of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika. I had to Google Zika. What a difference a month makes. Now Zika is on the national news every night. Dengue is still on the local news every day here in Hawai’i. And Chikungunya is still off the US radar.

I was expecting to have second thoughts about my train trip. But, no buyers remorse. Five days of napping, reading, eating, looking out the window, coffee drinking, giving the fitbit a rest… what’s not to love?

Found 2 pennies while doing my fitbit walk today. Figured that was a sign from Carlton that it was OK to take the long way home. (Picking up pennies was a big deal to Mr C)


The Way Back


Last evening – I made my reservations for the trek back to the Old Bat Cave.

  • Kona to Seattle
  • Seattle to Portland
  • 5 hours to find Portland RR Station
  • Portland to Sacramento
  • 5 hours in Sacramento
  • Sacramento to Chicago
  • 4 hours in Chicago
  • Chicago to DC
  • DC to Asylum.

This all starts at 10PM March 1st. And I should be back in the Bat Cave by 7PM March 6th.

Gotta figure out how to get most of my stuff back home. UPS or USPS I guess. I don’t want to be pack animal for 5 days.

And what would Carlton say about this? He would say: Go right ahead. Call me every day. Tell me about it. I’ll take the plane all the way.

A Little Hotel Drama


Early this morning returing a coffee walk… There were a couple of cop cars outside the hotel – a not unheard at the Seaside. There was a news report of a stabbing at a westside hotel. So, figured that the Seaside was where it happened.

Came up to my room where I see a woman with a Marilyn Monroe complex in a pretty white slipdress with a train case talking to two cops just outside the hotel property. Hummm, she must be the problem. She looked a little like a working girl – but they are usually too savvy to get caught by the cops like that. They can be entrapped, but not busted for some “hotel” offense or the other. So, I figure she was just some silly girl who made a really bad choice man-wise. And, later I notice 3 overstuffed suitcases on the sidewalk as well.

Time passes. She is screaming into her phone. “You said you would be here 2 hours ago. Coming to get me has to me your highest priority today. He left at 3:30 yesterday and the hotel threw me out at 8AM…”

Another couple of hours pass. I am having lunch and notice a man stuffing all the luggage into a late model sedan. The girl is not in sight. I assume she was already in the car.

I hope she learned something from this little drama. Always have a viable Plan B girlfriend. I guess she had a Plan B – it was the guy who came and scooped her off the sidewalk. Sge needs a better Plan B.

Surf, Sun and Sushi Lunch – Honls

Surf and Sushi Lunch  - Honls
Boys surfing.

Just a normal day today. Got lunch at the grocery and ate it at the beach. 3 guys surfing. 2 girls sunning. This wasn’t the best place to surf today – but it was the best place to eat lunch.

Girls sunning.
Girls sunning.

Thank you, Carlton for my new previously owned long slow lens.

Damp Day

The Pirate Ship
The Pirate Ship

Woke up this morning to a little rain and a pirate ship in the harbor. I have been in Kona almost 3 months – and this was the first “damp” day. I really don’t think I can call it a rainy day. It was just damp. And, a little drizzly.

I started thinking about “taxes”. I can either do my own taxes or pay someone big bucks to do it for me. I should get some backup for my tax preparation. As long as my brain works – I think I should do my own taxes. (Well, me and TurboTax) But, how will I know when I am no longer capable of doing my own taxes? And, it seems that it will take about as much work to get my stuff together for the CPA as doing my own taxes…

TurboTax and I did my taxes and Carlton’s taxes. And, Carlton checked them. I miss my checker. Come to think of it – Carlton checked everything. Me, not so much… I sort of wing it.

But, I did check on trains across America. The California Zephyr – which goes thru Colorado during the day – and the Sunset Limited – which just sound cool – are my candidates. The Empire Builder is the easiest. There is something to be said for “easiest”. Just get to Seattle. Take light rail from airport to train station. Planes arrive in the early AM and train leaves in late afternoon.

The Sunset Limited leaves from Los Angeles – you can get from the airport to the train station by public transit – but 3 or 4 transfers are required. The CZ – not sure how I would connect with it. Most likely go to Seattle and take a train to the Sacramento and join the Zephyr there.

yep, it's a pirate ship
yep, it’s a pirate ship


A Little Surf, Birds on a Roll and Lizard

Love the surf – waves not rideable – but photographable.
Java Finches take on a dinner roll
Java Finches take on a dinner roll

I am not very happy with any of these images… I think you can click on them and make them larger if you want to be critical.

Going back home – thinking about taking the train. Well from the coast. The Empire Builder can be joined in Portland or Seattle. The most scenic, California Zephyr, can be jumped on in Sacramento. Los Angeles is where you get the Sunset Limited. At my advanced age, I can get across country for about $225. But, it is not about the money. It is about the journey.


Sunday in Paradise

Paradise. One Image. Enough.

Good day. Laundry. Football. Reading. Bouncing around in the ocean.

Heading back East in 4 to 6 weeks. Not sure way. Except that is where the Old Bat Cave is. And, the taxes.


We Have “Snowmen” Too

We are not snowman deprived.
We are not snowman deprived.

Totally exhausted today. Every muscle, but especially the legs, is complaining. I put myself into recovery mode today. NO exercising. NO fitness nonsense. No walking upstairs. Ignore the fitbit. Got 4 miles today – just doing normal stuff – going to the farm market and the grocery. That is enough. Let the old muscles rest. And, eat enough calories.

I have no sense. I must realize that I am an old woman. I don’t bounce back as quickly.

Carlton used to tell me to “slow down”. Nobody doesn’t that anymore. I need to be responsible for my own body. Think I am going to need to take tomorrow off too.

It’s aloha Friday


Went whale watching up north. No whales captured in the camera. Good  times anyhow.  Came home and went for a swim.

Back at the hotel, there was no water. It is back. Now, there is no WiFi. This is coming to you via Shamu the Phone.

But, it is all good. It’s aloha Friday and no way is it going to snow.

A couple from Samoa

This one I planned.
This one I planned.
This one was taken from a bus window. Whatever happens is what I planned.
This one was taken from a bus window. Whatever happens is what I planned.

Note to Harlene – our ocean temperature is about 75° at this time of year. That is a little chilly for old ladies. So, I usually bundle up in my wetsuit. Besides – black is very slimming.

Glad that I am missing the blizzard that is expected at home. Never mind that I live in a full service old ladies asylum. And, they will worry about feeding me and keeping me cosy if the power goes off. I would much rather go swimming in our 75° ocean than in the asylum 82° indoor pool.


Lazy Tuesday…

There was an old dove who lived in a slipper by the sea.
There was an old dove who lived in a slipper by the sea.

Just some fotos from this morning’s swim. Something to think about while you prepare for “end of life on the planet as we know it” blizzard.

Dactyloptena orientalis - Flying Gurnard
Dactyloptena orientalis – Flying Gurnard

We found 3 or 4 flying gurnards in about 6 inches of water. They can spread those pectoral fins out in a most wonderful manner. But, these guys were just hanging out.

Billy, my snorkeling partner, dives to better hear the whales.
Billy, my snorkeling partner, dives to better hear the whales.

I, however, am sort of stuck on the surface – my wetsuit makes me too floaty to dive. But, I am warmer than Billy! And yes, we saw and heard whales today.

Checking for boats
Looking for trouble.

Don’t think we are in any danger from the cruise ship.

No complaints about the quantity or variety of fish
No complaints about the quantity or variety of fish

And all this goodness is just across the street from my hotel. Now you know why I am not in the old bat cave waiting for the snow. I’ll do that when I get “old”. Yep, I am in denial about my advanced age.