

The Hibiscus of the Day
The Hibiscus of the Day

All these hibiscus are starting to look alike, aren’t they?

Well, I am going to keep taking pictures of them until I get one that I like. Beings as how I am a stubborn old woman. A stubborn old woman who believes it is time to take to the streets and fight like hell for the soul of our country. Well, being old, I may do most of my fighting with my purse. I hugely enjoyed making a donation to Planned Parenthood in honor of Mike Pence this morning. 


Carlton is by the seawall where the little waves are lapping up. In a couple of hours, I’ll be going over to a Celebration of Life for a dear friend. Have known him and his family for 20+ years. He made my “straw” – actually lauhala – hat. In typical superficial Peg fashion, I cried – but I have nothing to wear. Well, I actually have the dress that I wore to Carlton’s Funeral Mass at Georgetown this past April. Surely it will be good enough to wear to this Celebration. And, I’ll wear Sam’s hat. Or papale as it is properly called.

When I walked through the grounds this morning – food and drink was being laid in and the band was doing a sound check. Sam will be well remembered.

Speaking of remembered, I am still annoyed over Carlton’s Fake Obit. It made Mr C sound all respectable and normal. He was neither. He might have started out respectable and normal, but he didn’t end up that way. Do you really think I would live with a respectable and normal man? 

I figured out who did it. And, I know what Carlton would say. He would say “Give it a rest. Wait until the guy who did it dies – then have it taken down, if possible.” As usual, good advice. 

But, really, WTF, you can just make up an obituary? FAKE NEWS. Well, the Mormons can baptise you after you are dead. Why not make up an obituary? 

And, I ordered a new cheapass underwater camera. This afternoon, as soon as those nice Jewish boys in NYC opened up after Shabbos. Might be here by next Friday. Or not.

Just like home – snail internet tonight

The Hibiscus of the Day
The Hibiscus of the Day

Been thinking about the death of my $99 underwater camera. I think I’ll get another cheapass underwater camera. Why?

  1. I can afford another camera.
  2. Taking a camera swimming with me just makes it more fun. And fun is good.
  3. Why not get a housing for my DSLR? I would if I was still a diver. A DSLR in a housing is serious overkill when snorkeling. Also, the housing for it would cost more than $1,000. And, WHEN it floods it will take an expensive camera and lens with it. 
  4. An action camera – i.e. GoPro – or a conventional point and shoot underwater camera? Conventional PS camera. I am not an “action” person anymore. But, more important – I am just not a video person. So, if I got an action camera – most of the time I would use it to take still photos. 
  5. So, I think I’ll get another cheapass underwater camera.
  6. Stay tuned. 
friday breakfast
friday breakfast

Note to self: This was a fine breakfast. Make it again. I could be lunch or dinner too

Break one egg in a bowl. Put half an English muffin or slice of bread on top. Nuke 60 seconds. Flip out on a plate. Top with avocado and/or salsa. Sort of like “French” toast. You could also toast the muffin/bread. Then it is more like Eggs Benedict. 


Photo Thursday

Today's Hibiscus Attempt
Today’s Hibiscus Attempt.
Lots of boat traffic.
Lots of boat traffic.
I love weird lens/light accidents.
I love weird lens/light accidents.
What's not to love - climbing the stairway to heaven
climbing the stairway to heaven coffee.
Found a cleaning station.
Found a cleaning station.

Went on a swim today. And I found a cleaning station. The little yellow and purple fish is a cleaner wrasse. Other fish come by for a little fishy spa treatment. 

A bummer – the $99 camera flooded today. Just a little flood. It will dry out and be useable – but it’s ocean going days are over. With underwater gear, it isn’t a question of IF it will flood. But WHEN will it flood.

Needless to say, I am doing a little “window shopping” for a replacement. 


 Hibiscus arnottianus
Hibiscus arnottianus

The ubiquitous hibiscus is problematic for me to photograph. Sort of like the trouble I have with irises.

Anyhow, this is one of the seven hibiscus that are native to Hawai’i. There are plenty of hybrid Chinese hibiscus for me to use for practice. 

Happy things: Goodness knows we need them.

  1. I got a fine heavy silk dress at the thrift shop for 25cents. Well, actually 25cents was the asking price. I insisted on paying 50cents for it. Today, I washed it in my sink and hung it out on the lanai to dry. It looks great. It says “dry clean only” – well that wasn’t going to happen. And, 100% silk. That is it for labels. Not even any indication that the makers label had been removed. There is a tiny metal star where the makes label should be. Very curious. Good fun for 50cents.
  2. I have a folder on my computer desktop named “happy things”. In it are things that make me happy. This makes me happy. It is so totally Hawaiian. it is a little iPhone video of a bunch of guys singing the Doxology in Hawaiian. To me it isn’t a religious thing. It is a music thing. Feel free to add religious to it. 

Paperwork today

From today's swim
From today’s swim

Had a nice early morning swim. Then I spent the rest of the day doing paperwork-type stuff. I am not really on vacation here. So, stuff still has to get done. Investments need monitoring, bills need paying, etc. etc. 

Also, I was a little tired and decided that some physical down time was a good idea. 

One of my Canadian friends, a man who comes for about a month every fall, arrived yesterday. He lives in Vancouver. He and his wife escaped from East Germany. He reminded me that Hitler did not take over Germany. Hitler was elected, fair and square. Another point he made was that “Walls Don’t Work”. He used himself as proof. And, slightly self serving, he pointed out that walls just insure that the best, strongest, smartest people get in. Sick people can not jump fences, old people will not take the required chances, etc. 

Still thinking that the US is becoming the laughing stock of the planet. Oh hell. Oh well. 

A day for fishes

Super Moon
Super Moon

Got up at O-Dark-Hundred and went to look at the super moon set. But, no good shots. The not so super sun rose and overtook the moon as it was making it’s super dive into the ocean. Yesterday would have been a better day. But, you shoot the moon you have. This was just a test shot and it turned out to be my only shot. 

Thanks for the monopod, Trudie.

After a 900+ calorie breakfast with friends – it was time for a nice long swim. Took the much maligned $99 camera.

Saddle Wrasse
Saddle Wrasse

These guys are cute and very common.

Reticulated Butterfly
Reticulated Butterfly

This handsome butterfly is very common in French Polynesia – but seeing one in our waters is special.

Yellow Tangs
Yellow Tangs

These guys are sort of our local fish. I think we have more of them than the other islands.

And, finally… I have been seeing lots of eels recently.

Whitemouth Moray
Whitemouth Moray

And, thanks to everyone who sent kind greetings yesterday. I am glad to have that done. And, when my time comes… or if anyone wants to visit Mr C… the coordinates are:

19°38’21” N 155°59’40” W

Remember boys and girls: Science doesn’t care if you believe in it or not. 



Carlton and I went for a walk along the seawall this morning. I came back alone. 

I decided that he would be happy by the seawall. When the tide is in, turtles frequent the area, nibbling on seaweed. 

I was sitting on the seawall wondering about the location when an eel comes out of the rocks and takes several “running” jumps out of the water and onto the rocks. I have never seen such behavior. Then it swam away. Took this as a sign that the location was suitable. 

from january 2011
from january 2011 – it is a fine seawall

RIP Mr C, after 2 years, 1 month and 10 days… But who is counting. a hui hou

Aloha Saturday.

Oct 23, 2016
Oct 23, 2016

Back at the Asylum, this sign appeared in the Dining Hall shortly before I left.

November 12m 2016
November 12, 2016

I am happy to report that no such problem exists here in Kailua-Kona.

Pretty normal day. I resupplied my kitchen. (See avocado) and headed out for a swim. Decided to swim over to the Palace and try to hassle my friend Billy while he was working.

Hulihe'e Palace.
Hulihe’e Palace.

I used to do that to Carlton, but he was always worried about me being so far out. It isn’t that far. But, you have to understand – Carlton couldn’t float. He was sort of like a shark, he had to keep swimming or he would drown. Intellectually, he understood that – especially in my wet suit – I am very floaty. But, he still worried. 

Along the way, I found a couple of big-ass eels. And a fine little flounder.

Flounder – swimming along
Flounder – decides he has had enough of a swim and settles on a rock.

The flounder – like me – was out for a little swim and he/she kept increasing the size of its black spots as we were swimming in an area with lots of little black wana (sea urchin). 

Funny thing – during last night’s parade – This is Kona – of course there was a queen or two.

Bet her feet hunt today!
Bet her feet hunt today!

And, the parade announcer was giving this girl’s bio – seems that she wants to be a “personal chef”. Well, I almost burst out laughing – in my experience – that came along with the title “wife of”. 

Speaking of personal chef – time to go round up some dinner. Something with avocado? 

One old white woman…

White Privilege - Just Use It!

Not much that one old white woman can do. On the other hand – you can not do very much TO an old white woman either. Which makes old white women pretty powerful. 

Of course, when you are my age – people might just think you are keeping your bra strap in place with the safety pin. 

Bet that The Donald is having a serious case of buyer’s remorse right about now. Wonder how long he will last. Will he stick long enough to light the national Xmas tree? 

End of the political part of the blog.

Surfer Girl
Surfer Girl

Took photos of surfers today. Only one picture of a girl. 

Surfer Boy
Surfer Boy – well Surfer Man

I have a monopod. But, I didn’t take it. 

Later in the day – I did remember to take the monopod out to the “Coffee Parade”.

The usual Kona-style parade.
The usual Kona-style parade.

Faithful visitors to the blog will recall that I haven’t been able to “read” for the last 3 or 4 years. Well, my reading ability seems to be returning. I am beavering my way through a scholarly dead tree tome about Kamehameha III. I can do 30 or 40 pages a day. And, I am reading a Dan Brown book on my Kindle. For a couple of days, I had to set a timer and read for 30 minutes. But, now I find myself just picking it up and reading. Like a normal person. 


OK… Keep Calm, Carryon

Autumn in Kona

I am better today. Yesterday, I was mostly stunned. I kept mindlessly looking around on TV and online. Haven’t a clue what I was looking for.

Then I read Michael Moore’s 5 point call to arms. Which didn’t do a whole lot to make me feel better. But, late yesterday evening – I happened on Garrison Keillor’s op-ed piece from the Post. I know it was humor/satire – but it made me feel better. I am so one of his liberals. 

So, humor restored… I remembered that during the Republican primaries I frequently said that The Donald wasn’t as scary as Mr Cruz. And, I am hoping that turns out to be true. 

As for the protesters… I am not with them – I will be as soon as an injustice occurs. But, not yet. Our side just lost and lost bad. I sure hope all those protesters actually voted. But, I doubt it. Seems like the young people finally woke up. Just a little too late.

And, today, I am thinking about what I can do.  I can start by increasing my donations to social service groups.  I just have this feeling that there are going to be too many people falling through cracks. Or abyss. 

And the BBC just said that Leonard Cohen died. Will 2016 just get over already. 

Ok, this is bad. Really bad.

The sun came up and the ship came in
The sun came up and the ship came in
And, the dolphins played in the bay
And, the dolphins played in the bay

There has been a “great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”

I hope I am wrong about how bad this is going to be. I hope my apolitical friends who say it doesn’t matter who wins are right. 

I feel like I have been run over by a small truck. I fear that I’ll not live long enough to see this fixed. We survived, just barely, Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew. We survived Warren G. Harding – maybe Florence really did kill him. I always hoped that urban legend was true. But can we survive this one. In 71 days – he gets the keys to the nukes. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU VOTED? 

Just remember, boys and girls, that Secretary Clinton won the popular vote. The majority does not rule – but it is right. 

What election?

We have nice waves to surf.
We have nice waves to surf.
Lots of little goats to hunt.
Lots of little goats to hunt.
And coffee to drink.
And coffee to drink.

I hope that today ends well. Really. 

Thank you Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.