

The Hibiscus of the Day
The Hibiscus of the Day

All these hibiscus are starting to look alike, aren’t they?

Well, I am going to keep taking pictures of them until I get one that I like. Beings as how I am a stubborn old woman. A stubborn old woman who believes it is time to take to the streets and fight like hell for the soul of our country. Well, being old, I may do most of my fighting with my purse. I hugely enjoyed making a donation to Planned Parenthood in honor of Mike Pence this morning. 


Carlton is by the seawall where the little waves are lapping up. In a couple of hours, I’ll be going over to a Celebration of Life for a dear friend. Have known him and his family for 20+ years. He made my “straw” – actually lauhala – hat. In typical superficial Peg fashion, I cried – but I have nothing to wear. Well, I actually have the dress that I wore to Carlton’s Funeral Mass at Georgetown this past April. Surely it will be good enough to wear to this Celebration. And, I’ll wear Sam’s hat. Or papale as it is properly called.

When I walked through the grounds this morning – food and drink was being laid in and the band was doing a sound check. Sam will be well remembered.

Speaking of remembered, I am still annoyed over Carlton’s Fake Obit. It made Mr C sound all respectable and normal. He was neither. He might have started out respectable and normal, but he didn’t end up that way. Do you really think I would live with a respectable and normal man? 

I figured out who did it. And, I know what Carlton would say. He would say “Give it a rest. Wait until the guy who did it dies – then have it taken down, if possible.” As usual, good advice. 

But, really, WTF, you can just make up an obituary? FAKE NEWS. Well, the Mormons can baptise you after you are dead. Why not make up an obituary? 

And, I ordered a new cheapass underwater camera. This afternoon, as soon as those nice Jewish boys in NYC opened up after Shabbos. Might be here by next Friday. Or not.

2 Replies to “Saturday”

  1. Peg – I looked at the fake obit. I also figured out who created it. It was a friend who was very close to Carlton from little up in Richmond and a fellow cadet at Tech. I know he meant well and did it because he misses Carlton.

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