
About 5PM today - at 13,500+ feet

The internet was broken yesterday evening. I think it was the stormy weather.  Anyhow, it was back by this morning so I could see – as soon as I woke up – that my equity portfolio continues to plunge.

We have had a couple of cloudy/chilly days – good for getting into the holiday spirit.

Still thinking about getting a Kindle. Not the “Fire” but the Touch. With G3 – I seem to have WiFi issues. Cost isn’t the issue. The issue is having MORE STUFF. The Touch Kindle slips nicely into the back pocket of my little “travel” purse. That is a plus. But, Michelin Green Guides, which are my very favorite travel books – do not have Kindle editions available in the US. (I am thinking that a Kindle could be a good travel buddy.)

2 Replies to “Winter!”

  1. iPads have apps for Nook, Kindle and Apple’s ebooks, so the availability/source of the ebooks doesn’t matter. But it admittedly is bigger and more expensive than the Kindle. my $.02.

  2. The kindle fire is pretty and great for video but mine’s going back – browsing and screen sensitivity are not good.

    The real kindle is great for reading period. Easier on the eye – after about two hours of monitors or a pad my eyes start to complain. ePaper I can sit and read even after a long day on monitors. Very light too. Definitely limited although I would point out the keyboard (not the touch) 3G model allows very basic web browsing on 3G with no monthly cost. Its pretty hideous but with patience can check you can check gmail.

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