Still Waiting For Spring

About froze my butt off walking home in the cold rain yesterday noon. And, it was cold and foggy and drizzly this morning.

But, I declared winter over already. Washed up my winter Ninja wardrobe and stored it away. Washed up the winter navy blue sheets and replaced them with the light blue summer sheets. Washed the fluffy winter robe. Got out the summer shorts and linen pants. And, if the weather doesn’t suit my clothes. Well, I’ll just stay indoors.

In my underwear drawer – there is a pile of granny panties and a pile of non-granny panties. The non-granny pile can go months without being used. I moved the granny panties to the back and moved the silky lacy things to the front of the drawer. Exactly what am I saving the lacy things for? At my age – any day now I could be shopping for Depends.

That is about it for my Spring Cleaning.

Started thinking about:

  • iPad 2
  • FujiFilm x100

I so don’t need either one of these… but this is not about need, is it?

About shooting at people using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. I do not approve of people playing video games in Colorado killing people on the other side of the world. I sure hope the UAV operators don’t get flight pay and/or combat pay. But, I wouldn’t be surprised. I have no problem with using drones as spy planes.

One Reply to “Still Waiting For Spring”

  1. Hi Peggy,
    Last friday after work, to celebrate the begining of the hollydays, we went to the apple store, and bought the ipad2 ! ( I told you in a mail that I was thinking about it)
    One hour of trafic jam, but the apple staff are friendly, and we could went back home with the tablet configured and ready to use.
    I didnt need it too, but it is very convenient. Nice object. As my wife says, the purpose of money is to be used…
    Greetings from france ! (post from ipad 😉 )

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