Maybe Spring Is Over?

Today’s Spring Flower. The 2nd rose of summer.

A second rose on a different bush in a different location indicates that Summer has replaced Spring.  Too soon. 

My old rug.

I don’t remember when the starter husband and I purchased this rug. He was history 50+ years ago. So, the rug must be at least 55 years old. I remember we paid what we considered a lot for it. But, we told ourselves that it would become “more valuable with time”.  

Well, that was before moths attacked the rug one summer when Carlton and I were away. That was before my Asylum housekeeper repeatedly got the fringe tangled up in the vacuum. That was before home decorating fashion changed.  Now I might have to pay someone to take it to the dump.

But the rug has become “more valuable with time”.  Carlton loved that rug at least as much as I did. Every time we moved, he made sure the rug was happy. He rotated it to minimize sun damage. And when moths attacked it, he had it repaired. 

My old feral Hawaiian rescue cat played on the rug until his last day.  Some casual overnight guest’s dog crapped all across the rug to express his displeasure with me. That was the last time that particular man or his dog spent the night. To this day, I am grateful to the rug for warding off that man. If a man’s dog craps on your rug, what do you think the man will do to you??? (No the man did not apologize and offer to have the rug cleaned. He said “Bob is upset. He feels threatened by you.” No shit.)

Hello, my name is Peg and I am old. And, when I am dead the rug can indeed go to the dump. Because it will have been well worth every penny I spent on it so many years ago. There is a lesson here. But, I don’t know what it is.

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