Another Wednesday.

looking for the light

Nice sunrise. Always a good start to the day. Just another pandemic day. Not even sure what I did.

Young Robin

All that I turned up on my bug hunt was this fat young robin. Maybe his mama caught all the bugs for him. The early bird and the worm thing.

life and coronavirus #205

Susie retired today. She held down the front desk. She worked here for 28 years. Normally there would have been a gala send-off for a woman who knew everyone’s name and where we live. (even after we have forgotten our name and address). She even remembered residents who left the building 10 years ago. No mean trick when there are 400+ of us.  Because of Covid, she just got a ride out the door in her chair. A chair that she rarely occupied.

And that boys and girls was today’s excitement.


Grateful for coffee. So, I believe I will wrap up this Wednesday with a nice cuppa.

Mālama pono

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