Cuteness Quest

Hello Kitty is 50. Hello Peggy is older

Headed to Ishinomaki  and a “well known” manga museum today. For my part it was a quest for all things “cute”.

Heading to Kanazawa for 3 days tomorrow.

So far so good. But jet lag continues.

One Reply to “Cuteness Quest”

  1. Lance had a bad day at stage 8. He had said my idea of winning the tour this year is done. The time lapse is too great to overcome. Says he will continue the race to the finish, to help the team. He had one spill himself and was slowed down to a stop by several others. He and Condora (sp) winner last year, have put their differences behind them. Lance said he guessed the two had gotten tired of the drama it created. That is a bad summery of a very bad biking day for Lance. Think it is remarkable that he can actually compete and excell over a majoriety of the field at his old for biking age. Hope you are enjoying your trip. Zee

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