One week done.

monkey pod tree

Made it up the hill to WalMart and Safeway today. I am now fully “settled in”. I can make peanut butter, cheese, “fried” egg, chicken sandwiches. With mustard, avocado, or banana added. The kitchen is stocked. Those sandwiches work for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner.

Mostly I read and floated around in the ocean. Didn’t try to go anywhere, Just floated.

Note to self: You are too old to just power and caffeine through fatigue. If I am tired, I have to rest. I used to be able to just drink lots of coffee and I  was good to go. No matter what. Well, nowadays I get tired. And, I don’t sleep very well. So, after a while, I get tired. Really tired. When that happens, I have to stop. I have to take a personal day and just chill. Getting old sucks.

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