
Is this the view out my next kitchen window

Today, Carlton is the Housing Officer. He is liking a really expensive place. It has a view of the Washington Monument out of the kitchen window. Well, out of the living room and one of the bedrooms too. But, I tend to focus on the kitchen. The place is expensive – but basically you are paying for the view. That works for me.

He didn’t sign on the dotted line. Tomorrow is another day. In his role as Housing Officer, he also unleased a real estate lady. I am scared of real estate ladies. I would never unleash a real estate lady.

And, what is overstuffed – the Airness is overstuffed. I had to offload some stuff to the USB Drive. The Airness has a 128 gig solid state drive and it doesn’t take too much iTunes and too many photos to get things a little cramped.

After this move: flat tvs, FIOS, real end tables – vice milk crates and maybe a Mac Mini are on tap. Have you noticed what your CDs are paying these days? Might as well spend the money. A penny saved is a penny wasted.

I downloaded a new beta of Lightroom 3. It seems a little faster. But, I just moved all my fotos to the external drive – so who knows?

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