It gets worse and worse.

Barred Filefish – Cantherhines dumerilii

This guy is just plain creepy looking with vacant yellow eyes and buck teeth. Zombie Fish.

It started out cold and rainy today. But, by the time I got back from Safeway – the sun was out and I went for a swim. 

And that was about it for me for the day. 2 mile round trip trek to Safeway and 45 minutes of swimming. Spent the rest of the day lounging. Reading. And trying to not watch the trainwreck. And for a sideshow we have the state of North Carolina. I must remind besure to not invest in anything that has anything to do with North Carolina. And, to avoid all things North Carolina. No great sacrifice that I can see. Wait. I believe that Carlton was born in North Carolina. Not his fault. He gets a pass. 

To those of you who do not follow American politics – North Carolina elected a Democrat as governor earlier this week. So, the Republican controlled state house stipped the govenor of all power. I suppose it is legal. But it sure isn’t right. 

Remind self. You are old. You did your part. You actually voted. There isn’t anything you can do. Chill. 
Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

Meatloaf with avocado, papaya and pineapple on tap for dinner today. 

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