OK Carlton, Message Received!

Way Back in FIlm Time - Harpers Ferry Park
Way Back in FIlm Time – Harpers Ferry Park

OK Carlton, message received hot and clear…

Those of you who knew Carlton will remember that he was famously penurious. Coffee was one of the many things that he would not spend money on. When we were a road trip he would grudgingly stop at a Mickey D’s and get me a styrofoam cup of “senior coffee”. I drank it black and when I was about 1/2 finished he would take it and add faux-cream and artificial sweetener – rendering it undrinkable by me. He would then finish it off all the while telling himself that he was a great guy for buying me coffee.

So, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure how he would react to me buying a Starbucks coffee. I did do Starbucks – but not while he was watching. What happened in Starbucks, stayed in Starbucks.

Well, today – I was waiting for the bus. A nice warmish/coolish fall day. Wouldn’t a nice tall coffee taste great? Well, there was 15 minutes ’til bus time. I got my coffee. Settle in on a bench with the sun on my back. And, then I feel warm – warm in a place that hadn’t been warm in two years and four days (but who’s counting?). My coffee has suffered a massive cup failure. My lap is filling up with hot coffee. My jacket is wet. My leggings are wet. My dress is wet. My underdrawers are wet.

Fortunately one doesn’t have to look so very good to ride the bus. But, when I got home the lobby of the asylum was stuffed with prospective tenants. And, I fine sight I was – a bedraggled old woman with a massive wet spot down the front of a beige dress. If that wouldn’t be enough to cause one to rethink the advisability of moving to the Asylum, I don’t know what would.

So, it think this was just Carlton. Expressing his disapproval of my frivolous expenditures. OK, Carlton. I got the message. You are watching and you can cause massive and sudden paper cup failure.

So what? Get over it. I will continue to Starbuck. All of the clothes have been washed and they will be out of the dryer soon.

2 Replies to “OK Carlton, Message Received!”

  1. Greg is almost as bad as Carlton. When he goes to the bank, he “liberates” K cups from their Keurig machine stash to bring home to ours. And he would never consider a Starbucks coffee. Though he will buy at 7-Eleven. Rarely. We could get together and write a book.

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