
a very fine honey bee
a very fine honey bee

Trying to learn how to do weekends. If I can master Saturday and Sunday, I can consider scaling back at work.

So, I went out before breakfast and deadheaded some of “my” rose bushes. I was just listening to mellow slack key on Pandora and snipping away for about 45 minutes.

breakfasting on "my" rose bushes.
breakfasting on “my” rose bushes.

This guy was snipping away too – but since I like bugs more than roses – I left him in peace.

After breakfast, attended to some paperwork, assessed the damages done to my personal wealth yesterday, and waited for a fish.

Yes, a fish. A friend is going away for 5 or 6 days and someone needs to look after her fish. She brought it up to me. It doesn’t look good. A friend in Hawai’i has 5 or 6 of them and they seem much perkier than this one. If it dies, I’ll go to Petco and get a replacement. I am guessing that all orange betta look alike.


pumpkin the betta is in fish hospice.
pumpkin the betta is in fish hospice.

I put a mirror behind it. Hoping that would cheer the poor thing up.

And, this afternoon. I swam laps. Boring. Very boring. But, my old body really feels better after a nice boring swim. That is too bad. If it weren’t efficacious, I wouldn’t have to do it.

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