A bad day of picture taking is better than a good day at the office

Out with the long glass and no birds.
Out with the long glass and no birds in sight…

I have packed 18 boxes. I am seriously thinking about what is in those 18 boxes. Why exactly am I taking 18 boxes of stuff I can apparently do without for 6+ weeks? I don’t have a good answer to that question.

Remember that $26 ugly printer I bought? Well, today for no apparent reason those nice Jewish boys in NYC sent me $15 coupon off of my next purchase because of my purchase of the ugly printer. Since I will always buy something else from BH Photo – that makes my ugly printer cost $11. And, I used the ugly printer today. It still works.

The apartment management told me I don’t have to have the carpet cleaned or super clean my unit. I’ll just roll the dust bunnies out. They are more like dust kangaroos. Well, actually, my people will do that.

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