Yes, Dear Reader

2015 Clarendon Bike Race
2015 Clarendon Bike Race

Yes, they shave their legs. Always have, for as long as I can remember. And, I have been a fan of bike racing for decades. They believe it makes them faster. And, it sure shows off the legs nicely. Most of them shave their arms too. As I said, buff guys in spandex.

Buff women in spandex, too.
Buff women in spandex, too.

Today I realized that the old bat cave is 2 inches too short for my beloved carpet. Well, the carpet is just going to have to deal with being folded or rolled at one end until a larger cave opens up.

I spent Carlton’s last tax refund on a Nexus 6 – I still haven’t decided what carrier to use – so it is still a HUGE android-Pod. Today, I remembered that the thing has a camera. So, I took it for a little test photo walk. A thunder storm came up – so the testing was cut short.

Test shot with the Nexus
Test shot with the Nexus

It isn’t too shabby as a camera.

As for the whole android experience. Well, it isn’t as sleek as iOS. Sort of like the A-Team did the apps for iOS and the B-Team made the android versions. Note to Apple: The BACK arrow is very nice. And, I completely forgot that my collection of earbuds/phones with mics and controls only work with i-devices. The ear part works – but the control/mic parts don’t.

Did a little work to help getting ready to move to the bat cave today. Things like measuring the rug and taking into account things like radiators. Also, consolidated Carlton’s three investment binders into one. I squeezed Carlton’s old tax returns into my tax records box. Mr C kept returns for 6 years. I keep them 4 years. Mr C now keeps returns for 4 years. I would like to keep this box in the storage cage. But, it might not be the smartest move.

Gotta get back with the getting ready to move program.


2 Replies to “Yes, Dear Reader”

  1. Shaving helps when you lose skin on the pavement. Doesn’t hurt so much to remove the bandaids. Too bad I quit doing that a few years back. I went down after touching wheels this morning. Most of the hurt is on my back so I will not be showing it off.

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