Bathtime for Starlings

starlings enjoying a puddle
starlings enjoying a puddle – click on it – it is bigger

The way too long weekend is over. Got back to the job and the new-normal. All is good.

Scheduled my appointment for the asylum mental exam. It is about 2 weeks from now.

Saw I little blurb on PBS last night. They had just finished talking about the 2016 presidential elections. And, then flashed on the screen that in France their presidential elections take place in 2 weeks. Start to finish. Two weeks of presidential campaigning. I am sure there must be some prepositioning But think about it. No electioneering until mid-October 2016 for the November election. Another reason to love France.

One Reply to “Bathtime for Starlings”

  1. Hello,

    I needed to look at the website of the “conseil constitutionnel”, because for me the length of the campaign was not clear. And, of course, even after reading, it’s not so well defined…

    What they say is that we can consider three phases.
    – One year before the elections for the financials aspects
    – approximatively one month before, for the limit of declaration of the candidates. (after that, a commission starts to control the media utilization)
    – the last two weeks for the “official campaign”: official tv spots, debates…

    So, I think we can say that the campagns starts one year before…

    Note that the concept of primary designation is a recent thing for us.

    For the 2007 elections, the UMP (right side) organized a primary designations four months before (only the members could vote).

    And for the 2012 elections the parti socialiste (left side) organized a big primary designations (everyone could vote !) six months before.

    We are voting for the president every five years.

    Have a nice day !

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