Spring is Here, Flowerwise

The Daffodils Have Landed.
  The Daffodils Have Landed.

We have the flower part of spring. Now, maybe we can have some warm weather too.

Why can’t I learn? If I do about 30 minutes of yoga every day, my back is OK. (Well, maybe by evening I need 3 ibuprofen.) When I don’t do yoga – my back takes 12 or 16 ibuprofen every day and the back still hurts. How hard is it to do 30 minutes of yoga. Just put on the yoga pants, unroll the mat and fire up app, do a “class”, roll up the mat, put regular pants on. And you are done.

Today, I took the troublesome tax return to the post office. You better believe I sent it certified. I don’t want to hear from the IRS that they didn’t get the return. I know I should be doing something more today. But, I didn’t. Maybe one thing a day is enough? Well, I did review my new will, power of attorney, final arrangements and medical proxy documents. Going to the lawyer’s office Wednesday to sign everything.

Thinking that my cast iron skillets – which have been in service over 50 years – need a really good cleaning. Then, I might get rid of them. They are very heavy. I don’t see myself doing that much cooking and I am pretty sure they will be problematic with the glass top electric ranges at the Old Ladies Asylum. Wonder if anyone even uses cast iron any more?

One Reply to “Spring is Here, Flowerwise”

  1. Peggy, I would love a little bit of you and Carlton . Whatever are those cast iron skillets going?

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