
An unexpected cruise ship arrived in the bay today. And directions for making an origami cruise ship arrived in the email. Thanks Dennis!

REAL food. Rice, spinach, chicken for lunch. Dinner will be salad or avocado and cheese sandwich.

Extra New Year’s Resolution: Stop wearing ratty old swimsuits. Easy resolution to keep. I just put all the offending togs in the trash. I still have plenty of perfectly fine suits.

The homeless guy known as "Fred"
The homeless guy known as “Fred” checking the headlines in the local paper.

Above we have “Fred”. At least that is what the homeless people call him. They don’t actually talk to him. Nobody talks to Fred. He is a loner. He is called “Fred” because the homeless people think he is Fred MacMurray’s son and has a trust fund. The trust fund must not be doing too good. Fred used to get his coffee and a coffee shop and food at restaurants. This year he seems to be dining at the gas station like most of the other homeless. I have heard from usually reliable sources that he has a jacket and a plaid bathrobe (which he dons in the evening). Fred has been a local “feature” for at least 10 years. Carlton maintained that Fred was like a cockroach. No matter what happens to planet earth – Fred and the cockroaches will survive.

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