Bird #5

JAVA SPARROW Padda oryzivora
JAVA SPARROW Padda oryzivora – at the old airport this morning

The Java sparrow or Java temple bird another import. They are flock birds, if you find one, you find a bunch of them. Once again – according to the Bishop Museum:

Java Sparrows are resident on Java and Bali Is in Indonesia, and have been
introduced throughout SE Asia, in India, and on many islands around the world (Long 1981, Lever 1987, Pratt et al. 1987, Islam 1997, AOU 1998, Higgins et al. 2006). In thePacific they were introduced for a short time during the 1960s on Guam (until a hurricane apparently did them in), they have been established in Fiji since the 1920s, and at least 1-2 were observed on Wake sporadically between 1952 and 1966 (Rauzon et al. 2008). In the Southeastern Hawaiian Islands, they became established on O’ahu in the 1960s and on Kaua’i, Moloka’i, Maui, and Hawai’i I in the 1980s, and have been implicated in a number of problems associated with disturbance to neighborhoods, threats to agriculture, and the spreading of noxious plants in Hawaii (Kishinami 2001).

On Hawai’i I, three adults and two juveniles were first reported N of
the Kona Surf Hotel, Kona, in Jan 1982.

Note to Bishop Museum: We have lots of them now.

Another lazy day. Walking, swimming, reading under a palm tree. Watching football right now. And, trying to decide what REAL food to fix for dinner. Think I might nuke an egg in half an avocado. Top it off with salsa. Pop open a Stein Lager.  Sounds good. I have never actually nuked an egg in an avocado.

(GO SEAHAWKS. Since Paul Allen has a house across the street from me – I root for his team.)

2 Replies to “Bird #5”

  1. Hi Peg,
    I’ve enjoyed all your bird and fish pictures lately… but I am most curious about nuking an egg in an avocado! How did that work?
    You are not missing anything here… icy rain tonight!

    1. Updated everyone on the egg in avocado idea today. I am getting a little antsy to get back to Arlington to get started getting things settled. But, I see no reason to get myself back until the end of winter is in sight.

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