For no apparent reason, the Airness developed a little disk issue. I was going to pack the Airness down to the Apple Store and say “Fix It” or email the son-in-law and say “what now?”

But, I decided that I should be able to RTFM and repair it myself. (It was surely a software issue.) Which I did. Everything seems fine now – but, I’ll keep my backup current and check the file structure at least once a day for a while.

Maybe the Airness has jet lag? I have over 2,000 images to cull down to say maybe 500 with say 50 to print into a book. What I really need is a powered USB hub. 128Gig isn’t a very big drive. And the Airness just has one USB port. Honest, Mr Jobs, I would have tolerated another, say 2 ounces for a second USB port.

One Reply to “OOPS”

  1. No worries! Most Mac software issues can be resolved by repairing permissions using Disk Utility or the free Onyx utility that fixes permissions and also clears out various UNIX and other caches.

    And thanks for all you did for Sam in Japan. I’m sure you banked tons of good karma living with the teenage person for a full month. I hope you had a great time too.

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