Today was all about the 19th Amendment at The Asylum

looking for the light

The Iron Lady is ready to do battle. (She is a rather scary lifesize image of every kid who grew up in the 50’s Mother. Her hair is in rollers and she wears sensible shoes.)

White was the dress code of the day.

Management provided festive ice cream novelties this afternoon. I can not eat chocolate ice cream while wearing a white dress. Even one that will catch the next bus to Goodwill.

I suited up in The East Coast Stupid White Dress.

My tit looks lumpy because I put a camera battery in my bra – this dress being sans-pockets. My friend Sarah, who is 90 something looks much more put together in her whites.

While dressing, I remembered that when we were in Skagway, Carlton was asked to speak at the Suffrage Rally. He was asked to be the opposition. The man loved it. He spent 4 or 5 evenings preparing.

Female Suffrage Protest – August 24, 2001
Female Suffrage Protest
Female Suffrage Protest

This was at about 5:30 in the evening, after work, after the cruise ships left, after they rolled up the sidewalk. We loved Skagway. But, we were only there from early May until late September.


Grateful for good memories and the ability to recall them.

life and coronavirus #224

But, COVID isn’t far away. Another empty store. This used to be a little independent pizza place. Not fancy. But, I am sure that it provided a living for an extended family.

Mālama pono

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