That was world class dumb.

Beware of Birds??? Who Knows.

Traveling is an adventure. I ran into this sign in Japan. Haven’t a clue what it means. It could mean “watch out, really bad ass birds around here”. Or maybe “Go, Fighting Sea Eagles!” in support of the local baseball team. One never knows.

What was really dumb? Me, I fell on my head in yoga class today. Doing a standing forward bend and just tipped over. Smack! Right on top of my head. Also cut my hand and skinned my knee. If I were young everyone would have laughed. But, at my advanced age everyone was very concerned. Ice pack, bandaids, rides home and solicitous emails. I fear that I will have a very sort neck tomorrow.

I guess this would be a called a “sports injury” if I were younger. But, I think at my age it is just called “dumb”.

After my ride home, I just made some origami and listened to an audiobook and took it very easy.

I went to the Cup of Noodles Museum in Tokyo. 1971 – that is when Cup of Noodles as we known it was born.

Cup of Noodles Museum
From the Cup of Noodles Museum.

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