All generalizations are false.

London walkabout. Sotheby’s Frontside

I strolled around the upmarket part of London on fine summer’s day. I rather liked Sotheby’s front door.

In good time I went around the block and found Sotheby’s back door. Much coming and/or going of stuff.

Much more up market than any moving company I ever used!

And willing to make a political statement.

Pretty sure Sir Winston said that. And Mark Twain said “all generalizations are false”.

London is so congested that even bicycle parking spaces are at a premium.

In case you were wondering, all the bikes were serviceable looking and black.

As I rounded the corner, I discovered the “Sotheby’s Coffee Shop”.

The venue was better than the coffee.

I have my stuff on Dropbox, iCloud, and Google Drive. Thinking that I should be thinking about downsizing my digital stuff while I still have enough brain cells to do it. 

(Aside: Fun thing at this instant – they are playing with the light show that is going to be projected on the Washington monument. I should see if I can shoot it.)

Testing light show on washington monument. Shows up better in B/W

Shot with my very cheap long lens. Handheld. 


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