Old and Boring

I am getting old and boring. Heck, I even bore me. Maybe that is how I will die. I will actually bore myself to death. 

Ah, but there are worse things in life than being bored. All I need to do is look back at the 2013/2014 blog entries and remember when every day was a new terror. And boring seemed really good. Boring is still good. 

It isn’t boring outside – another big thunderstorm this evening. Nearly all of our thunderstorms come from the west and my 3 windows face dead east. So, now great lightning shot chances.  

Working around in my head a little PR  presentation to remind my fellow residents about our “resident maintained” Garden. That is where “my” weed lot is located. I don’t like anything about my presentation yet. But, it is a start. And I was always better at fixing things than I was at building things. SO, I have something to “fix”.

PS – I don’t recommend wasting 5 minutes watching the video. I rendered it as “draft” quality and squished the hell out of it with Handbrake. I just love Handbrake. 

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