Everything is working…

Well, in my new computer – everything is working. (Can not say the same thing about my country – nothing is working here anymore.) And, I have the software that I use installed. The scanner scans. The printer prints. My iTunes are on board. 

And all the papers and crap are cleared off of my desk. I can actually see my desk. I had to go to work late this morning to get my desk cleaned off! Have you ever called out “messy”? Kind of embarrassing. My table is still messy. Littered with computer cables, connectors and thingies. But, I’ll get to that tomorrow. While rummaging around – I found a large cache of old small USB drives. And, more than a few old external drives. (Have I mentioned that I am a digital hoarder. I could be a reality tv show.)  Something has to be done. I need to do an intervention on myself.

But, I did find an old AA talk that Carlton gave in 2004. You know, I have started to forget his voice. 

DONGLES: I collected 3 kinds. The very expensive Apple one. A very chic looking nonda, and 2 really cheap Aukers. Gotta say the Mac one is the best and at $19 it should be. The nonda looks really sweet. The Aukers are serviceable and I think they will be OK with the printer and scanner. 

The only thing that I need to decide on and get set up is – backup. Yes, I back up my computer. Yes, I have had to get things from backup. 

If I had real internet – I might wing it w/o backup and keep more stuff in Dropbox. But, I don’t have real internet. And, how hard is TimeMachine anyhow?

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