
moon over arlington - fx01
moon over arlington - fx01

Decisions decisions decisions. No, not who to vote for tomorrow. I am going to vote for the foregone losers. The Democrats for Governor and Attorney General. But, the Republicans are going to win. And they are bad and worse. Before their terms are over, we Virginians will be wearing bags on our heads when we leave the state. Goodness but it is hard being a liberalĀ  old woman in Virginia. Maybe it is hard anywhere in the US.

No my decision is about what to take to Kona. I will *NOT* check a bag. Left to my own devices, I’d mail a box with my clothes and a few creature comforts. But, Mr C doesn’t approve of spending money to mail stuff. To complicate matters – Mr C doesn’t take the carry-on size rules very seriously. Sooner or later he is going to get nailed and it will be ugly. All that I can do is pack a lightly as possible and hope for the best for Mr C and his massive bag + backpack + tennis rackets.

So, for me it is either my big camera or clothes. For now, the big camera is winning. I only have so many more years to take pictures left – and that new lens did cost more than my first new car … Of course, one could say that the lens would be safer left home. That would leave me some room in my carry-on for underdrawers.

I was also thinking “I should dress better in Hawai’i”. Then I said “How very haole.” In Hawai’i, how well you dress doesn’t matter. How well you dance, fish, cook, how good a friend you areĀ  – these are the things that matter. Except maybe to some folk who are trying to move the mainland to Hawai’i.

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