tweet-gito ergo sum?

fuzzy peggy - 04aug09
fuzzy peggy - 04aug09

Now that I have a twitter account  – now what? Do old ladies tweet? do they tweet about depends? Or my very favorite “keep government out of healthcare” from people on Medicare?

I checked on my goth  granddaughter. Her choice of twitter background is the same as mine. one of us should be very worried.

Went and tweaked  my tweet page a little. Don’t want to have the same background as goth girl child.

Feel free to tweet at me – just don’t expect me to tweet back!

forgive me, father, for i have tweeted

Well, I opened a twitter account. When I found out that United had cheaper plane fares available to tweeters. The older I get the harder it is to stay in the technology fast lane. Who am I kidding, I long ago left the fast lane. Heck, I am just trying to stay out of technology Depends.

And not two days after I update my Word Press software – it starts nagging me to upgrade again. Sigh.