Sunrise Series #18

Sunrise Series #18


Carlton’s ear stopped oozing blood. He has been going around un-bandaged. Looks like a dog tried to chew his ear off.

I spent about an hour studying Medicare/Gap/Part D options. Trust me on this youngsters – it isn’t easy figuring out what to choose.

Sunrise Series #17 – And A Van Gogh Moment

Sunrise Series #17

First time in a while when I got the Monument, Plane (Bird or Superman), and Sunrise.


This is Carlton’s Ear – about 30 hours after his “procedure”. It is still oozing blood. No way I’ll be able to wrap it back up good enough to keep from getting blood all over the sheets. It was a heck of a lot cuter with the surgeon’s square gauze ear muff.

Sunrise Series #16

Sunrise Series #16

Sun came back for a cameo appearance this morning.


Carlton had a big chunk taken out of his ear this morning. He was at the doctor so long I called to find out if he was still alive. He has a cute square band-aid over his ear. I guess tomorrow we’ll see how much ear he has left.

And what exactly was Mr Obama doing last night at the debate?

Sunrise??? Series Day 15

Sunrise Series #15 – Sun Optional

Carlton seems to be feeling better today. That makes me feel better.

One of Carlton’s friends is making his way to the next level. Today this friend gave Carlton a “miniature” version of the Oxford English Dictionary. It weighs at least 12 pounds and comes with its own magnifying glass.

Sunrise Series Day 14

Sunrise Series #14

There is some sort of morality play type lesson here.  The sun comes up every day no matter what, even if we can’t see it. I guess that’s what the lesson is.

This week is the 50th anniversary of the James Bond movies. Doesn’t that make you feel old? Will have to watch Dr. No this week.

Since this is Carlton’s volunteer afternoon, I have been using Mountain Lion’s voice recognition to do this posting. It works remarkably well. I wouldn’t want to play with it whenever people are around, they would think I was crazy, talking to my computer in complete sentences.  The downside is you have to be connected to the Internet for it to work. All you have to do is enable dictation in system preferences, then it hit function twice and start talking. If you haven’t played around with dictation or speech recognition in a while, give it a try. It really works. And – it can spell a hell of a lot better than I can!


Sunrise Series Day 12

Sunrise Series #12

No clouds this morning. So, a rather ordinary sunrise.

Housekeeping demon today. Nope, actually – kitchen cleaning demon. The kitchen is now too clean to use! The only thing that I didn’t clean is the inside of the fridge. The kitchen was so clean that I wouldn’t even make sandwiches for lunch. Went down to the deli and bought a sandwich. That is sick. After lunch, I cleaned all the drawers and cupboards. Guess I’ll have to get it “dirty” come dinner time.

And, the Computer Goddess sent her blessing today. My beloved old bluetooth MS mousy works with Airness2.

Four weeks from today we head to Kona. Depending on our room – maybe I can do another sunrise series.

Sunrise Series #11

Sunrise Series #11 – fired by the light

Yesterday, sunrise was all about mist and shades of gray. Today it is all fire and drama.

We are going to be eating “low on the hog” this week. Lentil soup, eggs, pasta and veggies. I was shocked by the price of kosher chickens and line caught salmon this morning. So, this week’s menu was modified. Kosher chicken was replaced by a dozen eggs and the salmon morphed into two cans of tuna. (Line caught tuna and range free eggs – we still have our standards.)

Sunrise Series Day 10

Sunrise Series #10 – Shades of Gray

Only worked 1/2 day today – so I am feeling less tired today.

Wondering why I am feeling a little poor these days. Finally figured it out. My oldest CD’s (Of the banking type) have all expired and I am only getting about 1/3 the income that I was before the crash. And, guess what? My expenses did not go down by 2/3. Welcome to the golden years.

Another sign of advancing years – Carlton scheduled two doctor appointments today. And, we no longer have a family physician. Young Dr Dave is moving to Boston to teach at Harvard. So, we have to find another Medicare friendly doctor.

Old age is not for wimps.

On a positive note: I rather like today’s sunrise.

Sunrise Series #8

Sunrise Series #8

Sunrise was pretty gray today. But, it finally made an appearance.

Worked from 8 to 4:30 today at the volunteer job. That is more than enough working and computing for me for one day. Work the entire day tomorrow too.

Sunrise Series – Day 7

Sunrise Series #7 – Birds

Chores today. Wanted to find the floor of my closet. Took stuff down to Goodwill. Got a dentist appointment for December in Kona… Tried to get a flat rate box from the Post Office. Failed. They didn’t have the size I wanted. Wonder why the Post Office is losing money? Exercised my franchise. Didn’t want to be suddenly taken Republican.

Going to be very mature this evening – going to watch Ironman movies.