Sunday or Rainday?

Monumental Scaffolding
Monumental Scaffolding

I think the scaffolding is finished. I think it will look like this for the next 2 or 3 years. I still want lights.

Bored today. Bored is a good thing after all of the medical angst since last December. I either need a vacation or some retail therapy.

Summer in the City

Street Trees, Dogs, Starbucks
Street Trees, Dogs, Starbucks
Small Kids, Water Features
Small Kids, Water Features
Food Trucks.
Food Trucks.

Note to self – when it comes time to find an old folks asylum – find an urban one. I would have a very hard time being happy in a peaceful, verdant, restful, community surrounded by nature. There is plenty of time for peaceful, verdant and restful after you are dead.


Happy Solstice, 24 Hours Late

Lilies enjoying their day in the sun
Lilies enjoying their day in the sun

Yesterday was a bit dreary and too cool for a nice afternoon at the pool. But, today the sun was shining, the clouds were no where to be found, a glorious first day of summer.

Carlton seems pretty happy. I think he feels better knowing that he has a plan for getting his hernia fixed after Labor Day. But, he has a backup plan in case he needs to have it fixed on an emergency basis.

And, I manufactured a rather complex SQL report at the volunteer job this morning. Not too shabby for an old assembly language code slinger.

Life is good at this very instant. Carpe Diem. 


Eat Less, Photograph More

The cool rainy summer has given us a bumper crop of toad stools.
The cool rainy summer = A bumper crop of toad stools.

Eat Less, Take More Pictures. The “fat” pants fit just fine now. Time to cut back.

Mr C went to see a surgeon about his hernia this afternoon. He really likes her. So they have a date in the OR at 0730 hours on September 6.


Well, after putzing around with my messed up Lightroom catalog – I hauled out my Time Machine backup and put everything back the way it was the day before the little “accident”. Thank You! Time Machine.

Mr C went to see his dermatologist today. They told him that he had to keep a big band-aid on his head for another month. And, this made him really unhappy – next month after they work on his nose – he will have a big band-aid on his nose for 5 weeks. Maybe we can get him a clown nose?

I almost ordered up FIOS. Then I remembered Carlton. Carlton hates wires. And, FIOS will involve wires. If he doesn’t like the way the installation looks – I’ll never hear the end of it. Also, if the phone is in any way different from our copper service – well – he would complain about that too. As in “The phone just hasn’t been as good since YOU got FIOS”. It isn’t worth the drama. Sooner or later Verizon will force us off copper. Then he can blame Verizon.


Way Too Many Turtles
Way Too Many Turtles in the Collection

OOPS. While I was looking around in Lightroom on Saturday… Looking for pictures of our forefathers, I had a little Lightroom accident. And, as a result I ended up with an additional 3,500 images in my Lightroom Catalog. I could have restored the catalog from Friday’s backup. But, I decided to keep them in the catalog and figure out what the images were. Mostly, they are fish. I kept my fish photos in a separate catalog. But now, I think all of my fish are in the main catalog. So, maybe, I’ll keep them there.

But on thing is sure – I have way too many turtles.

Happy Father’s Day

Dad, aka Sarge, ca 1979
Dad, aka Sarge, ca 1979


Neither Dad nor the horse look really happy with the situation.

And this rather strange photo of Carlton’s Dad in his boxers.

Carlton Sr in his underwear.
Carlton’s Dad

And another strange photo – Carlton’s maternal grandfather.

Carlton's Grandfather
Carlton’s Grandfather

Another Day, Another Doctor

Dermatologist 5 - Carlton 0
Dermatologist 5 – Carlton 0

After spending the day at the dermatologists office, Mr C came home with 5 cuts of various sizes. The three you can see, plus one on his chest – yes that chest – and one on his leg.

I spent all day at the office and produced my very first SQL report. And, I put together a “some assembly required” cheap-ass little cabinet.

Enjoying Poor Health Today…

Monumental Scaffolding
Monumental Scaffolding – taken from the living room balcony with the ZS-15

They have been doing “something” to the scaffolding over the last couple of weeks. I still hope they put lights on it for July 4th. If it were in Paris – they would put fireworks on it for July 4th or rather Bastille Day. But, the Eiffel TowerTower is iron – not a pile of stones.

As for me, I have been enjoying poor health today. Nothing serious. Just a little sinus issue. I did stay home from work today. I curled up with a nice SQL manual.

Playing with the magnolia

P1090398-Edit-3Playing around with Pixelmator before I kick Photoshop Elements and maybe iPhoto out of The Airness.

Started playing around with some bastard SQL report writer that might let me get some meaningful data out of our new computer system. I fired it up and it started the session by telling me:

Disclaimer: The OHM/Web Report Writer tool, this document, and optional training are all geared toward Users with a fairly high level of understanding and skill with SQL scripting (essentially, computer programming). 

I think I should ask for a raise.

Last Race Photo

P1090546-EditAnother rainy day. But, I couldn’t very well call in “wet” today since I played the wet card on Friday. It was a raincoat, umbrella and Keen water sandals sort of a commute.


Girl Power!

Clarendon - 2012
Clarendon – 2013

I culled my 200 images down to 3. Final image tomorrow.

Lazy cool cloudy summer day. In theory Sunday morning is when I do my domestic chores. (Carlton does his on Friday morning.) I started off by hitting the grocery stores. Yep, stores. I need the  exercise. And, I really do like to buy groceries. So, I walked to two stores. And, carried the food home. Exercise done! Fridge full! Then I started up “my” machines – dishwasher, clothes washer and drier and let them do their thing. I did minimal kitchen cleaning and even less bathroom cleaning and called declared things Clean Enough.

Still hating my ISP. (Verizon DSL). See no reason to reward Verizon for poor service by “upgrading” my $25/month DSL to $85/month FIOS. Comcast is equally hateful and expensive. It is almost enough to make a person move to KC just to get Google Fiber – where $120 per month gets you T1 speeds. And $300 gets you 5Mbps speed for seven years.

OTOH – I could dust off my hacking skills and tap into one of my neighbors WiFi. I can’t believe I said that? Maybe I could offer someone a nice bottle of wine in exchange for a password.