If all you can do is get a paint job…

Screen Shot 2013-09-11 at 6.19.51 PMIt isn’t going to be pretty for the investor class. (But, if I were not such a cheapskate – I’d be loving one of those gold ones. Bling Bling.)

Peg's 1st Grade Photo
Peg’s 1st Grade Photo

Today’s ephemera offering. Here we have the only existing school photo of Peg. I think this photo about sums up my view of school. Starting in grade one going all the way through college.


Sept 10


The scanning project was tabled for 2 days. I was busy making a book out of some of the already scanned photos. Shutterfly was having a sale. Had to take advantage of the sale.

Mr. C continues to do great. He went to his volunteer job this afternoon. He was on “light duty”, but he went. I removed his outer bandaid today. The incision looks fine. And, he has turned some very interesting shades of purple.

I only have two photos from my first wedding. As I get older, former husbands, like estranged daughters, sort of mellow in the outer memory banks. All that is left is a vague glow from bygone times. Not a bad outcome. So, good memories Chuck – where ever you are. And thanks.

The Infinite Ephemera Project

Click here to view this photo book larger

Shutterfly photo books offer a wide range of artful designs and embellishments to choose from.

Well, another set of phaded photos – these from 1983 – have been turned into a book. And, the book was just shipped off to Sutterfly for printing.

These images have nothing at all going for them. I took the pictures with a disposable camera. They should be in the trash. But, it was the first real trip that Mr C. and I took together. So, here it is.

The Status is Quo

Today's Ephemera Find - A Personal Cartoon...
Today’s Ephemera Find – A Personal Cartoon…

Mr C continues to recover and watch tennis on TV. Thankyou US Open. I continue the infinite scanning project. But, I must say – some are hitting the recycle box before they get scanned.

On Friday night, at 11:28PM or so, I saw the moonshot. It was great. Looked just like it was supposed to. And, not many things that I set an alarm to see live up the the hype. Thankyou NASA.  No photos. No YouTube. Just a memory.

All systems GO!

Wind surfing on Maui - Early 1990's
Wind surfing on Maui – Early 1990’s

Carlton’s hernia operation went off smoothly. And, he was able to leave the hospital without a catheter. We got back home at 1:15 and he settled down to watch tennis on TV. He didn’t put his PJs on. He didn’t take a nap. He ordered Mac-n-Cheese for dinner. So Far So Good.

Iceland 1983

Today's Ephemera Offering
Today’s Ephemera Offering

Early in the summer of 1983, Mr C and I headed out for Holland via Iceland. It was Carlton’s introduction to travel Peg-Style, i.e., no checked bags and no reservations.

Feeling pretty sanguine about Carlton’s hernia surgery tomorrow. Hopefully, I’ll still be feeling sanguine 24 hours for now. Time to go fix his “Last Supper”. How about yellowfin tuna and flying saucer squash with tomatoes? Sounds good to me.

Today’s Ephemera Photo

Yosemite Half Dome - 1996
Yosemite Half Dome – 1996

Somehow, I only found 46 photos of our summer in Yosemite. And there are maybe only 10 “good” ones. Maybe more will show up.

My current Ephemera Project Plan is to run the scanner for about 30minutes everyday. Stuff the photos in Lightroom. Keyword them. And, when I am in Hawai’i then I can crop, color correct, dust and scratches the photos. And sort them into “albums” for printing.

I was worried about the way Mr C’s last skin cancer procedure was healing or rather not healing. The doctor already admitted that they didn’t get all the cancer out and they had to take another go of it. I was worried about that. And I was worried that it might have gotten infected. Infected would cancel his hernia operation. Raging cancer wouldn’t be good either. So, to make me happy, Carlton went to see his dermatologist this afternoon. Not to worry they said. Just slow healing. Not infected. And not rapidly advancing cancer. SO, all systems are go for the hernia removal. Reporting to Outpatient Surgery at O-Dark Hundred hours Friday.

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Dad - born 1919. The Sarge and I never agreed about anything - except that steaks should be rare.
Happy Birthday, Dad. 1919 – 2000. 

Nice day today. Still toasty warm. The pool could be opened – but it isn’t. But, we still have a balcony and a terrace. And a lounge chair on each one. So, I can keep up my tan for a little while longer. (Hawai’i doesn’t happen until Nov 10.)

Crows on Cranes

Crows on Crane
Crows on Cranes

Every evening, the crows have taken to lounging on “our” construction cranes. Just as long as they don’t come across the street and lounge on my lounge chairs.

It is the last weekend of summer… Also the last weekend before Mr C has his next and hopefully last operation. This one is going to be a “simple” hernia repair. (Sept 6 is the big day.) I must confess, I am not looking forward to getting back into caregiver mode.

I see that The Prez passed the ball on bombing Syria to Congress. Well, if Congress acts on Syria with regular Congressional speed – the folks in Syria can rest easy.


Captain Hot Air ca 1960
Captain Hot Air (Carlton ca 1960)

After spending two days locked in a freezing cold defunct operating room being “trained” – it was good to be back to a normal routine today.

Sad news in the email today – a woman who worked for me in Guam died yesterday. She didn’t make to 60. No one is promised tomorrow. Take care and enjoy every second.

Syria. So, let me get this straight. Syria is having a civil war. Folk who hate our guts are fighting folk who consider us the personification of evil. 100,000 or so folk have been killed. A few more get killed with poison gas. Therefore, we are going to kill off more Syrians – it doesn’t seem to much matter which side they are – to punish the Syrians for killing folk with gas as opposed to bullets. Did I get that right? Gas bad/bullets and bombs good.