Festive Solstice to All

72° this Solstice

We would like to wish everyone the best of the festive season – no matter what it’s called at your house. In pagan traditions, the solstice is a time to put away the things of the old year and look forward to the new. One observance of the solstice involves extinguishing all the fires in your home before midnight on the eve of the solstice and lighting a new fire the next day. This probably won’t be quite as symbolic if you have central heating.

The winter solstice falls on December 21 – the word solstice means “sun stopping.” The winter solstice is the day on which the sun reaches as far south of the equator as it gets, and is as such the shortest and darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The solstice marks the rebirth of light for the coming spring.

The winter solstice also marks, among other things, the druid festival of Alban Arthuan – a time for bestowing gifts upon those less fortunate than ourselves. Out of this observance has grown the more popular tradition of gift-giving, Black Friday, last minute shopping, maxed-out credit cards and 70% off sales. May the goddess be with you during this season – but don’t blame her if you get socks again.

Four More …

A final sunrise before the Solstice
A final sunrise before the Solstice

Nice sunrise this morning. Not too cold.

Mr C has four more shots of radiation. He’ll be all finished next Friday. Then, I wonder how will we know if it worked? I guess, if he is alive and well this time next year it worked. And if he isn’t – it didn’t.

On the downside, he is very fatigued. But, what exactly does he have to do except go get nuked four more times. After that he can read books, watch sports, movies and nap all day long.

I made some marvelous flashy progress at the volunteer job with an iPad App. One of those weeks when it is good to be a computer hack. Once I knocked out a prototype – with a little tweaking – I was able to get a working version up and put into operation is what seemed to be “no time”. Everyone seems to have forgotten how long I spent on the prototype. Gotta love being surrounded by technology muggles.

Today’s Good Thing: Sunrise.

Day 20 of 25!

Great news. Mr C announced he only had 5 more radiation treatments left. That will be one tomorrow and four next week. It was sort of a surprise to me – we had been told that he would have 30 treatments. But, apparently – it was decided that 25 was it. And, everyone except me knew.

Also, he went to the dentist today and had a $1,500 crown started. He must be expecting to live long enough to get his money’s worth. That is good news too.

And, it was warm. 60 degrees.

It’s all good.

It would be better in Hawai’i.

Hey, what about a Solstice theme?

Day 19

Holiday Moon
Holiday Moon

Went into the kitchen just a minute ago – and there was a big fat orange moon just outside of my kitchen window. I just stuck the Panasonic z15 up to the window and snapped away.

Nothing much going on around here. Which is OK.

Day 18 …


Another gray damp chilly day.

Radiation just called. The machine broke again and they need to reschedule Mr C. It doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling. Sort of like being an astronaut – back in the olden days when the US had a space program – knowing that your life depends on low bid equipment.

At this instant, I am listening to Haines AK public radio. One of my old park service friends does a county music show on Tuesday afternoon in winter.  At this instant he is playing “Randolph the Brown Nose Reindeer”. Sometimes I miss SouthEast Alaska.

And, and this is a biggie – today I officially turned over management of my retirement accounts to my “money guy”. Sort of like moving my money into assisted living. It was really hard. But, now it is done. And, it is OK.

Sunny nuclear free day…

Sunrise – Air Force Memorial

A little sunrise shot from this morning – with the Air Force Memorial.

Sort of a do nothing day. Nothing wrong with that. Did some cleaning. Did some cooking. Played with the iPad. Watched some football. Read the deadtree papers. Just an ordinary old woman day.

Today’s good thing: Mr C is looking a little perkier this afternoon. He’ll get nuked tomorrow and will stop looking perky – but, it is nice to have him peppier for a couple of hours.

Gray nuclear free day

Strange things happen to the light – iPad from inside

It was a gray day. Was supposes to snow, but it was only gray until about four o’clock. Then it started to sleet. The iPad takes pretty funky pictures of sleet thru double pane windows.

Got myself a sticky mat today. It didn’t make my yoga app any easier. Guess I was hoping it would. I am noticed tiny glimmers of progress.

Going to make some broccoli and chicken soup for dinner. Carlton cracked a tooth on Thursday. He hasn’t been able to get in touch with his dentist yet. So, I am sort of back on the “mushy” diet plan.

Studying the documents from my financial “guy”. I know it is the right thing to do – to start turning my money management over. My investments have been neglected for the last 12 months. I have been totally consumed by Carlton’s many health issues and have ignored my investments. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. Well, I am sure I would have made more money if I had been doing my investing job. But, since the markets were up this year. Benign neglect was “ok”. In a down year – it would not be “ok”. And, what if it was me with the health issues? Yep, it is time to start moving towards “Plan B”. I am not complaining… I am grateful that I have money to manage.

Today’s good thing – The soup turned out great.

Day 16 & he is starting to glow

The construction crane that graced our view for the last 12+ months vanished yesterday. 

Yesterday, while we were out – the last construction crane vanished. The new buildings don’t really impact our view – and the new buildings mean more units to rent.



But, I have something new to watch out that very same window. Cracks. I have been watching the cracks for a couple of weeks. The cracks are the landlord’s problem. Unless the window falls out. Don’t plan on complaining until the weather warms up.

Oh yes, Mr C is starting to look pretty red. But, “they” told him that would happen.

Day #15 and a “little” more cutting

"our" tree
“our” tree

Don’t think that our apartment tree will be as nice as our Kona hotel will be… On the other hand, I don’t have to spend 5 hours helping decorate either. Our apartment party was nice. We are the “old” people. Our neighbors treat us like their grandparents. Which isn’t all bad. Young people give you their chairs and bring you beers.

2013-12-12 15.05.01-Edit


Sneaked a photo of Mr C with the iPad while we were resting after coming home from the doctor’s office. He was at the doc’s from 10 until almost 2. I heard him tell someone that he should have had that cancer excised a year ago. No shit. At least it hasn’t gotten to the tendons.

I worked “overtime” at the volunteer job. So, I could help him home, pickup drugs, etc. Been trying to figure out how the evil heart of our expensive computer system works. I am pretending it is a computer game – not a FPS game – but a puzzle game. Which isn’t to say that I wouldn’t love to shoot the computer.


Today’s Good Thing: Halfway to done with the radiation.

Radiation #14

P1220990-EditNo complaints – cold but sunny today. Really cold tomorrow. I may complain. Mr C is starting to look a little “toasty” as he gets to the half way point of the radiation.

The Yoga App continues to challenge. And I am still just doing one of the 15 minute beginner sessions.

Today’s Good Thing: Well, this a is hoped for good thing – going to the building Holiday Party tonight. My office party was cancelled due to evil weather yesterday. I am up for a glass or two  of holiday cheer.

One more thing – Mr C is supposed to have a relatively large chuck of some sort of skin cancer removed from his left hand tomorrow. So, unless I lay in a supply of large rubber gloves – he will have to be excused from his kitchen and bathroom cleaning chores for the foreseeable future.

Note to Self: Get Large Gloves!


Radiation Day 13 – Snow Day

2013-12-10 09.29.07We had a snow day today. I didn’t go into the office today. Carlton postponed his nuking until this afternoon. After the snowed stopped, Carlton went off to his volunteer job and nuking and I went for a little walk. And, took a few pictures of decorations.

Having a flamingo xmas
Having a flamingo xmas

On a more serious note, I interviewed a money “guy”. I always did my own money management/investing. But this year, I have been so tied up with Mr C that my investments have been on autopilot. Fortunately, nothing bad happened. But, it was a wakeup call.


Radiation – Day 12 + Ice

At the bus stop.
At the bus stop.

Happy Birthday Day Grace Hopper!

We slip-slided to the bus stop this morning. All the trees were covered with ice. And, it was raining. The sidewalks were not too bad.

I went to volunteer. Mr C went to get nuked. We made it back home on our respective buses without any problems.

I did the yoga app again today. No improvement noted.

And, it is supposed to snow 4 or 5 inches start at about 7AM tomorrow. I am getting really tired of this polar bear weather.

Todays’ Good Thing: The power stayed on. And, the ice mostly melted.

But wait! A Better Thing: Street musicians set up shop outside and they are playing seasonal tunes. It is too dark to see if they are getting much money. Should go down and pitch a buck or two their way.