
Nope. I am not ready to leave yet. I haven’t done anything. zero. ziltch. nada. zip. Indeed, I am sort of sitting here with a deer in headlights glaze.

I was busy busy busy at the volunteer job. Hope I am less busy tomorrow.

And maybe tomorrow or Friday – I’ll spring into action. Heck, I might end up doing what I always said I’d do. Just lock the door. Go to the airport. Get on a plane. And when I get to Kona – just buy what I need. (Except for technology and camera gear of course.)


Winter Sunset - Arlington
Winter Sunset – Arlington

Nice sunset today. All around nice day. Before going to work, I got us tickets to Kona. And after Mr C came home from volunteering – he got our hotel room nailed down. Our division of labor – if can be best done electronically – I do it. If it is best done in person – Mr C does it.

At his volunteer job today, Carlton helped a woman, only 62, who found herself suddenly widowed with a bunch of health issues that she couldn’t deal with. She apparently has two houses. And plenty of money. But, events got away from her and she is in a very bad place and is really unable to get herself the kind of care that she needs. We can see this happening to either of us. As long as we are two – we are OK. But, as soon as we are only one – the one may not be OK.

As a result of his interaction with her – he said that as soon as we get back from Hawai’i we are going to start out of a quest for “what is next”. We are not real interested in moving to an old folks asylum… But – we really can not count on being run over by a bus. If we are very lucky, we’ll be mentally and physically fit until the end – when we will have a nice speedy exit. But, can we count on that?

I had told Carlton that if I am left alone – I’d move into an old ladies home. But, today was the first time that he acknowledged that a Plan Next is needed. A plan for me. A plan for Carlton. And a plan for both of us.

But, I got distracted – we leave for Kona on Saturday.

Think Kona

Honl's - Jan 2013
Honl’s – Jan 2013

Gotta get back to Kona. I have friends coming in on Jan 23 from Iowa. The objective is to beat them there.

The hotel says e komo mai. Which means all we have to do is show up and they’ll find a room for us somewhere.


No Tickets, yet…

This is what he looks like now. It has been 16 days since his last encounter with the death star.
It has been 16 days since his last encounter with the death star.

It isn’t pretty, is it? He will not be lounging in the sun sans shirt this winter. Or any other winter. You might notice that his bike is in the background. He went for a ride today. He wasn’t able to ride for a month while his hand was bandaged. (Not to mention the single digit weather.)

And that cup in the lower right. That is not a republican tea cup. It is a League of Women Voters mug. There is a donkey on the other side.

Haven’t gotten tickets to Kona yet. Mr C is sort of fussy. And he is not as perky as usual. I want to get him to Kona as easily as possible. But, without spending so much money as to send him into shock.

Only a man would ask “How can you tell you don’t fit in your wetsuit if you don’t try it on?” Oh, I know that hummer will not fit my expanded butt. And, I refuse to be humiliated by 3mm of neoprene. This year, I’ll have to let my blubber keep me warm!


Foggy and rainy

Enough with the ice flakes already
Enough with the ice flakes already

But, pictures of ice flakes is all I have from 2014.

It was raining and foggy all day today. I went into geek mode… ripping DVDs for my iPad. And, I shopped for plane tickets. I want to leave on Wednesday. But, that doesn’t look too good. Maybe next weekend.

Carlton is very flakey. His burnt to a crisp chest that is. He sheds large flakes of skin. Rather like a snake. The “little cancer doc” wanted to see Mr C’s chest yesterday. Apparently, the doc’s reaction was OMG.

Good to Go … Again

Back in October, Mr C got the green light to go to Kona. And less than 2 weeks later he was in the operating room and then spent a month under the death star.

Hope this time works better. This good to go is from the “little cancer” doctor. This doctor removed the last stitches from his hand. And, for the first time since December 9th, his left hand is not bandaged.

Time to start figuring out how to get our sorry butts to Kona. SOON.

Got out today

You don't need a whole bunch of flowers to cheer up a tiny kitchen.
You don’t need a whole bunch of flowers to cheer up a tiny kitchen.

My dentist sent this sprig of daisy home with Mr C. yesterday. He said they felt sorry for me, having to put up with him.

Made it over to the volunteer job. And walked home from the hospital. All good.

I just got this email from Evernote.


You are one of the very first users of Evernote and your account is on some of our earliest server hardware. 

To make your Evernote experience faster and more reliable, we will be upgrading the servers that house your Evernote account at 8am PT on Saturday, January 11th. We expect this process to take about 30 minutes. You may not be able to use some Evernote features during this time. 

I didn’t know that they realized I had been a user for so long. Actually longer than that. I used Evernote back when it was handwriting recognition software that was bundled with a really funky Fujitstu computer back early in the century.

I am a huge fan of Evernote.

Deep Freeze

Workman across the way – It is about 8°

The outdoor construction workers are back at it today. The gent above and I both watched the sun come up at about 7:20 this morning. I spent another day in hibernation. He bricked up the wall.

No jury duty today and I was not called for tomorrow either. So, hopefully, I can make it out of the apartment tomorrow. Mr C made it down to “my” dentist – who is not his dentist too since his dentist fired him. It is 8 blocks away. By the time of his appointment it was over 20°. He came back with a nice newly installed crown. Friday he gets the stitches out of his hand.

And then – Hawai’i Calls.


Jury Duty – Day One

There were 30 of us – potential jury members. Only one trial today. And the miscreant copped a plea. So, after hanging around for 4 hours we collected our $30 (in cash) and left. And, I can use the $30 to replace upgrade my USB ethernet dongle to a Thunderbolt version.

We don’t have to show up tomorrow. Tomorrows miscreants decided not to trust their fate to a bunch of latte sipping, Wall Street Journal reading Boomers and one 20 year old college student. So, no trials tomorrow. Which is good because it is going to be really cold. And, I wasn’t looking forward to walking the 3 blocks from the subway to the court house.

The coffee in the jury room was excellent and the wifi was wicked fast. The $30 lagniappe. All things considered – an OK way to spend Monday morning. Since I don’t have a paying job to go to, that is.



Cold and Foggy

Jury duty tomorrow. Next time I get called, I can tell them I am over 70 and they should pick on someone younger. I could have played the “caregiver for sick old dude with cancer” card… and if they saw this picture – I am sure they would believe me.

Carlton celebrates our 20th ...
Carlton celebrates our 20th …

If I have to do a jury – I hope it involves ladies of the evening. And, I hope I don’t get called for Tuesday – when the weather is going to be really unfortunate.

Ice Age?

Ice Crystals in the cracked window again today.
Ice Crystals in the cracked window again today.

On Xmas Day we had fluffy little ice crystals in the big cracked living room window (we haven’t had it fixed yet – would you want an 8 foot hole in your wall when it is below freezing?). And this morning we had ice crystals again.

I bundled up like Nanook of the North and trudged over to Harris Teeter – it was “Double Coupons up to $2 Day. I know – pathetic – but old habits are … well … old habits. I had a $2 coupon for a Phillips LED light bulb. I am old, but I like to think that I am a modern sort of old. I check out LED light bulbs. They are expensive and right on the package it says “Lasts over 22 years”. Exactly how is this going to help me? I’d have to amend my will: “And to my beloved grand daughters I leave my LED light bulbs per stirpes”. Sticking with our CFL’s for now.

The driver didn’t fix my ethernet dongle/Mavericks issue. More work required.

Mr C is still bright red.