We continue just doing normal old people stuff.

Nothing worth saving from today's photo walk
Nothing worth saving from today’s photo walk. Even the L1 strikes out some days.

The exercise part of the photo walk was OK. And, I got a nice “new” dress at the consignment shop. But, the photo part was a bust. Guess 2 out of 3 ain’t bad.

Enjoy Every Sandwich: Mr C went out to lunch today with his old boss. He had a tuna sandwich.

I have returned to complacency, here in CancerLand. This isn’t so bad. I can do this. Until I get hit along side the head by reality again.

Sunny Sunday

Bon Aire Rose Garden - Today
Bon Aire Rose Garden – Today – L1 Still

Today’s photo walk took me to the Arlington County Rose Garden. No great shots. But, still a good walk. And, a good way to spend Sunday morning.

Mr C is still doing OK.

We had meatloaf and sweet potatoes today – haven’t planned our daily –
Enjoy Every Sandwich: most likely meatloaf sandwiches.

Wild Life Photographer?

This is my idea of wildlife photography
This is my idea of wildlife photography.

Yesterday, I headed out on my exercise/photo walk. I was going to photograph “wildlife”. This is the wildest thing I found.

Today, I did an exercise/grocery shopping walk.

I have to trick myself into exercising. Fortunately, I am pretty easy to trick.

Enjoy Every Sandwich: I made Mr C a tuna melt. I passed on the melt part and had tomatoes instead.

Enjoy Every Game…

Mr C plays tennis this afternoon.
Mr C playing tennis this afternoon. He wants you to know, he won.

I was out doing my required walking. (5.2 miles today)  With a little photography to make it seem like fun. Not exercise. Carlton was doing a little tennis on the Maury School Park courts.

Carlton’s radiologist called me today. He acknowledged my concern about the lymph nodes. He “hopes” they are just inflamed. If not – he’ll nuke them. After he finishes nuking the head. In two weeks.

Enjoy Every Sandwich. Fish tacos. That is close enough to a sandwich – isn’t it?

Seeing him playing tennis makes me very happy. Every good day is a joy.


Another Look…

Another look at the dandelion.
Another look at the dandelion.

Chilly and rainy here today. Darn little going on. And, that is not a bad thing.

Enjoy Every Sandwich. The popular, with us at least, turkey, swiss and coleslaw on ciabatta.




dandelions -  L1
dandelions – L1 – with cheap Oly Macro Lens

Carlton was told, by his nurse at radiation, “Not to worry” about the lymph nodes. I am still going to worry. Just maybe a little less. Once again. I am adapting to the newest normal here in CancerLand.

Enjoy Every Sandwich: Grilled Chicken, lettuce, tomato on rolls. And CAKE. Strawberry Mousse Cake. Yes, I ate cake. Enjoyed every bite. I almost licked the plate.


Four Weeks Done…

This is what it looked like 4 weeks ago.
This is what it looked like 4 weeks ago.
And this is what it looks like today.
And this is what it looks like today.

I’ll spare you the shots from weeks 2 and 3. You can go back to last week, Tuesday, and find them. Feeling optimistic that Merkel Creature responds to death rays.

Still loving the elderly L1. I have been taking it with me everywhere. All 7.5 megpixels. All 1.4 pounds sans any lens at all. Today, it had the 70mm portrait  lens on. Took the picture of Mr C’s head with it. Also, did a little street shooting. I know I know – don’t do street shooting with a portrait lens. Nevertheless…

Waiting for a customer. (It is a barber shop!)
Waiting for a customer. (It is a barber shop!)

Enjoy Every Sandwich: Tuna today.

But, today is not about motorcycles…


Today is not about motorcycles. It is about men like this gentleman. Vietnam veteran. Wearing his dress uniform. The uniform he recently wore to Dover. To collected his son’s body. Today is not about motorcycles. Today is not about the “Thank you for your service” platitude.

Thank you for your service. Don’t say it. Thank you for your service does nothing. Take action to ensure that promises made to our veterans are promises kept. And, next time we send our young into harms way… Send our own sons and daughters and grandchildren. Not just the sons and daughters and grandchildren of those with less money and darker skin.

Enjoy Every Sandwich: Maybe I’ll repeat the Turkey, yellow pepper, onion, and cheese quesadilla from the other day.

Motorcycles Today. And…

If fate gives you motorcycles - celebrate it.
If you get 100,000 motorcycles in your neighborhood – make it a celebration.

Interstate 66 cuts Arlington in half. But, it is in a ditch. So, we decorate the overpasses and watch the bikers zip thru Arlington on their way to DC or the Pentagon.

It is not like being on the Mall. But, it is still fun.
It is not like being on the Mall. But, it is still fun.

This is not fun. Remember, yesterday, I said I was taking a three day holiday from worrying about Mr C. Make that a 24 hour holiday.

This morning he said his jaw hurt and he had a lump behind his ear. And then he went out to play tennis. Well, these are the lymph nodes that drain the area where the Merkel creature lives that hurt. This is really bad. Well, maybe I should say “potentially” really bad. It sure isn’t good.

That is the trouble with being stuck in Cancerland. You just get adjusted to the latest new normal. You convince yourself “this isn’t too bad, we can deal with it”. Then BAM! – something else pops up.

Now we are in a little huff with each other. He is saying that if I am going to get all upset about “every little thing” then he will not tell me anything. My bad was getting a little teary about the lymph nodes. I know, I shouldn’t have. But, I was so not ready for more problems. Not yet. Not again. I am getting readier by the minute. But, not there yet.

But, still Enjoy Every Sandwich: The ever popular Cheese Burgers.

And that is the unvarnished report from Cancerland. The lymph nodes could just be an infection. Yeah sure, and pigs fly.

OK – A couple hours and a couple of beers later – I am ready to deal with the next set of problems. Most likely I can delay dealing until Tuesday.

Shooting Old School Today.

Arlington Cemetry
Arlington Cemetery

If I get the Fujifilm X100s – which just takes pictures with a 35mm equivalent fix lens – I have to be sure that I am good with Old School Shooting. So, today I put the cheap pancake lens on the L1 and went to Arlington Cemetery. I had a fine morning of photography.

Old School meets New School.
Old School meets New School.
The Run for the Wall FNGs
The Run for the Wall FNGs – they aren’t all guys and they don’t look so very new.
Guess this is enough for today.
Guess this is enough for today.

Enjoy Every Sandwich: Turkey and spinach wrap – because we had lasagna for lunch. And, I am taking a 3 day holiday from worrying about Mr C.

Sandwich Upgrade: Turkey, yellow pepper, onion, and cheese quesadilla.


Just Photos and Sandwiches

Everyone needs this sign on their fence.
Everyone needs this sign on their fence.
Peony. A little fine art post processing.


Just another day at the office.
Just another day at the office. A little Tri-X Post Processing.

 Enjoy Every Sandwich: Tuna on whole wheat. With a couple of deviled eggs.

More Monster Onions

Another with the old L1
Another with the old L1 and the Leica Glass

I was tromping around the neighborhood. And, I found some blooming onions. Spring is almost over. And, so are the flowers. Summer is just green and hot followed by brown and hotter. But wait – I forgot about the magnolias. Something to look forward to.

Enjoy Every Sandwich: Turkey and swiss on whole wheat.