A Little Xmas – Day 10

Didn't find much Xmas in the Village today.
Didn’t find much Xmas in the Village today.

Well, Mr C is most likely spinning around in his drawer at the morgue at Georgetown. I was on my walk this morning and decided that I wanted breakfast. Eggs, rice, bacon, toast and coffee breakfast to be exact. Except for the bacon – I have all that stuff in my hotel room. But, did I come back up the my room and make my breakfast. Nope. I went to a real slow food restaurant and sat at a table and ordered breakfast. And, I left a nice fat tip. This was kind of a “declaration of independence” from 35 years of doing things the “Carlton Way”.

Note to Carlton: I know you always liked those silly college bowl games. Well, the Potato Bowl was on today. I did not watch. And, an update on the Redskins. They won today. I think this is the second game they have won since you moved to the next level. Sports wise, you ain’t missing much. Your old old tennis buddy, Mayor-for-Life Berry, he died too. He was 78. I don’t think he went to Georgetown – so you will not be seeing him around the campus.

On a more serious note – I got a bundle of mail from the apartment this afternoon. The first and most likely only shipment… Nothing looks serious. I just put things into stacks as I am wont to do. No reason to open up any envelope that might contain a problem that I can not do anything about until Monday – when I can at least call. But, nothing looks problematic or unexpected.

I know this theme doesn’t work with the large pictures – but – I still like it for a couple of days. And, I am too lazy to tweak it for just a week.

A Little Xmas – Day 9

Xmas with The Duke
Xmas with The Duke

My thoughts are drifting into melancholy. Carlton was stolen from me 12 weeks ago.There is no one around to nag me about eating or telling me to “take it easy”. No one needing emails processed or online accounts checked. No one needing clean laundry or feeding. This is freedom that I am not sure I want. I sorely miss his cheerful presence and Pollyanna-ish conviction that everything will be fine.

Sunrise at Old Airport
Sunrise at Old Airport – and a DIY Wedding site.

We seem to be having more pesky sharks. So, today, I decided to do my part – I cooked up a nice big chunk of shark. Yellowfin tuna is up to $22 a pound. Shark is about $6 a pound. I adore yellowfin tuna – we call it ahi – I usually end up eating raw – like a cat. Shark – I like it cooked. Shark is seriously lacking in flavor – so I poached my chunk of shark in pineapple salsa. I enjoyed some shark along with leftover pasta and veggies. Got leftover shark now to go with my leftover pasta.

A Little Xmas – Day 8

Ice Cream Truck
Xmas Ice Cream Truck

Today was supposed to be “Rest Day”. Well, I seem to have logged 4.8 miles on the Fitbit and I went for a 30 minute swim. I didn’t do any yoga. Maybe I’ll try to rest tomorrow!

Party Season is over for me. So, I fired up the rice cooker this noon. I cooked some pasta in the rice cooker. It worked fine. And I steamed some veggies while the pasta cooked. Made pasta and veggie with mango salsa for lunch – after yesterday’s carnivore feast veggies were a good idea. And, I have two meals of pasta and veggies stashed in the fridge. My favorite fish was up to $22 per pound today… So, I don’t think I’ll be adding fresh fish to my menu anytime soon.

Eleven weeks ago, Carlton was still “Enjoying Every Sandwich”. Looking back at the blog – I see that his last sandwich was fish fajitas. I guess if I had known – it would have been cheese burgers since that was his favorite. I am enjoying every sandwich for dinner tonight – cheese and avocado on English muffin.

I think I have “adapted” to being Carlton-less here in Kona. In many ways it is easier that the last two winters in Hawai’i have been. Now, that I am not worrying about Carlton 24/7 – Now, I realize how much energy and resources I expended on worrying about and carrying for Carlton. I treasure those two years and the time we had together. But, they were a hard two years.

I wonder how well I will do back in Arlington. Alone.

Does anyone else think that the “next” war will be fought in cyberspace and we just lost the first battle?

A Little Xmas – Day 7

The housekeeping staff decorated members of the maintenance staff.
The housekeeping staff decorated members of the maintenance staff.

Hotel Xmas party was this afternoon. LOTS of great food. Lots of fine presents for the staff – and me too. This was a fine party for carnivores. I had ham, prime rib, turkey, chicken wings, and corned beef. And something cheese cakey. And rice. Not a fruit or veggie in sight. Take that healthy eating.

The most coveted door prizes were the TV’s and the cases of Kleenix and toilet paper. I got a lovely colorful print. For my new apartment in the old ladies asylum, maybe. Better start thinking about shipping it home already.

This ends my round of holiday parties.

A Little Xmas – Day 6

The Main Tree at Hulihe'e Palace
The Main Tree at the Palace

Well, let’s see what did I do today? Darn little. Went beach walking and breakfasting with my friend Billy. Got some yogurt at Safeway. Made a bunch of origami stars out of dollar bills. They will make festive little tips and mini-gifts. Missed yoga because of beach walk and breakfast. But Billy was offering a ride to a beach that is out of my walking range. Not to be missed. I am sort of limited to a 3 mile radius or to where the bus goes. This beach is about 5 miles away and not on the bus route.

Hotel Xmas party for staff and the guests who never check in but never check out tomorrow. And, that will be the end of my festive party life. My beach and breakfast bud is going mainland for a month as well. It is most likely all for the best. I don’t want my weight to start going back up.

The “new improved” Pinetrees surf spot. Outhouses are a new feature at this beach – I guess since people were accustomed to using the bushes – they put the outhouses in the bushes.

Starting to sort out my 2014 photographs. It is really hard – knowing that in 2015 there will be no Carlton photos. There will never be another Carlton photo. The “big” things don’t really hurt – it is the “little” things that cut to the bone. No more photos, no one to say “hey, come look at the whales”, no one who understands me better than I understand myself. No more center in my universe.

A Little Xmas – Day 5

a cement mixer from the parade
a cement mixer from the parade

Still working my way through lots of pictures from the week end. I am VERY fond of decorated cement mixers. Carlton, you missed a fine parade. The best Kona Xmas Parade ever. Lots more floats. And tons of big trucks.

Tea at Hulihe'e
Tea at Hulihe’e

I went to tea at Carlton’s Palace today. Not enough chocolate. But, I guess that chocolate is not a traditional tea food. They did give us a big chocolatey muffin looking thing to take home. All in all it was rather charming. For two hours, I was a lady.

From Palace Xmas concert
From Palace Xmas concert

Went to the Palace Christmas concert late yesterday and had dinner afterwards. Pig and cabbage, saimin salad, rice, chicken katsu, sushi, macaroni salad, and cake. All your favorite local-kine food. Oh and beer. I brought some sushi home. Sushi and avocado will be tonight’s dinner.

ninja star
ninja star

Made origami ninja stars this afternoon to pass out at Hotel Party on Wednesday. Gotta make some more. Tomorrow is another day.

A Little Xmas – Day 4

Gotta love a place that has a garbage truck in the Xmas Parade.
Gotta love a place that has a garbage truck in the Xmas Parade.

Fine day today so far. Went out for a sunrise beach walk and breakfast with a friend. Excellent eggs, coffee, home fries. Sunrise was good too.

Then I went walking to burn off the breakfast and to check out the surfing.

One of 461
One of 461

I really don’t have a long enough lens to photograph surfing. But, that never stops me from trying. I spent the last 2 hours deleting 450 of 461 surf photos. And, I started culling the parade photos.

More of the trash truck!
More of the trash truck! It was clean. Very Clean. 

Now, it is time to get dressed like a lady and go to the Xmas Concert at Carlton’s Palace. And then to the Palace Xmas dinner.

12/13/14 – A Little Xmas – Day 3

Plastic Jesus with Grumpy Guardian Penguins.
Plastic Jesus with Grumpy Guardian Plastic Penguins.

My favorite Xmas decorations so far. These are all the decorations. I did not crop out any additional festive items. And, it is in front of what used to be a church maybe it still is a church.

Lots happening in the village today. Shopping, canoe races, and the Christmas parade late this afternoon.

Today is 12/13/14 – don’t think a sequence like that will happen again this century – since next year is 15. Also, the Geminids Meteor Shower tonight. Too much urban light here in the village. I must make a trip to somewhere with dark sky.

A Little Xmas – Day 2

Gingerbread Hulihe'e Palace
Gingerbread Hulihe’e Palace

I always like looking at gingerbread construction projects.

Ten weeks ago today. That is when my world changed. Carlton would not like for me to say it changed for the worse. That would be negative thinking – and he did not allow negativity in his world. But, it sure did change.

This being Hawai’i – I got a call shortly after 6AM asking if I wanted to go out to coffee, a walk and breakfast. Sure! Eggs, rice and Spam. Good local-kine breakfast. At The Fish Hopper. See yesterday’s post.

This is a great video that attempts to explain the Hawaiian devotion of SPAM. Check it out. Carlton adored SPAM. But only in Hawai’i. And Spam musubi was his favorite SPAM concoction.

After my swim this morning, I was drying off and warming up – when along came a couple of guys. Middle aged. Wearing matching Aloha shirts. A large Hawaiian man showed up and married the two guys. I wish everyone could have seen how happy the two men were. How pleased they were that a damp old woman was the first person to congratulate  them on their marriage. I hope they are as happy as Carlton and I were.

Only in Kona. Big front page article about local high school students spending the day at a McDonald’s “career day” event. I couldn’t decide if a job at MickieD was a good thing or a threat – as in this is where you will be working if you don’t go to college.

Tonight's Sunset
Tonight’s Sunset

A little Xmas – Day 1

The Fish Hopper
The Fish Hopper

Decided it is time to get into the holiday spirit of things. I am not expecting “the holidays” to be a problem for me – because Mr C and I more or less ignored all holidays.

I was bored silly today. I finally went for a swim and some beach time. Then I “went” to the Arlington Library and checked out some magazines. Finally, I went down to the pier to check out sunset and any nearby Xmas lights. Not so bored now.

OK, there must be some advantages to being a widow lady. Well, for the first time in 22 years I get to put my clothes in a drawer or hang them in the closet. I can put my stuff in the bathroom. I used to keep my clothes and toiletries in a box under the bed. Carlton required all the closet, drawer and bathroom counter space. Another advantage, when I have insomnia I can turn the light on and make myself a spot of tea.

These two advantages don’t amount to very much.

Nothing special today

Unknown Wana Shell
Unknown Wana Shell

Don’t know enough about wana – or sea urchins – to know what kind this is. We have lots of different wana in the area.

Failed to do anything remarkable today. Walked 5 miles. Went to yoga. Went to the beach for a little swim and a lot of people watching. Had tuna, avocado and tomato for lunch. And, that might be dinner too. Read some. And played with the camera. Since my ability to read is returning – I am giving the camera manual another go.

Tomorrow is my day off from exercise. The body is ready for a day of rest. Of course, if I want to actually do anything – I still have to walk… But, maybe not 5 miles.


Domestic Chores

Gecko Checks Out the Coffee Machine.
The Resident Gecko Checks Out My Coffee Maker.

Just because I live in a hotel, doesn’t mean that I don’t have a few domestic chores. I did my laundry, went grocery shopping and cooked up rice cooker “Chicken, rice and broccoli”. The meal was good and I have two additional meals. All stashed away in the newly defrosted fridge in disposable microwavable bowls. Did I mention I hate washing dishes? Thank you Carlton, for years of dish washing.

Went to yoga this morning. I have been doing three 75 minute classes a week. That is about all I can afford and about all my body can stand. So, it works out fine.

I am enjoying being here – but, I am starting to get a little antsy. I think I want to be back in Arlington getting stuff “settled”. I need to get over this little impatient period. Sort of Carlton-like behavior. Wanting to get stuff done that isn’t ready to be done or that doesn’t need doing at all.