5 Weeks from NOW, I’ll be back in Arlington…

Sunrise at the old airport
Sunrise at the old airport

Carlton liked to say that I was the “brains” in our little family. And, I said that Carlton was the grownup in our family. Today, I tried to be grownup.

First, I stopped fussing around trying to figure “interesting” ways to get back to Arlington. I wanted to fly to the coast and take the train across country. Figured it would be interesting to look out the window. But, I would either have to spend a 23 hours in Chicago. Or arrive in DC in the middle of the night. Spending 23 hours in Chicago – not a problem. But, I have no Chicago-grade winter clothes. And, arriving at the DC Amtrak station at 2AM… not a good idea. Another option would be to hang out in Penn Station in NYC from 9PM until 3 or 4 in the morning. Not a good idea. So, I just got a ticket from Kona-to-Seattle-to-DC. Arriving late afternoon – Tuesday March 3. I figure this is was a “grownup” decision.

Second grownup decision of the day: I friend called and invited me to go out with some people on a boat tonight. Well, I haven’t been in the open ocean on a small boat in 35 years or so. I have no idea how sea-worthy I am these days. Common sense says – say “thankyou, but…”. So, it is a lovely, smooth a glass evening. The Pacific is living up to its name. And, I am in my hotel. I didn’t want to be the barfy old woman at the back of the boat. I just don’t know. Better safe than embarrassed.

Another version.
Another version. Still love that cheap-ass plastic lens.

Followed by a Lazy Monday…

Old Car From Saturday
Old Car From Saturday

Didn’t do much today. Walked my 5 miles early this morning. Picked up a few groceries. Thought about getting plane tickets home. Just thought about it. Don’t do anything. Went for a nice swim and read a “kindle” under my favorite coconut tree. And watched the unfolding blizzard on CNN.

Going to nuke an egg in an avocado for dinner.

Lazy Sunday…

Female Xylocopa sonorina
Female Xylocopa sonorina – Sonorian Carpenter Bee

This absolutely HUGE bee is completely harmless. At least as far as stinging goes. It is common in Polynesia and was first recognized in Hawai’i around 1874. It does munch it’s way thru wood, but earns it’s keep as a pollinator.

At the Fish Hopper
At the Fish Hopper

These guys have taken “umbrella” drinks to a whole new level. No, I did not have one (or two). I had good coffee and French toast. I would never have such a silly drink. But, I have seen people order them. And they cost $25. Each.

Hale Halawai
Hale Halawai

The waves have receded from “life threatening” to “fun size”. And, once again, the dolphins dropped in to the frame.

The dolphins were waaaay out.

Watching the weather forecast for back home way. Lucky I resisted the temptation to leave early.

Got lots of various fruit – fruit salad is on tap for dinner.

The Samoan Fire-Free Dancer

The Samoan Fire Dance Sans Fire
The Samoan Fire Dance Sans Fire

Up at the Old Hilton – I found the luau fire dancer practicing. But, no fire.

Hey, I could do that without fire!
Hey, I could do that without the fire!


It really isn't such a big deal to put a stick up next to your Nomex panties - when nothing is on fire.
It really isn’t such a big deal to put a stick up next to your Nomex panties – when nothing is on fire.

But, it was still fun to watch. And the guy got a good workout in the mid-day sun. I don’t think it will catch on as an exercise regime.

The ocean is much calmer today. The waves are what our weatherman calls “funsize”.

I am hungry. Avocado and cheese sandwich is on tap. With a hard boiled egg and some pineapple. Which is what is in the fridge. But, it sounds like a fine dinner to me. Made fish, rice and pineapple for lunch. Planning on going out to get French toast tomorrow. Enough. Time to go make dinner.

Has it really been 16 weeks?



Well, Carlton, I think you moved on to the next level about 16 weeks ago. It is a lovely evening here in exciting downtown Kailua-Kona. There are about 4 whales out in the bay. Two swimming north and another 2 heading south. And, from the nice puffy clouds – you can see that a nice sunset is on tap – at least over the mountain.

Neither of us believed “He/she is in a better place now” or in any kind of afterlife – but – if we were wrong – I hope it is all good where you ended up.

As for me, I am doing as you would say “just like I am supposed to be doing”. I must confess that I ended up paying $10 a month for 3 months in fees to one of your banks. When they stopped getting your social security check they started charging me $10 bucks a month. But, I figured it out and have stopped that little problem. That is my only mistake that cost any money – that I know about – so far. I think I mentioned that I got the Social Security sorted out.

I stopped writing this to have a beer and visit with my neighbors  and in the while I was doing that 1/2 the lights in my room went out. Craig just came up and said “Hey, do you think this is a 5 star hotel?” I told him to not worry and come back tomorrow. Half the lights don’t work – but 1/2 of them do work.

Just now finishing up an avocado and cheese sandwich for dinner – in the 1/2 lighted room. It has been a little challenging – figuring out what to eat. I think I finally figured out that I can eat whatever, whenever and wherever I want. As long as I don’t get fat. Being not-fat still matters to me. I hope it always matters.

So, Carlton 16 weeks into my new diminished life – I am doing OK and hope that you are too – if we were wrong about the whole afterlife thing. But, I am thinking that dead is dead. Just like we figured.

PS – I love you.

Surf’s Up

Got Surf?
Got Surf? – Manini Point
Hale Halawai Park
Hale Halawai Park – Suicides

Don’t think words are required.

Bird #7

Spotted Dove (Spilopelia chinensis)
Spotted Dove (Spilopelia chinensis)

The spotted dove is our “big” dove. According to the Bishop Museum:

Spotted Doves, native to India, China, s.e. Asia, the Philippine Is,and Indonesia,
has been successfully introduced to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, s. California, and the Southeastern Hawaiian Islands (Ali and Ripley 1981, Long 1981, Lever 1987, Higgins and Davies 1996, AOU 1998). Birds of subspecies S. c. chinensis (AOU 1957; PP examination), presumably from China, were brought to Hawaii sometime prior to 1855 (Walker 1967) probably as captives being raised for food by Chinese immigrants. Escapes became established and by 1879-1900 the species was found commonly in the wild throughout most Southeastern Islands (Finsch 1880; Wilson 1890a; Slivers 1892; Henshaw 1900b, 1902a; Rothschild 1900; McGregor 1902, Shauinsland 1906; Caum 1933; Bryan 1937). Despite this, the spotted dove continued to be imported through the 1920s.

We had big but not very photogenic surf today. And clouds. My exciting life included making origami hearts and curating my shoreline “treasures”.

Picked up on the beach.
Picked up on the beach. Pre-curation.

Curation. An interesting word/concept. If you are the curator of a museum – your best friend is your museum’s “Statement of Collections”. Without a tightly written Statement of Collections your museum becomes a dumping ground for everyone’s old “stuff”.

What I need is a Statement of Collections for all my stuff for the rest of my life. I must think about this. Anything that doesn’t fit – well, it would have to go. And, I could use it to keep me from getting more stuff.

Yoga and Origami Today

Really hard yoga class today. Forced myself to do my walking. Then I thought about making 1,000 cranes. It’s a Japanese thing. Figured I should make one crane before starting. My crane looks more like a pterodactyl. I don’t know if 1,000 pterodactyls get me a wish!

Had tuna salad for lunch. Sushi grade ahi, avocado, pineapple. Excellent.

The Girl…

The Girl
The Girl

The girl is lovely. The swimsuit is killer good. But…

The Technology
The Technology

The girl has way too much technology on board for our little village.

Had a nice day today. I am finally making a real dent in understanding the capabilities of my new camera. The one I bought last July as retail therapy. When I couldn’t concentrate well enough to read the manual.

About the proposed old ladies asylum. I get there weekly newsletter. This cheery notice was the leadoff article.

Screen Shot 2015-01-19 at 6.37.04 PM

It pleases me greatly that the old ladies still drink wine. Wine from bottles. With corks. Very promising.

Dinner will be salad tonight. Had lunch out. Making up for 36 restaurant free years with Carlton.

Peg’s Up, Surf’s Up, Dolphin’s Up

Started the day with peacock origami.
Started the day with peacock origami.

Started the day with a new origami. Just in time – because I needed tip money. Weighed myself and took BP. BP is OK and I gained a pound. Had breakfast out. Then spent the rest of the day taking pictures and relaxing. Mentally, I am OK today.

Surf was good today
Surf was good today
All Good!
All Good!
While shooting surfers - dolphins showed up.
While shooting surfers – dolphins showed up.



Surf’s Up. Peg’s Down.

In front of "the old Chart House"
In front of “the old Chart House” this morning

Yesterday was a fun day – with a little bit of guilt that I was enjoying myself on the 14th Friday after Carlton died. Not serious guilt. Just a little “twinge” of guilt.

But today, I suffered from major “discontent”. I ended up setting around the pool. Dipping in and out of the chilly pool from time to time. Reading a book. A Kindle book. Was happier after two hours chilling in the sun.

Then I went to the store and got some ahi. Going to have ahi (cooked or not-depends on how yummy the fish is) and avocado for dinner. I think there will be some left over for tomorrow too.

Field Trip

Me and Fidel in Hawi Town
Me and Fidel in Hawi Town

Went on a little field trip today. Up Hawi way.

Where are we going?
Where are we going? Jurassic Park?
To the end of the road. Where else?
To the end of the road. Where else? Jurassic Park isn’t on this island.

Had a fine time. Ride around in an old truck. Then lunch in Hawi. Next ice cream in Waimea. At this rate, I’ll regain the missing weight in no time.